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Local People Aggravated Over Spanish Type Bull Statue Proposal

Hereford Voice

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Michells and Butler have submitted a planning application to install a aluminium bull statue outside their Miller & Carter restaurant at the Old Market in Hereford.

The proposed sculpture appears more like a Spanish fighting bull


Proposed instillation of aluminium bull sculpture on a slate clad concrete base, within the boundary of the external seating area to the front of the restaurant. Including the lifting and relaying of existing paving slabs to facilitate the trenching of an electrical cable to allow for the instillation of lighting on the base of the sculpture.

There have already been objections.

Eleanor Richardson objected writing "We already have a bull statue in Hereford. The one proposed is a SPANISH bull and isn't within keeping of the local community or local heritage"

Another objection from Pippa Heart with the comment; "The design of the statue is not relevant to the surrounding area- the bull depicted is not a Hereford bull- the design is more that of a Spanish fighting bull"

Planning Application P241785/F



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