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Over 700 sign GP Walk-in petition
HUNDREDS have signed a petition asking for Hereford's new GP walk-in centre to stay at Asda.
Here is Cllr Powell handing over the petition
Almost 700 people are opposed to it being moved to a new purpose-built unit near the A&E department at the County Hospital.
Belmont ward Councillor Glenda Powell said she had been asked by many people to start up a petition calling for the new centre to stay south of the river.
Coun Powell said since it had opened last December, 973 patients had visited GPs there and people were very happy with its position.
Petition forms placed at the Oval and Putson Post Offices attracted 654 signatures in four weeks and were handed to Herefordshire Council chairman John Stone last week.
Story from Hereford Times
Oval Regeneration update
For the last 15 months Herefordshire Housing has been talking to the residents of the flats in The Oval area, to inform and update them on the progress of Herefordshire Housing’s plans to transform the Oval area. This started in April 2009, when a questionnaire was sent to all residents of the Oval area, asking for their views on what they thought of the area, what they liked/didn’t like, what they thought would improve the area, and what they thought of their current properties.
The replies were for the most part very positive, people like the area, and feel a strong sense of community, but many felt that there was little in the way of activities or facilities, particularly for young people.
In May of 2009 a steering group was set up for the purpose of overseeing the project on behalf of the community, and to act as the main strategic driver for the Oval community Plan, the group is made up of tenant representatives, local councillors, Newton Farm Community Association and representatives of Herefordshire Housing, the group is chaired by Rev Clive Evans. Herefordshire Housing in partnership with the steering group has also organised two family fun events at the Three Counties Hotel in Oct 2009 and on 2nd June 2010 as a thank you to the community for their support and involvement in the ongoing process.
In January of 2010 Herefordshire Housing was able to present the options for the Oval area, and following an exhibition and later face to face interviews with residents, the overwhelming feeling was that they would like to see all the blocks knocked down and replaced with new housing, 99% of residents questioned also said that they would like to see a community centre or hub that can cater for all sorts of community activities and a place where various local organisations could be based.
So what happens next? Herefordshire Housing are currently discussing with the Diocese the St Francis site on Goodrich Grove, where we are hoping to site the community hub, the next step is to discuss funding for the regeneration project with the Homes and Communities Agency, we are already in discussion with the planning Dept, and hope to have some design ideas to show the community later in the year, although we do not envisage any building work on new housing to start until 2012 at least.
The project is still in it's infancy as yet, but we have high hopes for it's success.
If you have any queries or would like any further info Please contact Herefordshire Housing Neighbourhood Officer Peter Grayer on 01432 346092
Heron at Belmont Pool
South Wye Regeneration
South Wye Regeneration
The South Wye Regeneration Partnership was set up in 1999 to put in place a realistic and targeted regeneration programme which would make a significant difference to the lives of people living in the South Wye area (the wards of Belmont, Hinton and St Martins - pre 2003) as well as those working at the Rotherwas Industrial Estate. In order to do this the Partnership successfully secured £4.3 million of Single Regeneration Budget from the Regional Development Agency, Advantage West Midlands. This investment was match funded and resulted in a programme of £13 million over 7 years.
The Partnership set itself a mission at that time to:-
* Create an active and lively community where everyone who lives and works in the area has equal access to services and opportunities.
* Improve the local environment so that it reflects the pride of local people in the place where they live.
* Build a strong and competitive local economy by investing in local people and local businesses.
At the end of the SRB programme the Partnership carried out an evaluation of the programme. As a result of this work and surveys that were carried out with residents and businesses in South Wye, the Partnership produced a forward strategy and action plan to continue regeneration work in the local community. The Partnership now has a new strategic board and is working to deliver the actions identified in the forward strategy, as well as contributing towards the strategic objectives of the Herefordshire Partnership's Community Strategy.
The South Wye Regeneration Partnership has identified a new vision for the future for South Wye. The vision is:-
* An improved perception of the area by both residents and outsiders;
* The integration of services into the community;
* The continued provision of co-ordinated education for children and young people;
* A cleaner, greener environment; and
* A cohesive community of South Wye.
For more information please contact The South Wye Regeneration Manager at:
South Wye Regeneration Partnership
Kindle Centre
Belmont Road
Tel:- 01432 383230
Email:- southwyesrb@herefordshire.gov.uk
Walk - In GP Medical Centre
Hereford's new walk-in Gp medical centre has reported a steady start.
It opened on December 14 at its temporary HQ next to Asda store on Belmont roundabout and it is now gathering momentum.
In its first week 185 patients attended but last week a total of 309 people sought advise there. five patients attended on Christmas Day.
Euan Mcpherson, spokesman for Herefordshire Primary Care Trust, said early indications showed patients were happy with the service.
"it takes time for people to get to know about the new centre and the number of people attending is gathering pace" he said.
Responses from patients show they are happy with what they found, none had to wait longer than one hour, parking was easy and the waiting rooms and consultation rooms were bright and cheerful.
The walk in centre,open from 8am to 8pm daily. is run by Primecare which already provides the out-of-hours GP service in Herefordshire. The practice manager is Malcolm Sampson.
Some useful numbers at Hereford County Hospital are:
The County Hospital 01432 355444.
Out patients appointments 0800 587 4089.
Children out patients 01432 372946. (direct line)
Physiotherapy out patients 01432 364026 (direct line)
Ante Natal appointments 01432 355444 ext.2951/2952
Charles renton Unit. 01432 364107.
Cllr Glenda Powell
District and Parish Councils Belmont Ward.
I have been asked by residents in Belmont Ward about the difference between the Unitary (Herefordshire Council) and parish councils.
There are two parish councils, one for Hereford City which covers the Newton Farm and Hunderton estates ONLY as both of these are within the city boundary.The thing that sets it apart from the other parish council is it has a Mayor who carries out civic duties for Hereford City. also a Deputy Mayor both are elected into office by the city councillors for a period of one year.
How did councillor Edwards miss this lot?
I understand that councillor Edwards was only walking around belmont pool the other day and as lpusseycat has rightly pointed out there is all this rubbish dumped there, so how on earth did he miss this lot?
Belmont Pool
A picture of Belmont Pool I took early one morning
What is the latest about regeneration?
What is the latest about regeneration for the oval, any updates or news?
Contact Information
Contact Information
Police - 0300 333 3000
CRIME STOPPERS - 0800 555 111
Herefordshire Housing - 01432 384000
* Repairs - 01432 384124 (daytime)
* Out Of Hours Emergency - 01432 352555
* Antisocial Behaviour - 01432 346095
* Out Of Hours Emergency (ASB) - 01432 384186
* South Wye Office - 01432 346091
Homepoint - 01432 359500
Herefordshire Council
Switchboard - 01432 260000
Homeless Team - 01432 261600
Housing Council Tax/Benefits - 01432 260333
Environmental Health - 01432 261765
Lights Out Street Lighting - 0800 783565
Gas Emergencies - 0800 111999
Electricity Supplies - 08457 353637
Welsh Water Emergencies - 01432 357146
Belmont Medical Centre - 01432 354366
Belmont Chemist - 01432 356182
Out Of Hours (NHS) - 0330 123 9309
Prime Care Out Of Hours Advice Line - 0845 4647
Prime Care Trust Belmont - 01432 344344
Hereford Hospital - 01432 355444
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Details of Belmont Pool
New countryside site for Herefordshire
South Wye Regeneration Partnership, Herefordshire Council, Belmont Rural Parish Council and Hereford City have worked closely together to finally complete the purchase of Belmont Pools. This taking place shows the true value that can be achieved from working together.
Belmont Pools make up sizeable lakes on the doorstep of Hereford City and they are both an important recreational resource and valuable wildlife habitat and the intention will be to make them properly accessible to the public as soon as is practically possible.
Will Lindesay, South Wye Regeneration Partnership, Chair said: We are absolutely delighted that this purchase has now taken place and look forward to developing an action plan to take the development of the pools forward.
Thanks to the commitment and interest shown from the community, we will be able to develop this into a wonderful recreational space. We will be working with our partners to distribute a leaflet to local residents and plan to have a community meeting in the new year to advise on progress and plans, he added.
Rob Hemblade, interim parks, countryside and leisure development manager at Herefordshire Council, said although the county benefits from its many rivers, stretches of open water such as lakes and pools are quite rare so this site will offer a tranquil place for local people to visit and enjoy.
The Pools are also a haven for wildlife and important for many waterbirds such as swan, heron, various species of ducks, moorhens and other waders which inhabit or visit the pools as well as the wealth of other wildlife that the water supports.
The next step is for the Countryside Service with its Partners is to produce and implement a management plan for the site to bring the pools and surrounding woodland back into appropriate management for both wildlife and public access, and carry out repair work on the dams,†he added.
The purchase of the pools also brings Herefordshire one step closer to the realisation of the proposed Haywood Country Park for south Hereford.
The pair of man-made pools on the A465 south west of Hereford are near to Belmont Abbey and next to Newton Coppice. Not too much is known about their history - many people assume they were created as fishing pools for Belmont Abbey, however the Pools appear on the tithe maps of 1839, pre-dating the Abbey, which was not built until 1854.
In more recent history they were used by the former Bulmers Fishing Club whilst being in private ownership.
Hereford Shopmobility
Herefordshire Youth Service Bus
The bus is in Newton Farm on Thursdays, opposite Kilvert Road Park - times from 6pm til 8.30pm. Nintendo Wii, refreshments, info and fun! Its FREE!