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Has anyone else notice a lot more homeless people on the streets in the day? I don't mean the alcoholic scroungers shouting at each other about benefits - I mean proper homeless, grubby, curled up in a corner with a piece of cardboard for coins.


I'm sure there are plenty of homeless people, but previously you'd only see maybe 1 in a subway or walking around, but I saw 4 in high town the other day. 


and there are some extremely sad stories out there.


But sadly - as these people dont vote, no one seems to care.


Thats not true -  a lot of people care - but budgets to help have been reduced I would assume.


I have a friend who has a business in a "back street" of Hereford and she tells me she is getting a lot more homeless around the back streets - existing there. Its no life at all is it.


Very sad really.


What I will say is that if you come across a Veteran or a Member of our Armed Forces who need help / assistance please direct them to one of the Military Charities . To qualify for assistance a person has received one days pay. The Charities are non judgemental - all they want to to is help , the help and assistance also extends to their family.


Herefordshire County Council have signed up to the National Military Covenant - part of the Councils involvement is to allow SSAFA and The Royal British Legion ( TRBL) to hold Military Charities Help Desk on Tuesdays ( SSAFA) and Thursdays ( TRBL ) at Franklin House Customer Services between the hours of 11.00 and 15.00. No appointment necessary , just turn up .


I know that since the Military Charities Help Desk has been up and running 15 months ago lives have been changed for the better , so please be the Charities eyes and ears - there are still a number of Vets both young and old who need help but for whatever reason do not apply for it.


The 24hr Tele Nos. are


SSAFA local Tele No :-01432 273932. ( Answerphone out if hours ) .


Tele No. TRBL 0808 802 8080. 24 / 7


SSAFA 0845 130 0975. 24 / 7


It's an awful way to live, and one I don't think many would choose.


Two years ago, during one of the longest and coldest winters in a long time, I realised there were two people sleeping in the front porch/door of Holy Trinity Church.


These folks are someone's son or daughter.


There are no easy answers to this, the reasons are so complex, and one solution most definitely does not fit all.


Sadly, with so many cuts to services, and some voluntary groups stretched, it may become an increasing problem.


As a society, that reflects very badly on us all.


We are all human. We can all show a little more humanity .


The Independent today:


He stunned lottery organisers by stating his intention for €50 million - two-thirds of his fortune - to be donated to a dozen non-governmental organisations working with the disadvantaged.
The man is being hailed as a hero across France and his unprecedented act of generosity is reportedly the largest donation by a lottery winner in countrys history.


A magnificent gesture - a real human being.


When I changed our callender to 1st June the quotation was


" To have grown wealthy , wise and kind is real success "


I have already come to terms with the fact that I shall never be fabulously wealthy, but if I can, at some point, tick the other two boxes, I would still consider that a success!


As the Mighty Meatloaf once said..."Two out of three, ain't bad!"


Dippy - the mighty Meatloaf - that's music we turn up loud.......! ( before anybody is thinking about the neighbours we are fortunate enough to be far enough away to not upset them !)


We also agree with your sentiments .


. Do what you can to help the less fortunate in life - as I said in an earlier comment - when doing it please try and be non judgemental . You will feel good about the whole situation .


Glad you've managed to get back on your feet Ragwert.


I don't think many people realise just how quickly this situation can arise. Often through no fault. Circumstances can change so rapidly, and folks find themselves homeless.


I'm so pleased things have improved for you.


From the Council website




Being faced with having nowhere to live can be a frightening and traumatic experience. We will help anyone in Herefordshire who believes they are, or are going to be, homeless.


The help we can offer includes:


Advice on housing rights

Advice on welfare benefits, including housing benefit

Help negotiating with your landlord

If you're 16 or 17 years old and being forced to leave home, we can also offer mediation with your family or help you find alternative housing if necessary.


Contact us


Telephone: 01432 261600

Out of hours emergency telephone: 01432 260000

Fax: 01432 261591

Email: housing.enquiry@herefordshire.gov.uk

Address: Housing Solutions, Franklin House, 4 Commercial Road, Hereford HR1 2BB

Telephone calls will be answered Monday to Thursday from 8.45am until 5pm and Friday 8.45am until 4.45pm.


If you are homeless due to an emergency situation outside of office hours or at the weekend, please telephone 01432 260000 and you will be directed to the out of hours service.


You can also visit our housing drop-in service at the Customer Service Centre, Franklin House, Hereford on Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10am to 4pm or on Tuesday and Thursday 1.30pm to 4pm. The office is closed 12.30pm to 1.30pm daily.




Is a local charity run from St Peters Church in St Peters Sq. They supply meals , drinks , sandwiches to go , for the homeless .

They take the time to chat to the callers , give advice / guidance or just listen .


There was until recently one on Roman Road. This closed after many years due to lack of money.


St. Peters church hall opens its doors to overnight stays over the Christmas / New Year period I believe. This is also the place for Open Door. Where folks can get a cooked meal.


The SHYPP project has a list of emergency accommodation for younger people, usually I think, the 16 to 25 age group. These can be rooms in houses where people have agreed to take in someone at short notice.

Now my lot have grown up and flown the nest, this is actually something me and the other half are thinking about doing.

We have a spare room, so why not??


You will be very surprised by the actual number of genuine homeless people in the city - no more than 20 at any given time.  However it will be correct to say that there are a number of 'sofa surfers' who don't have a permanent address and rely on the generousity of friends and family. 

What there is, is an increase in street drinkers who look as if they haven't had a wash for a long time, carry their wordly belongings with them and gather in groups in local parks - or areas not covered by the city CCTV - to drink and most times become a nuisance.

What can be done - some will say hound them out of the city - that won't work - many have mental, drug and drink issues and they do need some sort of support.  They need somewhere to stay, since the church night shelter closed for the winter, there is nowhere for them to go - except the occassional friends home, or mostly a shop doorway, rear of office buildings and sometimes in your garden shed (it does happen).

So something needs to be done, the police have a role, but it has to be down to the joined up partnership approach with social services, other agencys and voluntary groups.  Tell your councillor and get them to do something to sort this out...


Indeed, but like I saw, there's been a sudden increase of real homeless people visible in town the last couple of weeks.
I know what you mean by sofa surfers and street drinkers, but these people are out in the rain, sitting corners, very clearly "proper" homeless.


Somewhat annoyingly, every time I plan to do something they foil my plans. I was going to buy one a coffee, until I saw 5 coffee cups in front of him, another was going to have my umbrella as I walked past, yet she was sitting there with her own... don't these people want help!!! heh 

  • 1 year later...
  On 01/06/2014 at 21:08, dippyhippy said:

The SHYPP project has a list of emergency accommodation for younger people, usually I think, the 16 to 25 age group. 




Campaigning in High Town on 29th January as their funding is being slashed ...

  • 1 month later...
The Guardian 12 March 2016
Waste firm Biffa says problem is ‘massive’ with bin lorry drivers given safety guidance to avoid crushing rough sleepers
The refuse collection industry is increasingly concerned about the rising number of people sleeping in dustbins, an unexpected consequence of the rise in rough sleeping, and has issued safety guidance to bin lorry drivers on how to prevent homeless people from being crushed in compaction units.
Figures collected by one of the UK’s largest waste management firms, Biffa, reveal that staff discovered 31 people sleeping in bins in 2014, 93 in 2015, and 175 in the current financial year. Across the UK, 11 people have been killed in the past five years because of sleeping in bins, most of them crushed to death, according to the Environmental Services Association (ESA).


And we are looking to house more people from outside the country when we can't look after those already here. What a state of affairs.




Supermarket giant says it aims to eradicate all food waste at its stores and distribution centres by 2017
Tesco has agreed a deal to donate all the unsold food from its stores to charity. 
The supermarket giant announced plans to work with 5,000 local charities across the UK in an initiative that aims to eradicate all its food waste by the end of 2017. 
It said the plan followed a "farm to fork" commitment to tackle food waste by its suppliers. 
The latest figures released by the company show 55,400 tonnes of food were thrown away at its stores and distribution centres across the country in 2015. 
The plan is part of a nationwide roll-out of a 14-store pilot programme called the Community Food Connection. 
The project, which lasted over six months, has provided more than 22 tonnes of food for vulnerable people - the equivalent of 50,000 meals. 



A postive contribution.


What I will say is that if you come across a Veteran or a Member of our Armed Forces who need help / assistance please direct them to one of the Military Charities . To qualify for assistance a person has received one days pay. The Charities are non judgemental - all they want to to is help , the help and assistance also extends to their family.
Herefordshire County Council have signed up to the National Military Covenant - part of the Councils involvement is to allow SSAFA and The Royal British Legion ( TRBL) to hold Military Charities Help Desk on Tuesdays ( SSAFA) and Thursdays ( TRBL ) at Franklin House Customer Services between the hours of 11.00 and 15.00. No appointment necessary , just turn up .
I know that since the Military Charities Help Desk has been up and running 15 months ago lives have been changed for the better , so please be the Charities eyes and ears - there are still a number of Vets both young and old who need help but for whatever reason do not apply for it.
The 24hr Tele Nos. are
SSAFA local Tele No :-01432 273932. ( 24/7 ) .
Tele No. TRBL 0808 802 8080. 24 / 7
SSAFA 0845 130 0975. 24 / 7 Central Office

************ 12/03/16 ******Nothing has changed SSAFA is there to help Serving members of our Armed Forces plus of course
Veterans and their Families.

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