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Future Development Of Belmont Rural

Colin James

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Colin, What it is about is the Parish Council are going to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan - this is the local community deciding the planning policies for their own area. Obviously they are asking the community to be involved and say how they want the Parish to develop in the future. But don't worry there would be a referendum at the end of it so if the locals don't like what is in it they can vote it down.

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Colin, What it is about is the Parish Council are going to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan - this is the local community deciding the planning policies for their own area. Obviously they are asking the community to be involved and say how they want the Parish to develop in the future. But don't worry there would be a referendum at the end of it so if the locals don't like what is in it they can vote it down.


Okay thanks for the update.

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Neighbourhood Plan's are tied into and part of the Council's (slowly) emerging Core Strategy - now 3 years late and counting. It is debatable as to whether they will have any effectiveness when the over-arching National Planning Policy Framework has a sweeping 'in favour of sustainable development' approach.

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Colin, I would urge everyone living in Belmont to attend this meeting, BRPC has a NDP steering group for more information see minutes of the meeting for 3rd April 2014 minute 37/14 item D. Remember as of 7th May 2015 next general election the ward boundaries change and BRPC will become a ward in its own right with just one Herefordshire councillor to represent you as well as the parish council.who will make all decisions for that ward.Therefore if you want a voice on what happens you should attend the meeting.

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