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Lidl wants to increase its size


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Lidl wants to increase its size before it's built with an amended plan. Can't wait to see how the traffic on Belmont road will cope. All the local shops must be worried.

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P242050/F - Application for variation of condition 2 following grant of planning permission 231703 (Demolition of existing hotel and associated structures and erection of Class E foodstore with associated access, parking, servicing, drainage and landscaping)- To increase the store size in order to reflect the current and updated store format of Lidl GB Ltd.

Planning application comment was submitted on the 02 September 2024 17:03 PM
The following is a comment on application P242050/F by Jeremy Milln
Nature of feedback: Objecting to the application

Comment: This application (242050) is made as a variation of Condition 2 of 231703 narrowly approved at Planning Committee.

The approved scheme was submitted to replace applicaton 221090 which was withdrawn having attracted some 250 objections as it would most probably have been refused for a variety of policy conflicts.

Chief among these were HD2 which provides the presumption that retail developments which adversely affect the viability of the City Centre would be refused, notwithstanding that the degree of adverse impact remained a matter of disagreement between planning consultants. Policy SS6 which requires new developments to be of good environmental quality and locally distinctive was another clear policy breach given the excessive size and poor design of the submitted application. Many objectors commented on the 'ugliness' of the submitted design and how this represented a marked diminution in terms of materiality and form from the existing Three Counties Hotel, itself a modern building which will have benefited from a more enlightened planning regime than appears to exist today.

The application 242050 now submitted represents, in large part, a reversion to the withdrawn scheme 221090. Indeed in some respects it would be even bigger with a sales area increasing from the approved 1251 sqm beyond the 1414sqm of the withdrawn scheme to 1516sqm of the latest application. Although the anticipated figures in increased turnover have been redacted, there can be no doubt that the larger sales area and turnover can only have a still greater adverse impact on business of the City Centre and elsewhere in this part of the City. The larger size of the store as now proposed has a marked impact on the length of the side seen from the Belmont Road. For a building which presents a most unattractive industrial aesthetic of metallic cladding panels, this increase in length would further degrade the streetscape.

The increased size and turnover also has adverse implications for traffic generation and landscaping, the one increasing, the other decreasing, both being undesirable effects of the revised application. No attempt has been made to mitigate either, for example by introducing LTN 1/20 compliant cycle infrastructure so the store remains designed almost entirely and exclusively around the private car, so by failing to meaningfully encourage active
travel behaviours the application also fails Local Plan Policy MT1.

It is not considered there are public benefits such as would outweigh the identified harms. The application should be refused.


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