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I have to ask the question , is it not about time that we the Hereford people got organised and started a protest group to try and get something done about the absolutely horrendous traffic situation in the City?

 All members of the community should get involved, we all need the emergency services to be able to reach us in times of need, we would all like to pass around the city in a safe reasonable time, regardless of what our chosen mode of transport is, and was it not the conservative prime minister who said that it would be the small business's that would drive this country out of recession?, that one must have got past the conservative members of the various councils who govern us, you try delivering around the town with its gridlock traffic, unhelpful parking attendants and some very out dated parking restrictions.

The council policy of driving motorists out of Hereford is bonkers to say the least, yes they do with parking restrictions, refusing to allow business to build car parks, and driving the parking problems out on to the estates, you try driving up Hinton Crescent  its blocked by cars parking to avoid the charges in town. Do councillors still have the right to free parking?they did when I worked for the council, many a weekend saw councillors parking in the rear of Garrick House so that they could take their families shopping. As a council employee I was also entitled to free parking and was given a permit to park in the swimming pool car park when I worked in Garrick House, I live in Hollybush walk so that was very useful We need people to come and spend their hard earned  and limited cash on goods and services, not spending hours in traffic jams to pay ridicules parking charges and for our local trades people to be able to transact business in a free and easy manner which allows growth and jobs.

Their are job opportunities, Paul the ex Treacle mine Burger Van could open a mobile cart selling food and drink to the people waiting on the Belmont and Ross roads, full English for me.

I believe that it will be the pubs and restaurants and other eating places that will save this city next year so lets get behind them and create footfall and jobs,

 The council seem to be shoehorning in more developments in to an area in which the infrastructure is failing at every level, I see that there is another back street housing development in the pipe line, more cars more people more traffic misery.


Public Transport is poor to say the least, the state of the roads is abysmal, our councillors are rubbish , all to eager to give excuses as to why they have not done something

and ready to blame someone else, I just wish they would man up ( or woman, equal rights for all) join together regardless of what political party they support on the day and simply put the citizens of Hereford first for once instead of the petty minded squabbles that they all engage in for their own satisfaction and self  importance and to get their pictures in the paper again


This traffic is way beyond a joke. Trying to force car drivers off the road, upping petrol prices, blocking all pull in areas on the A49 so tractors can't pull over, buses changing times so often you can't remember when they're coming, ludicrous car parking charges, silly speed restrictions on some parts of the main road yet NO speed limits on country roads, no bypass, no bridges, expensive bus fares, no GPS on buses so we can tell where they are with an app. - everything done to force us out of our cars. But no alternatives. More housing estates but no more buses.


Shame you have to slag all councillors off. Some of us do suggest alternatives, fight losing battles, and the majority vote with a chairmans casting vote as well can do what they like.


So where are the ideas? What are the answers? Cross town mini train may solve intra city movement, as apparently only 15% of traffic goes from north of the city through the south of the city (and vice versa) and on.


2 fantastic business ideas here;


GPS on buses so we can tell where they are with an app





Their are job opportunities, Paul the ex Treacle mine Burger Van could open a mobile cart selling food and drink to the people waiting on the Belmont and Ross roads,




This is a VERY viable opportunity here. You could have a a coffee/food cart mid way down Belmont road and then have a worker stationed further up the road (away from Hereford) taking orders. The person takes the order and the payment, radios the order down to the cart who has it waiting for when the vehicle gets there. Think a retro-fitted, slow-flow "drive thru".

If I had a food stall, I would be looking into that asap.

  On 14/12/2013 at 13:50, Biomech said:

2 fantastic business ideas here;







This is a VERY viable opportunity here. You could have a a coffee/food cart mid way down Belmont road and then have a worker stationed further up the road (away from Hereford) taking orders. The person takes the order and the payment, radios the order down to the cart who has it waiting for when the vehicle gets there. Think a retro-fitted, slow-flow "drive thru".


If I had a food stall, I would be looking into that asap.


It would need planning permission - given the Council's record of blocking other developments in favour of their own - OLM - I doubt it would be forthcoming. All those fast food joints allocated to the OLM will need every penny to survive.


Good idea about a protest group Phil with 17 months to go before the next election they would be ready to stand for Council. Regarding street parking including the area you mention are on my comment on the Hinton page.

Herefordshire Councillors do have free parking passes, I us mine for Brockington my wife does the shopping and uses her bike, if you say others are misusing them you should report this to the Cheif Executive.

As far as pictures I did have a few in the local press when I was Mayor 7 years ago but since then I'm not sure except for the one taken by the HT with local children last month at the St. Martins Memorial on Armistice Day.

Am I rubbish well that's for people in the Ward to decide.


Cough cough, :Winky: Phil we have actually started a group a week or so ago

'Hereford Reunited' - No Lights Equal Rights see this post here and yes we would love you to join our cause.


I have been campaigning for years now Phil to get a trial on 'lights out' in Hereford and we have now formed our group and are stepping up the campaign. Have a read through the various discussions within the link I have provided and you will see that it makes good sense and has to be worth trying.


Spot on Biomech, gave you a green arrow for that one, how about we all drive to Edgar Street Roundabout, go round and round  while we figure out the road marking sounding our horns, a little display of civic disapproval for the council to digest. When I say the people of Hereford I mean more than the 180 or so on this site, I know the numbers are here somewhere just have to find the info without loosing my place. We have to get out there, I have supported Colin's campaign to get the lights off on Belmont Road for some time so forgive me for not wading through 5 pages of the forum to find out that Hereford Reunited No Lights Equal Rights had moved on from traffic lights and now encompasses the wider traffic issues. I would give myself a red arrow but fortunately I am prevented from doing so by the lack of one but I am sure a few members will help me out, maybe one of my councillor fans.

  On 16/12/2013 at 20:05, philbates said:

Spot on Biomech, gave you a green arrow for that one, how about we all drive to Edgar Street Roundabout, go round and round  while we figure out the road marking sounding our horns, a little display of civic disapproval for the council to digest. When I say the people of Hereford I mean more than the 180 or so on this site, I know the numbers are here somewhere just have to find the info without loosing my place. We have to get out there, I have supported Colin's campaign to get the lights off on Belmont Road for some time so forgive me for not wading through 5 pages of the forum to find out that Hereford Reunited No Lights Equal Rights had moved on from traffic lights and now encompasses the wider traffic issues. I would give myself a red arrow but fortunately I am prevented from doing so by the lack of one but I am sure a few members will help me out, maybe one of my councillor fans.


Phil no lights as far as I am concerned is at the top of the agenda with our group, we have incorporated the shared space idea along with it but for me the traffic lights off is still my personal goal, make no mistake my friend.  :Winky:


Hi Colin and John I have got you a gig at Hereford city council planning committee meeting in January you will be contacted officially this week you will be able to present for 15 minutes then take 5 minutes of questions so the ball Is in your court.


I think blocking the carparks to council offices is a good idea, make them have to drive around half the day like the rest of us.

You'd just have to look into the logistics and legalities between public nuisance and allowable protest

  On 17/12/2013 at 15:45, Jim Kenyon said:

Hi Colin and John I have got you a gig at Hereford city council planning committee meeting in January you will be contacted officially this week you will be able to present for 15 minutes then take 5 minutes of questions so the ball Is in your court.


Fantastic thank you Jim this is really appreciated.


Actually Colin the Chairman of the planning Committee has added you to next months agenda, as she will be away for this meeting I will chair it, the planning committee clerk will inform you regarding timings.

See you then.


  On 19/12/2013 at 09:08, Robert Preece said:

Actually Colin the Chairman of the planning Committee has added you to next months agenda, as she will be away for this meeting I will chair it, the planning committee clerk will inform you regarding timings.

See you then.



  Thank you Bob, look forward to attending, will also speak with John Harrington and rest of our group.   :Thumbs-Up:

  On 17/12/2013 at 15:45, Jim Kenyon said:

Hi Colin and John I have got you a gig at Hereford city council planning committee meeting in January you will be contacted officially this week you will be able to present for 15 minutes then take 5 minutes of questions so the ball Is in your court.

Thank you Jim, you have done as proud. Your efforts are noted and much appreciated! Cllr Preece, look forward to us bunch of Herefordians from all walks of life coming together to present our case before you and the City Council. Thank you.

Well according to the Hereford Times we are going to get a 20MPH speed limit along Newmarket Street, how on earth are they going to get the traffic to go that fast? :Happy_32: There is more to come :Surprised_32:, I bet Colin would love to do a steady 20 up and down Belmont Road :Grin:, by the way Bill you should see a doctor, your tongue looks a bit rough. :tongue_32: and well done to Jim for getting Colin in.


Well my daughter became an accident statistic of Herefords traffic congestion when she was knocked over by an impatient car driver stuck in the congestion taking a short cut through the College car park tonight.Very lucky to get away with ligament damage to the knee and a few bruises.
Car driver decided to not stop but was soon found by the police.

  On 19/12/2013 at 22:55, ragwert said:

Well my daughter became an accident statistic of Herefords traffic congestion when she was knocked over by an impatient car driver stuck in the congestion taking a short cut through the College car park tonight.Very lucky to get away with ligament damage to the knee and a few bruises.

Car driver decided to not stop but was soon found by the police.


I am hearing more and more of this, sorry to hear this news glad she is okay but this just highlights one of the problems people have to face each day.


Just a thought if you want to arrive at Brockington and block the car park, you should note the following:

After 20th Dec offices closed until 3rd January.

There are also parking meters in the car park.

Brockington up for sale so you have to be quick.


Phil, don't class all councillors the same, I am not rubbish ask the people in Newton Farm!

  • 9 months later...

I just looked at today's traffic. Every red point - bar the Pizza Hut Roundabout - is bang on a set of traffic lights.

..just saying.


Edit: Just found a cool feature, you can select live traffic or "typical traffic". As you flick through the days you see a big build up of traffic jams Tuesday - Thursday.


Hi Biomech!


Just wanted to ask you to have a quick look at the Autumn Watch thread. Councillor Chappell is asking about costs for setting up a web page - I thought you would be the best placed person to answer!!!

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