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This is the question!


We all know that Our Good King Bobby has retired from blogging....exhausted by his efforts over the past few years!


We've all suffered bouts of "The Tappers" over the years, but is it really possible to post too much??


In seven months I've clocked up nigh on 1,100 posts. Beyond ridiculous!


This really is a heartfelt plea, to all those who have signed up in the last few months, and indeed, those who have been members for years,(You know who you are...you log in regularly!!) to post your thoughts. Share with the group!


This forum is being read by many. The next 12 months are crucial. We want our voice to be heard, but to keep a forum like this vibrant, we need as many views as possible.


Too often, there are only a dozen or so who post regularly.....so I ask you politely....Get Involved! Get Busy! and Get Posting!!





This is it Flam!


There are so many new members, but for a forum like this to thrive, folks need to get on board!


I'm hoping my friendly invitation, may entice one or two to say hello!!


Honestly folks, we don't bite!!

  On 25/06/2014 at 15:06, dippyhippy said:

Too often, there are only a dozen or so who post regularly.....so I ask you politely....Get Involved! Get Busy! and Get Posting!!


I'm sure many of the very varied 'viewers' of this forum have jobs and one contentious post in the wrong topic might cause grief ... 


I can moan at The Council all day and won't get any grief as I don't work at The Council ... I suppose I've moaned at The Council quite a lot so my chances of getting past a paper sift for a job application there are minimal ...  :tongue_32:


This is true Roger, and why many of us remain anonymous!


However, I'd still love the silent masses to be more involved . It makes for a more varied and balance forum!


C'mon you guys.....just say "Hello!".


A little while ago over at HT, a few of us were discussing the Rose Tinted Rags saga. A comment was made which effectively said that there were a few posters who had too much to say for themselves!!


I'm thinking I may have been one of them!


That said, many of us who have drifted over to HV from HT, (for a number of reasons!) rarely leave a comment on HT, and looking at their page tonight, there are only sixteen comments left, on all of the online stories!


Pretty poor!


It's a tricky one. The regular bloggers stick their two pence worth in at every opportunity, but without new posters adding their thoughts.....it can become too much!


Let's share the load! New Posters, New Ideas!!




Apart from the odd post on HT,this is the only site I comment on, so I'm completely oblivious to what happens elsewhere!! I have only been posting here myself for a relatively short amount of time. The site, I think, has been up and running for about 4 years, and I signed up last November!!


I found it to be pretty welcoming!


How do you feel your experience has been???




My first post so should make it memorable really but it wont be, lol!


Been a long time reader but couldnt resist dippyhipp's polite request :Happy_32:

I think this board is much more informative the the Hereford Times and tends, on the large part, to focus on key issues.  People need to remember that we will all have different views on life, some can be a bit bit more forceful than others but as long as respect is present a good ding dong can be fun :Winky:

Looking forward to posting!

I think Belmont voice is a fantastic medium and has brought together many people who have a common interest in matters affecting the city. We don't always agree, but with each poster highlighting some aspect of such issues we get a broader and more informed point of view. 


To get news on the city and county we rely on BBC H&W, but how many of the topics raised on this website get any attention from the station - at this very moment they are talking about the royal family and are they worth the money spent on them. There's a topic for discussion, but I won't be contributing.


With the Hereford Journal unfortunately finished and the Hereford Times only published weekly, citizens only get a report on stories well after the event has taken place. For example the Hereford United march today to Brockington won't be fully reported till next Thursday, when the issues surrounding the club will have moved onto something more surprising.


A lot of views on this site are made by people passing by, maybe through using the search engines. To find a topic which grabs your attention, and to stay with it, isn't easy as you have to scroll through the home page to find it. I think the forum page under Site Navigation should be the home page as it immediately give a broader view of what topics you can comment on. 


Do we post too much? No, you are not forced to comment, but for a lot of people it allows them to get something off their chest. I enjoy surfing the internet and trawling through the links and discovering things which add to or detract from the topics being discussed. I hope younger people put forward their views - they are the future beneficiaries of the city. The site has brought together posters for social events and audiences with King Bobby, so overall, Hereford Voice does a magnificent job for everyone interested in the welfare of our city. May it well continue and thank you to Colin for looking after it.


Welcome to the site Mole, I just noticed your post.


Agreed, people need to post more - by all means remain anonymous.


But I think the stats are fairly common, there's 249 members and, lets say 12 common posters(?).

I used to moderate a forum with 500,000 and, needless to say, not all of those were active :P it would have been chaos!

The trouble we found, as have many other boards, is that facebook came along and between it's groups and pages, took a large bite out of the online forums.

So this is why you find these Your Hereford, Your Say and OLM Hereford facebook pages doing so well - people don't need to leave their screen (what facebook wants). The downside to that, of course, is the lack of anonymity.


Perhaps it would be worth running a facebook Page alongside the forum? You might get a bigger reach and then use that reach to attract comments on topics and draw people here to allow anonymous input



Yes is the answer to the question. It's most certainly 'yes'. I've tried to stop. Lord knows I've tried. When I first quit and tried to break the cycle of this 'tapping', I instructed my wife to hide my keyboard in a place where I couldn't possibly find it and under no circumstances, despite my begging, should she return it to me. It's an addiction. That's what it is. I've become a slave to this activity. It's not to different to 'smack', except its free and Im not required to snort my laptop up my nose.

Lord, the dross I've watched on the television in order to stop myself rummaging around to find the laptop. The bloody God Channel! Good grief! Some smart suited evangelical preacher with a southern Alabama drawl shouting, ' Jesus is with you. He's everywhere you are', which, given my predisposition to drink ale from the fridge makes you wonder why Jesus of Nazareth is lurking about inside a domestic kitchen appliance. Then this charlatan and Religous zealot, raises his eyes toward the heavens and pleads, 'Lord give me the power to do the healing'. Thereafter, this false bloody prophet shakes and shudders, no doubt because he's been overcome by the Holy Spirit and invites the bewildered,the sick and the club footed to approach the stage bringing with them two hundred dollars that'll go direct to God who's just rid you of your bloody harelip. 'You'all come on down. It's a fu..ing miracle'!!!

Then there's the bloody Jeremy Kyle show. You get the ugliest woman who ever scurried out of the Mothers loins complaining that one of the six fathers to her satanic offspring was unfaithful during their relationship leaving you to wonder who on earth would ever wish to lay beside this gap toothed, she'll suited harbinger of doom in the first place. I mean, everyone has a right to be ugly. There's no wrong in it, but this woman I am speaking of was taking advantage of the priviledge. When this sweet child of humanity fell out of the ugly tree, she hit every branch on the way downwards.

Which is why, I've found my laptop and resigned myself to my fate, fully acceptant and cognisant that I can't stop posting. I can't stop!


HOORAY HOORAY you have been missed well I've missed you wow.  Quite honestly I think this is less unhealthy than that truly awful Jeremy Kyle programme that is the pits.  I was at somebody else's house this morning about my business and that prog was on my God words fail me.  I am so glad your're back.  Tapping doesn't cost money it sometimes stimulates the mind and releases some anger and frustration so it can't be that bad.  Some of the twaddle is read and noted.   Hooray hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!





I am beyond happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I have missed your posts like you would not believe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Afternoon Biomech!!


What I want, what I really, really want...is for those who have taken the trouble to sign up, to get stuck in to all the debates and discussions!!


I realise not all topics are going to have mass appeal, but I kind of assume that folks who do sign up, do so because they have a genuine interest in their community, and all that goes on within it!!


I know myself, that when I haven't logged on for a day or two, it's always great to catch up on what's been happening......this could be even better if we had more opinions! It also means that Hereford Voice will become a must visit place for folks to find out what's going on, particularly so when HT seems to be getting quite choosy over which stories have comments enabled, and some very news worthy stories aren't investigated at all!!


(And while I have your attention Biomech.......do you EVER check your messages...???????)


Long live the King!!!!! Welcome back Bobby we have missed your words of wisdom and your inimitable style of writing!


Well done Dippy you've managed to attract a new poster and brought another out of retirement. Lol


Mole welcome to the voice it's nice to have you onboard. No one on this forum will berate you if you have a different opinion to theirs, everyone has a different opinion at some point for one reason or another, feel free to speak candidly.


Biomech I thought we were supposed to tell you off... It's a given Lol joking I love your rants they are honest ..


Dippy an ode to the King might be appropriate ?


                              Welcome Home!!


Welcome back King Bobby,

To this warm and happy place,

Now get busy tippy tapping

And stop stuffing your fat face!!


Completely off topic, but I hope that you've noticed that in my post, I went "bold" AND used the underline thingy in the correct and appropriate fashion!!


A whole new set of skills awaits me!!

  On 26/06/2014 at 18:27, dippyhippy said:

Completely off topic, but I hope that you've noticed that in my post, I went "bold" AND used the underline thingy in the correct and appropriate fashion!!

A whole new set of skills awaits me!!

I noticed Dip and I was impressed! Like the ode too!


To get back on point, I was looking at your stats and you are definitely posting to much! Lol

  On 26/06/2014 at 20:03, flamboyant said:

I noticed Dip and I was impressed! Like the ode too!

To get back on point, I was looking at your stats and you are definitely posting to much! Lol

It's quite scary Flam.......I just witter and witter!


I talk an awful lot anyway......this just seems to be a natural continuation of that!!

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