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  On 06/07/2015 at 21:00, megilleland said:

Freedom of Information request for details of Herefordshire Council LOBO loan borrowing and brokerage arrangements 

Currently waiting for a response from Herefordshire Council, they must respond promptly and normally no later than 10 July 2015. Mr Benjamin is writing to quite a few authorities - 2 interesting replies so far. Mr Joel Benjamin was involved with making the Channel 4 programme.


Replies from Council with documentation and details. Both loans running up to 2054. A case of having the money now and someone else payng it back later.


  • 3 weeks later...
  On 08/07/2015 at 08:18, Stilton Cheesewright said:

I understand that after a two day trial, Guy Taylor has been found guilty of trespass at Bodenham Manor. No word on sentence yet but according to some of his supporters on the "Get Out of Debt Free" website the conviction is a good thing because he now has them right where he wants them and they will have to produce the evidence.


It's not entirely clear why evidence would need to be produced after the conviction but I'm sure Guy has a trick up his sleeve. After all he was one of the legal experts that told Tom Crawford that despite the actual words in the judgement saying the opposite, he had actually won his court hearing. That was a few weeks before Tom was evicted. 


I must admit, my understanding was that sentencing for the above had been set for August but I'm hearing from a pretty reliable source that Guy has been sentenced to:


  • a 12 month community order:
  • 150 hours of community work
  • £1000 fine
  • Restraining order not to go near Bodenham Manor or it's owner.
  On 31/07/2015 at 09:21, Stilton Cheesewright said:


I must admit, my understanding was that sentencing for the above had been set for August but I'm hearing from a pretty reliable source that Guy has been sentenced to:


  • a 12 month community order:
  • 150 hours of community work
  • £1000 fine
  • Restraining order not to go near Bodenham Manor or it's owner.


No doubt he'll be on Youtube before too long spinning it as yet another victory against the system. Then again, by his standards it probably does qualify as a good result. I gather he's no stranger to the taste of porridge.

  On 31/07/2015 at 09:21, Stilton Cheesewright said:


I must admit, my understanding was that sentencing for the above had been set for August but I'm hearing from a pretty reliable source that Guy has been sentenced to:


  • a 12 month community order:
  • 150 hours of community work
  • £1000 fine
  • Restraining order not to go near Bodenham Manor or it's owner.


We need a link. Not blaming you SC. I looked but none visible on google.What was any Court Charge imposed? I gather that you now get charged for just appearing at Court ..... Sliding scale of charges ..... The system is crying out for Corbyn I think ..... 

  On 01/08/2015 at 00:29, Roger said:

We need a link. Not blaming you SC. I looked but none visible on google.What was any Court Charge imposed? I gather that you now get charged for just appearing at Court ..... Sliding scale of charges ..... The system is crying out for Corbyn I think ..... 


No I agree. I wouldn't normally post without a link of some kind but this has come from a normally very reputable source.

  • 1 month later...
Herefordshire Council
Employment Panel Agenda
Friday 11 September 2015 4.00 pm
To recommend to Council the designation of a specific post to discharge the functions of monitoring officer.
To recommend to Council the designation of a specific post to discharge the functions of monitoring officer.
(a) It be recommended to Council that the post of deputy solicitor to the council people and regulatory be designated monitoring officer for an interim period of up to nine months from the date of approval.


After reading this piece from UK Column - The “Section 151 Officer†Council Tax and Fraudulent Accounting it clarifies why the Council has £110 million in unusable reserves and only £41 million in usable reserves. Time for another council tax rise to swell the coffers.

  On 03/09/2015 at 23:19, Roger said:

What ever happened to Guy Taylor ? I can't even remember if the case got resolved .... 


I saw him the other day. He tells me matters are being pursued. Maybe Stilton can bring us up to date. He seems to be in the know from sources close to him.



Herefordshire Council
Employment Panel Agenda
Friday 11 September 2015 4.00 pm
To recommend to Council the designation of a specific post to discharge the functions of monitoring officer.
To recommend to Council the designation of a specific post to discharge the functions of monitoring officer.
(a) It be recommended to Council that the post of deputy solicitor to the council people and regulatory be designated monitoring officer for an interim period of up to nine months from the date of approval.

This is interesting. The Council's Solicitor i.e. Bill Norman would usually be the monitoring officer. Of course it's something of a poisoned chalice in an authority as corrupt as Herefordshire so I'm not surprised to discover that Bill the Bung has given it the swerve.

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 03/09/2015 at 23:19, Roger said:

What ever happened to Guy Taylor ? I can't even remember if the case got resolved .... 


  On 04/09/2015 at 05:24, megilleland said:

I saw him the other day. He tells me matters are being pursued. Maybe Stilton can bring us up to date. He seems to be in the know from sources close to him.


It seems that a good many followers of the pseudo-legal BS pedalled by Guy and his chums had their eyes opened by the blatant lies of the Tom Crawford case, the Hampstead SRA allegations and the ongoing fraud of WeRe Bank. Consequently the world of "lawful rebellion" has been on reduced power of late.  


Guy is apparently still providing legal advice although given his record in court (as so accurately portrayed in this link: 


it's hard to believe that he anyone thinks he has a shred of real knowledge or credibility.  He is also due back in court on 21st September in a case involving Npower. I assume this relates to the charge of "abstracting" (stealing) electricity which began in 2011. Guy has also appeared on the odd YouTube "radio station" video where he claims to have been busy launching lots of private prosecutions. I've not heard anything recently in regard to his attempts to prove that he still owns Bodenham Manor but no doubt there is some court action in the pipeline somewhere. So to answer the question, I'm afraid Guy's "case" will never be resolved - this is what he does. No matter how spectacularly unsuccessful he is, his position in the world of "lawful rebellion" requires him to continue down this path. The only thing that might put a crimp in his activities is if he is served with a civil restraint order - declared a "vexatious litigant", as happened to his mentor Mr Ebert and has also recently happened to Tom Crawford after yet another farcical appearance at the Royal Courts of Justice.

  • 2 weeks later...

Quite frankly I've kind of lost interest in Guy Taylor who if he could would go through life without paying for anything and just arguing the toss. I've seen enough, he wastes my money as a taxpayer and thinks he's being clever but only in the eyes of a few.If we all stopped paying our dues where would we be. As a matter of interest has he ever been gamefully employed?

Yes ..I've become irritated of late because many of us go through life paying our taxes, parking tickets, respecting the law and each other. Yes there are times when we should question, however Mr Taylor and crew now feel they have become media personalities while many others feel angry that their punt to stretch the time limit on that parking limit backfired and now they have a grievance because they misread,misunderstood or just took a chance and they didn't get away with it.


A few weeks ago an emergency response vehicle in London was blocked because someone had double parked and said driver was 'arguing the toss ' over the rights and wrongs with local civil enforcement.


The patient that the response vehicle was trying to reach died...can anyone tell me if the response time had improved would there have been a different outcome?


Our actions can have an indirect bearing on other people's lives so i personally would prefer to see two of our very thin blue line members better tasked than having to listen to this stupid man recite aspects of the law..please make it end .

  On 06/11/2014 at 14:58, megilleland said:


Is money at the root of today's big problems. Looking for an alternative banking system?


Parliament will debate the issue of ‘Money Creation and Society’ on Thursday 20th of November.
This will be the first time in 170 years that Parliament has debated money creation.
But there are only have two weeks to ensure that Members of Parliament attend the debate - and also understand the basic facts about money!
You can help make politicians aware of the issue of money creation by banks and all its negative impacts on the society. You can do this in just 2 minutes using this link.
On Thursday 20th November you can watch the debate live online here on Parliament TV. These debates are archived on the same site.
Email your MP now to inform them this debate is taking place.


How do we restore democratic control to our banking system, is it possible to re-think prosperity, and how is this all informed by the power of the human imagination.
An interactive evening of talks and workshops Andrew Simms (The Guardian, New Economics Foundation), plus special guests, special h.Energy burgers from Rule of Tum, special Wye Valley ales and lovely river views.
Join us upstairs at the Coach House, Left Bank, Bridge Street, Hereford, HR4 9DG. 7.30 - 9.30, Friday 2nd October. Free entry.
  On 30/09/2015 at 15:41, greenknight said:

Quite frankly I've kind of lost interest in Guy Taylor who if he could would go through life without paying for anything and just arguing the toss. I've seen enough, he wastes my money as a taxpayer and thinks he's being clever but only in the eyes of a few.If we all stopped paying our dues where would we be. As a matter of interest has he ever been gamefully employed?

Yes ..I've become irritated of late because many of us go through life paying our taxes, parking tickets, respecting the law and each other. Yes there are times when we should question, however Mr Taylor and crew now feel they have become media personalities while many others feel angry that their punt to stretch the time limit on that parking limit backfired and now they have a grievance because they misread,misunderstood or just took a chance and they didn't get away with it.


A few weeks ago an emergency response vehicle in London was blocked because someone had double parked and said driver was 'arguing the toss ' over the rights and wrongs with local civil enforcement.


The patient that the response vehicle was trying to reach died...can anyone tell me if the response time had improved would there have been a different outcome?


Our actions can have an indirect bearing on other people's lives so i personally would prefer to see two of our very thin blue line members better tasked than having to listen to this stupid man recite aspects of the law..please make it end .

I understand where your coming from GK Guy Taylor is a pain in the rear but should bailiffs be calling in the police to help them do there work?…the guy had not been threatened with physical violence he was unable to gain entry is it right that he uses the police in a civil matter?…Personally I don't think the police should be intervening in that way but only to make sure there is not a public disturbance they should not be taking sides especially if they are unsure of the law & there's a dispute over the documents being presented by the bailiffs!

  On 01/10/2015 at 10:42, Cambo said:

I understand where your coming from GK Guy Taylor is a pain in the rear but should bailiffs be calling in the police to help them do there work?…the guy had not been threatened with physical violence he was unable to gain entry is it right that he uses the police in a civil matter?…Personally I don't think the police should be intervening in that way but only to make sure there is not a public disturbance they should not be taking sides especially if they are unsure of the law & there's a dispute over the documents being presented by the bailiffs!


This is primarily another example of Guy Taylor pretending that he has some expertise and understanding in the law which means that he or the people he is advising can wriggle out of their responsibilities (forensic legal consultant indeed!). Guy trots out his arrant nonsense about court seals and signatures and fraudulent documents at every possibly occasion. Unfortunately, most police are not trained in court processes and documentation etc. and can be easily bamboozled by someone who appears to know what they are talking about - even if what they are saying is self serving nonsense. At best all that Guy achieves is that proceedings are delayed. His mentor, Mr Ebert and one of his disciples, Tom Crawford have both managed to achieve "vexatious litigant" status and it can surely only be a better of time before this happens to Guy - or that he has another spell in prison.


With regard to the involvement of police in a "civil matter", if an enforcement officer is prevented from executing a Warrant enacting a Court Order then that constitutes a breach of the peace which is a criminal offence under the Tribunal, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007.  It is therefore legitimate for the Police to intervene to prevent such a breach. It also worth noting that Section 99, Schedule 7, paragraph5  of the Courts Act 2003 states: "It is the duty of every constable, at the request of - a) an enforcement agent or b) a person acting under the enforcement agent's authority, to assist the enforcement agent or that person in the execution of a writ."


Catch 22. Court documents not prepared or properly served. Therefore police are assisting bailiffs to carry out illegal functions - in other words aiding and abetting a criminal offence. I hear Mr Corbyn has contacted Guy Taylor to become Home Secretary! He can't do worse than Mrs May can he?


It might be the law but was it done lawfully? As I understand it from the video it was for unpaid parking tickets so was a court order for recovery made by the local authority who issued the tickets or the bailiffs? if one was applied for at all? in this case it's a company called Jacobs involved based in Birkenhead & by the look of the White Mercedes business must be booming? Not surprising he can afford a car like that as they charge £75 for every outstanding ticket with a minimum £235 for further action so at what point would it go to a county court for recovery or do they just sidestep that bit?


It might be the law but I don't think private debt collectors should be getting police assistance to help them do there job…that is my opinion but if they are going to get involve then they should check all the facts to make sure everything is above board not just take the bailiffs word for it because there's nothing to say they may have forged the paperwork?

  On 01/10/2015 at 15:09, megilleland said:

Catch 22. Court documents not prepared or properly served. Therefore police are assisting bailiffs to carry out illegal functions - in other words aiding and abetting a criminal offence. I hear Mr Corbyn has contacted Guy Taylor to become Home Secretary! He can't do worse than Mrs May can he?


Guy alleges that the court documents were not properly prepared or served in every case with which he becomes involved and to date without once coming close to proving it. The spectacular failure of his advice in Tom Crawford's case is merely the latest example. However since his understanding is based on the teachings of serial case loser Mr Ebert that is no surprise. Back in the real world he is just a serial time waster.

  On 01/10/2015 at 16:22, Stilton Cheesewright said:

Back in the real world he is just a serial time waster.


Are we living in a real world?


"If the machine of government is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law".

Thoreau is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings, and his essay Resistance to Civil Government (also known as Civil Disobedience), an argument for disobedience to an unjust state.
  On 01/10/2015 at 18:59, megilleland said:


Are we living in a real world?


"If the machine of government is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law".

Thoreau is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings, and his essay Resistance to Civil Government (also known as Civil Disobedience), an argument for disobedience to an unjust state.


Well I am.


The quote doesn't seem relevant. This isn't about civil disobedience or even a decision to consciously break the law. Guy et al claim that they are trying to ensure that the law is upheld.  However their understanding of the law is so flawed that sometimes they end up breaking it. More to the point whenever their interpretation of law is tested, it fails. In such circumstances most reasonable and logical people might question whether their interpretation is correct but no, their excuse is that the courts are corrupted so that they cannot win. It's a nice circular argument that means that they can never be wrong. This underpins a lot of the "freeman" thinking - as if to admit even one failure risks their whole shaky house of cards tumbling down. The most obvious recent example of this is Guy's insistence that Tom has "won" his court hearing about the Possession Order on his house even in the face of the transcript of the hearing and judgment being publicly available and obviously showing completely the opposite. Personally I object to people like Guy etc giving desperate or gullible people false hope of success using their totally discredited methods, almost certainly costing them money and undoubtedly being a drain on public resources. I called him a time waster but he is arguably much worse. 

  On 02/10/2015 at 09:00, Stilton Cheesewright said:

Personally I object to people like Guy etc giving desperate or gullible people false hope of success using their totally discredited methods, almost certainly costing them money and undoubtedly being a drain on public resources. I called him a time waster but he is arguably much worse. 

He makes about as much sense as you'd expect from someone who drinks Kronenbourg for breakfast.

  • 3 weeks later...
  On 20/10/2015 at 19:30, megilleland said:

Guy Taylor still battling on.


Skype connection from quite a cozy current location it looked like. He sounds' like a broken record to me but we'll see .... 

  On 20/10/2015 at 19:30, megilleland said:

Guy Taylor still battling on. Interview on UK Column. He is going to Hereford Crown Court on December 10th and 11th 2015. May see Stilton Cheesewright there batting for the opposition?

Uncalled for. Stilton Cheeswright hardly counts as the opposition just because he's pointed out that Taylor's Kronenbourg induced wibbling has accomplished very little, and may even led to a man, who might have had an arguable case purely on the facts, losing his house.

  • 2 weeks later...

Following on from Money Talks and alternative banking systems (post 225), I have come across this informative booklet: 


"The existence of the now provably false 'deficit', the appalling 'bedroom tax', food-banks, families under enormous financial stress and the overhanging fear of further severe financial cutbacks to essential services such as the NHS, are all a dreadful reality because we, the British people, have surrendered to the criminals our absolute sovereign right to issue and control our own debtfree and interest-free money. This is a completely provable fact and we must all now take peaceful but determined action to expose and collapse this global criminal banking and financial system that is creating so much misery and poverty in the world and which is based in the City of London."

Don't know how relevant this is now, but spotted on the planning applications yesterday that someone is after permission to demolish the manor and build 5 properties - won't link for some reason, but the application reference is P153090/F

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