flamboyant Posted August 26, 2014 Report Posted August 26, 2014 I would like to ask Cllr Johnson, Since January 2013 How many new management positions have been created and what is the combined salary? How many new posts have been created which command a salary of £30,000 but with no line management responsibility? How many existing managers received a pay increase? How many front line staff were made redundant and what was the salary savings? Finally how much money did the Council save by reducing the grass cutting? Quote
dippyhippy Posted August 26, 2014 Report Posted August 26, 2014 All very pertinent questions, Flam. Are you suggesting that you would like him to answer them at the forthcoming debate? I get the feeling he's not going to sign up to Hereford Voice anytime soon! Quote
flamboyant Posted August 26, 2014 Author Report Posted August 26, 2014 Lol yes Dippy Someone suggested the voice started a list of questions and we could put the best ones forward. I got fed up waiting lol Don't assume Cllr Johnson isn't reading the forum or reliably informed. Cllr Johnson isn't going to answer anyone's questions Dippy he's a politician! Quote
Cambo Posted August 26, 2014 Report Posted August 26, 2014 Good questions I can see leader Johnson get all hot & bothered under the collar trying to answer those?! I'd like to ask does he think local authorities get good value for money by using private companies to perform services which used to be done in house when private companies main priorities is to make money first over & above the services there supposed to be delivering on? why is it when they fail to deliver on those services that they are responsible for we the taxpayers have to pick up the tab & some lucky person walks off with some sort of pay off? Also why does building work for local authorities & I include the police fire services & nhs in this cost a lot more than if the client was private? Quote
dippyhippy Posted August 26, 2014 Report Posted August 26, 2014 Tee Hee! Oh this little lot will do nicely for starters! Quote
flamboyant Posted August 26, 2014 Author Report Posted August 26, 2014 Excellent question Cambo, I've voted for you, perhaps someone could submit the most popular questions, to be asked on the night. Quote
Cambo Posted August 26, 2014 Report Posted August 26, 2014 Thank you flam I like yours too maybe dippy can have a word with Colin? I'm sure others will have some juicy questions of there own for our leader to? So come on folks get your questions in!!! Quote
flamboyant Posted August 26, 2014 Author Report Posted August 26, 2014 Cambo just realised this was your idea! Omg I'm stealing people's ideas maybe I could get a job at the Council? Lol Quote
Denise Lloyd Posted August 26, 2014 Report Posted August 26, 2014 Mr Johnson what qualities do you think you have brought from your previous profession that enhances your role as Leader of Herefordshire Council? What advice would you give to the Council to increase their likeability factor with Joe public? Quote
dippyhippy Posted August 26, 2014 Report Posted August 26, 2014 I wonder if Colin WOULD submit a few on behalf of members....?? I'll wait and see how many we can come up with, and pm him! I think I would ask something about the likelihood of the transport hub being created, and would it not make sense to bring this forward to free up the bus station for the new fire station. I'd also like to know precisely how many compromise agreements have been signed since 2012, and how much this has cost us. Quote
Cambo Posted August 26, 2014 Report Posted August 26, 2014 On 26/08/2014 at 21:07, flamboyant said: Cambo just realised this was your idea! Omg I'm stealing people's ideas maybe I could get a job at the Council? Lol Ha ha that's ok flam I'm glad you've started this thread so no worries!! Quote
Cambo Posted August 26, 2014 Report Posted August 26, 2014 Dippy those are excellent questions too I think if everyone starts chipping in with there own questions for tony as well? Then there maybe no need for anyone else to be on the panel? Quote
dippyhippy Posted August 26, 2014 Report Posted August 26, 2014 I'm liking those questions Denise! I'd also like to ask the whole panel......have they also noticed the uncanny resemblance, between Harry Bramer, and the biscuit boy from the Cravendale milk advert?? Google it! It's incredible! Neat hair, eyes too close together.......see for yourselves! Quote
flamboyant Posted August 26, 2014 Author Report Posted August 26, 2014 Dip do you mean Barry the Biscuit Boy? Brilliant, no wonder I can't take him seriously lol Quote
dippyhippy Posted August 26, 2014 Report Posted August 26, 2014 Yes! That's him! Can you post a photo, Flam? Quote
dippyhippy Posted August 27, 2014 Report Posted August 27, 2014 Brilliant! Cheers Flam, that was just the picture I wanted! Harry and Barry.......separated at birth! And Tony and Trish too! Quote
flamboyant Posted August 27, 2014 Author Report Posted August 27, 2014 Dippy I was thinking exactly the same thing the resemblance to Cllr Johnson and Cllr Morgan is uncanny! Omg the council is being run by biscuit heads!! Quote
Denise Lloyd Posted August 28, 2014 Report Posted August 28, 2014 Mr Johnson please could you tell the audience what areas of the county of Hereford and the city of Hereford you have not visited since being Leader of HC. Or if it is quicker please tell the audience what areas you have visited. Quote
Aylestone Voice Posted August 28, 2014 Report Posted August 28, 2014 If this thread is about the Civic Trust Question Time on 17 September please remember that you ask the others questions as well. They will be:- Lucy Hurds - Lib Dems Liz Morawiecka - Here for Hereford Antony Powers - IOC This is a chance to ask serious questions about what they see as the future for the City and County. That is not to say that Councillors do not have to answer for the decisions they have made but for me what is done is done and lets look forward to a better future. I am not so much bothered about grass cutting as I am about what the LD's, H4H and IOC see as appropriate future development for us including the thorny by-pass issue. We know what the Tories want as it is in the Core Strategy. Also we could ask which party would carry on with privatising/outsourcing services and how they would control the runaway train that is spending on social care. If we are going to decide who is the best party to lead us after next May's elections then this is the time to start asking such questions. Quote
Cambo Posted August 28, 2014 Report Posted August 28, 2014 Fair point AV although some of the question noted down here could apply to any of the others members on the panel? So maybe we should list a number of question down that we would like answers to,then decided to whom we would like each question to go to? Although I'm sure that they will all have a turn @ responding regardless of who the questions are put to first? It's just that we've got the knives out for tony biscuit head Johnson…I wouldn't want to eat him though as it would only leave a bad taste in my mouth!!! Quote
Cambo Posted September 9, 2014 Report Posted September 9, 2014 So not long now till Question time with……… tony Johnson,Liz Hurds,Liz morawiecka & Antony Powers!!!! I think this is a good opportunity for anyone who would like to ask some question but would rather remain anonymous although still be able to ask the panel some questions? But that's only if Colin is agreeable & of course if it is possible to choose some questions to put forward on behalf of Hereford voice bloggers??…Then that would be beautiful!!! Quote
flamboyant Posted September 9, 2014 Author Report Posted September 9, 2014 Cambo as it was your idea I think you should get the first question. I also think a question from Megilleland, TWG and Bobby as they are all very knowledgable about Council activities. In truth though I have no confidence in any question getting an honest or even a direct response. Since we now know, thanks to Dippy that the Council is run by biscuit heads! Quote
flamboyant Posted September 10, 2014 Author Report Posted September 10, 2014 There is a Q&A on the Councils Facebook page with Cllr Johnson between 6-7 pm this evening, whilst it's not possible to comment without a Facebook it might be interesting to follow! Quote
flamboyant Posted September 10, 2014 Author Report Posted September 10, 2014 Didn't finish work in time to watch the Q&A live but I have read through the threads, it's not easy to follow! TJ as he's now calling himself was evasive as always, commenting that the Councils Directors were doing a great job almost had me choking on my tea! He really has no idea, maybe he is having trouble seeing through all that wool pulled down over his eyes! You haven't reduced the number of Senior Managers TJ they've just changed their titles, are you really so sure they are doing a great job? Quote
flamboyant Posted September 10, 2014 Author Report Posted September 10, 2014 TJ for your info, the Directorate structure on the Council Website is out of date! You have 13 people working at Director level not 6! https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/media/7327786/directorate_structure_chart_september_2013.pdf Quote
twowheelsgood Posted September 10, 2014 Report Posted September 10, 2014 So, in barely 12 months, they've added another 7 directors on at least £80k each??!! Quote
flamboyant Posted September 11, 2014 Author Report Posted September 11, 2014 Yes TWG it would appear so, they are about to swell the ranks with recently advertised posts, and these are only people earning £70 thousand plus! There are dozens earning below that threshold on £40 k and upwards which are new posts and posts that received wage increases in the restructure. You would think with all that expertise they could manage to respond to letters sent to the Chief Exec (the invisible man) who incidentally has not been seen for over 6 months! TJ then wonders why no one takes him seriously! https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/media/553345/salaries_1012014.csv Quote
flamboyant Posted September 11, 2014 Author Report Posted September 11, 2014 The following Statement was made by Tony Johnson on Herefordshire Councils Facebook page last night. If you have any doubt whether Tony was telling the truth then check out the above posts, Directors Structure 2013 and Directors Salaries 2014. The response is to a question about reducing the Salaries of top earners! I did not personally stop any motion, that can only be done by the full Council. The pay levels of middle and senior managers are comparative to other councils and are set by our employment panel which comprises of a cross party group. Over the last 18 months we have seen a number of reductions in the number of senior manager and director posts. (TJ) Quote
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