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As part of the Oval Regeneration the developers Keepmoat have released the following information:


New development - Radford Gardens named after one of Hereford United's hero's.


Situated on the outskirts of Hereford, Radford Gardens is named after Hereford United's Mr Ronnie Radford, who famously scored a memorable goal in the 1971-72 FA Cup to defeat Newcastle United.This exciting new development of 259 new houses, includes 129 homes for private sale.35 two bedroom, 70 three bedroom and 24 four bedroom... 


Phase 1 Site Plan that you can download (PDF)

RadfordPDF.pdfFetching info...


All images used are for illustrative purposes only. Individual features such as windows, brick and other materials’ colours may vary, as may heating and electrical layouts. Floor plans are intended to give a general indication of the proposed floor layout only. The dimensions are accurate to within +or- 50mm. Dimensions should not be used for carpet sizes, appliance spaces or items of furniture. All images and dimensions are not intended to form part of any contract or warranty. Furniture and landscaping is shown for illustrative purposes only.
3 styles of homes to choose from:
All the details are available on the developers website HERE

what a pity your so sceptical, the people living in these flats can't wait to have a brand new home to live in some never having a garden until now of their own. Some have moved away their choice, but the majority of people are coming back, because they want to live in the Oval.


representing them,and working with them the tenants are all excited about moving into new home, the only downside is it is not happening quick enough for some of the tenants, especially Kilvert Road they are the last to move. To be honest I can't wait to see the design photo's actually become homes, it will make a big difference to the Oval area, and with some for sale we will be having different people moving into the area.

  • 1 year later...
  On 11/04/2014 at 23:26, Glenda Vaughan-Powell said:

what a pity your so sceptical, the people living in these flats can't wait to have a brand new home to live in some never having a garden until now of their own. Some have moved away their choice, but the majority of people are coming back, because they want to live in the Oval.

What's with the £125pa community charge Glenda? Does this also include HA tenants or just those that wish purchase their own home? I'm told it is to upkeep the community! I've never been lucky enough to obtain a HA nor a mortgage (well I could for a garden shed!) so the HTB has helped me, yes it's been hard to save the £8k deposit still needed, privately renting & with a family. Without this regeneration I'd still be paying someone else's mortgage. thanks! I don't mind living on a building site for the next 3 years - think of the perks and leftovers... A brick BBQ, playhouse, patio extension, wall!! . I've worked on a newbuild and if you're resourceful and polite you can get pretty much anything surplus. I'm eager now.... I digress



DILLIGAF, welcome to HV, I will try to answer your question  I have been told by the tenants of Herefordshire Housing living in the Oval development area they are to pay a surcharge for the upkeep of the ground their property is standing on, they did not tell me how much, but they are not pleased. As I am no longer the councillor for Newton Farm HHL will no longer give me any information I suggest you ask Mark Butler of HHL because he is the officer in charge of the development. This charge is separate from council tax which you pay to the council.


Another fast buck for the council/HHA then. Unlike HHA tenants I will have to pay for my own property upkeep. Therefor I am not paying for someone else's too! By law I have to pay council tax, but before I decide whether to pay this extortion, I shall ask Mr Butler for an comprehensive explaination to this surcharge.

Thanks Glenda.


Who chose the name "community charge"? Someone under the age of 26, perhaps? I seem to recall some riots in 1989 ......


They are taking the pig they can't look after any of there other properties look at the state Sherbourne close is in.Rubbish everywhere pavements cracked and over grown. If all of you refuse to pay it what can they do.It's up to the tenant or owner to keep there property clean and tidy.

  • 1 month later...

That is discusting that was never mentioned when I was a member of the steering group and management group because I would of kicked up a mighty fuss. There will be another open space when the contractors porta cabins are removed, I have heard but it was not verified that there will be an open air gym on the site. As the new councillor for Newton Farm, Phil Edwards is also the chairman of the Oval development steering group I suggest you get in touch with him, that said he will probably side with HHL.he is very friendly with Paula Kennedy.




This is daylight robbery! And this is "the early years"...


Payments will go up year on year ad infinitum. Complete rip off.


I'd suggest a strongly worded email to Phil Edwards, letting him know your feelings on this, and please post any response you receive on here.


Is it me? but these new houses (grey ones) on the bend opposite where St Francis church used to be are starting to look like a ghetto before they have even been completed. I did not realise they were going to be so close to the roadside and in one complete vile looking grey block. This is not how these photographs visualise them to be.


"The Hub" is moving to site office/cabins at the end of project, "the oval shop/flats" are having a makeover by HHL - tbc, not keepmoat! Jubilee ct is the next area to go......

I'm boycotting paying it as are almost all others, as far as I can understand its is for "shared areas not adopted by Hereford council". It is termed "deed of covenant" which I will be "asked" to enter into.

  On 17/06/2015 at 21:41, M. Preece said:

Is it me? but these new houses (grey ones) on the bend opposite where St Francis church used to be are starting to look like a ghetto before they have even been completed. I did not realise they were going to be so close to the roadside and in one complete vile looking grey block. This is not how these photographs visualise them to be.


Yes I hold the same view, now that these house are taking shape, its totally different to how I expected them to look too. Whats with the grey bricks? Are those to identify social housing or something stupid like that? They highlighted social housing houses in Westholme Rd when they built those with grey drab bricks If my memory serves me well, I think thats a terrible thing to do if this is the case, all the house types should be mixed but maybe I am wrong.


As for this one block of terraced houses around that bend, thats going to look terrible if a year or so, it will be lined with wheelie bins for starters. Why didn't they build nice blocks like the ones hey have just built across the road in Beattie Ave, they look nice clean and modern.


I do not like the black metal window surrounds either, you will see rust runs down the walls where they screw them together in a few years. They come up with these designs but use cheap materials, so new house look pretty shabby within a short time.

  On 17/06/2015 at 22:35, Colin James said:

So is this charge for the new houses of this topic of HH in general?

Yes Colin, as I understand it EVERY new build HH & Private are expected to pay this sum.


As for the HH flat block, is that not going to rendered?

My real concern would be the oval. HH are in charge of renovating this! Or will it be a clause that is put into Mr Cheungs contract, when he flushes the toilets!!????

Oops may have just given them the idea.....

  On 18/06/2015 at 06:40, DILLIGAF said:

Yes Colin, as I understand it EVERY new build HH & Private are expected to pay this sum.


As for the HH flat block, is that not going to rendered?

My real concern would be the oval. HH are in charge of renovating this! Or will it be a clause that is put into Mr Cheungs contract, when he flushes the toilets!!????

Oops may have just given them the idea.....


Flats looks fine, it was the new houses as you turn left off Belmont Rd that I think look ugly, time will tell, lets see how they look when they are completed and more importantly how they will look in 3 or 4 years.


As for the charges, seems excessive. 

  On 17/06/2015 at 21:41, M. Preece said:

Is it me? but these new houses (grey ones) on the bend opposite where St Francis church used to be are starting to look like a ghetto before they have even been completed. I did not realise they were going to be so close to the roadside and in one complete vile looking grey block. This is not how these photographs visualise them to be.

I have yet to see a development look the same as the initial photographs



I see in the letter there is a para saying that the charge could increase owing to vandalism.  That leaves it wide open  the charge will increase ad infinitum


I have made some enquiries today and the grey properties facing Belmont road are flats. during my conversation it was confirmed that the Hub will not be built because there was no one to run it. Other alterations in and around the Oval are being discussed I have been told when they are confirmed I will be advised what they are. There is some information coming out for HHL tenants in the latest newsletter which will be sent out soon. On another point I have asked if I can start up a residents association for the people of Newton Farm, including the people living in the new houses, so anyone interested in this please contact me via my contact details on my website or glendapowell@outlook.com


Re reading this letter....


The first paragraph beneath the bullet points....


"The charges for these five public, open space areas and the playground equipment, is split equally between all of the HHL and non HHL properties, within The Oval development.(Excluding the flats and houses on Beattie Avenue, as they have their own open space in Hunderton.)"


A couple of things spring to mind....


1. They are public spaces. This is stated. So are the residents expected to pay for everybody to use them?? The first time I read it, I was assuming communal areas.... there is a significant difference between a public area, and a communal area.


2. It's worded very divisively. As in, you pay for your side, Hundertons area is over there. From this, are we to take it that Oval folks shouldn't venture to the Hunderton space, and Hunderton folks should keep away from the Oval space??


This doesn't sound very inclusive, let alone neighbourly! Can you imagine the hassle, if Oval residents suspected that Hunderton residents had damaged play equipment (or vice versa) and had to pay an increased charge because of this??? There would be uproar.


None of this seems to have been thought through.


We know that Cllr Phil Edwards reads these threads, now would be a really good time to comment..... your constituents need YOU!


I have been told by one tenant they have written over a week ago to Phil Edwards about these charges, he has not answered them. As I said in my post 25, I am looking to start a resident association if these tenants/homeowner will join the association I will be able to look into the matter for them.

  • 3 weeks later...

Right so I'm in, still a list of to dos but all is good. Site manager pops by daily and making us aware of progress on site etc. Still no BT for another month! A few phone calls later and I have a wifi dongle that BT will pay for until I'm up and running. Very kind of them. Pays to grumble.

Those flats on the corner opp McDs are now just about at full height. I must say that it is very quiet round here and the road noise is minimal with those dwellings buffering the noise out.

My place is not dark at all, I have the sun in/on the garden all day. So much so that the TV HAS to be mounted on the wall to avoid glare! Oh the hardship!!

No need for one in the bedroom tho, I watch the HHAs opposite; it fills their room, but when you stay at home all day with four kids, I suppose you do need a big TV from watch all the sky movies on!

They must work from home I guess?

I have had wind that a certain Paula Kennedy is no longer at HHL. So I guess that that letter is ......? I'll await your reply Mr Edwards.

Still looking for further numbers to support Glenda with the Residents Association- any takers?

Thanks for all the new home cards peeps. Very kind.

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