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  On 07/05/2015 at 15:57, Aylestone Voice said:

It seems that a decision to authorise the submission of the planning application has been made but that it has either not actually been submitted yet or that it has been submitted but not been registered.

But I am sure it will be hidden from the public and will be approved in secret!!!!!! Conspiracy theories - love them

What planet do some of you live on?

Of course if your dream ticket of IOC or IOC/Indies get control it will be dropped won't it

Off topic slightly AV where do you stand on this housing development off Aylestone Hill?


What on earth happened to Purda?  Poor Jean to have received that letter without any prior warning disgraceful behaviour on election day.  So people affected all along that route would have received the same letter.


Those who are in favour of it because of the prospect of houses being built on their land would they not be swayed into voting for the Cons?


 The timing could not be more questionable perhaps somebody in the know could tell me I am correct or incorrect because it does not seem quite politically correct to me.


No, it doesn't seem right to me either.


Nor does the fact, that with the clock now ticking, I am still unable to lodge an online objection.


Surely this isn't within the rules?


Why would Parson Brinkerhoff write to jeanharris? They're not the planning authority, and the council gave up writing to those affected ages ago to save the cost of a stamp. Wires are getting crossed somewhere.

  On 07/05/2015 at 15:57, Aylestone Voice said:

It seems that a decision to authorise the submission of the planning application has been made but that it has either not actually been submitted yet or that it has been submitted but not been registered.

But I am sure it will be hidden from the public and will be approved in secret!!!!!! Conspiracy theories - love them

What planet do some of you live on?

Of course if your dream ticket of IOC or IOC/Indies get control it will be dropped won't it


I've been busy reading the various route assessment reports by Amey and PB - there are quite a few.    It would appear that the southern link road was assessed at the same time as a western bypass and eastern link. All were were proposed by the old Cabinet and  supported by the Marches LEP who are not interested in resolving Hereford's congestion problems but are interested in creating  new strategic routes by stealth between the M5 and South Wales.  


Interestingly,  the eastern link was recommended for rejection by Amey on traffic and environmental grounds and Parsons Brinkerhoff confirmed that, whilst they had some reservations about the robustness of Amey's assessments on noise, air quality and noted the omission of some scheduled monuments from the mapping,  they did largely endorse Amey's recommendations to reject the eastern link and, without it, I cannot see how the southern link road can justify its economic and business case.  Regarding the southern link road itself, some mistakes were made in assessing "environmental constraints" but i haven't digested this completely yet.  


Amey's eastern link and crossing assessment referred to several route possibilities: some running from Ledbury Road to Hampton Park Road and then across to the Rotherwas Access Road and others running from a point between Bartestree and Hereford.  Amey identified various significant traffic impacts for Bartestree from the outer link options and for Bodenham Road, Aylestone Hill, Hafod Road and Eign Road for the inner link options.  The outer link options would destroy the Lugg Meadows.   


What no-one has yet modelled is the impact of a bridge only, positioned where Amey has already located one,  between Hampton Park Road and Rotherwas and I think this should be explored further, not in isolation but in conjunction with traffic reduction measures for the city wide network.   I see the sense in re-assigning some of the traffic trying to leave Hereford on the A49 that currently has to cross the city from the east and would like to see how a crossing on its own would affect the rest of the network.  It could work.   The LEP of course, don't want to look at a smaller scale,  local solution as this doesn't fit with their growth agenda, although I'm speculating.  

I think the key to stopping the southern link road lies in revisiting the eastern link and dealing with short journeys  within the city network.  

Just my opinion but if I get a chance I will propose this.  


Please can someone tell me how to upload a copy of the letter I have received from Parson's Brinckerhoff.

I have clicked on the paperclip and then located the saved file but it doesn't seem to appear here. Thank you Jean




It came through fine.  Contact your Parish Council when the planning application is on line and ask them to ask HC for an extension of time.  Who is your Parish Council. Clehonger I imagine?  I expect they will have an emergency meeting anyway but speak to them first.


Hi Jean, an interestingly worded letter.


"Any homeowner or tenant who wants to make representations.... have 21 days to submit them"


What about the rest of Hereford, who want to object???


I certainly want to object !


Evening Denise!


Take a look at the previous page! It is on line, but there is not the facility to make on line representations.....!


(Hey,Denise! Have you just edited your post, to make mine look like I'm talking complete nonsense???? I don't need any help in the nonsense department!, it comes completely naturally to me!!)


Thanks Denise,


Not to worry about the planning application I could not remember where I had seen it and couldn't find it again. It seems it was hidden away somewhere.


I will ask the PC for an extension They have a meeting on 21st May. At their last meeting they agreed to write to HC asking them to de-couple the extension link road from the plans. This road was only suggested because the junction where the B4349 meets the A465 is deemed to be dangerous for vehicles turning right and accessing the new roundabout leading to the A49.


We have suggested that it would be much cheaper, in this case, to improve the junction (maybe a new roundabout) than to build a road which serves no purpose whatsoever. Jean


 Jean has had that letter because as an owner of land directly affected she must by law be notified 21 days before the application is submitted. It legally assures her rights as a landowner

Once it is submitted and formally registered there will be public notices on the route and in the HT bringing it to the attention of everyone else who will then have 28 days to comment - you will be able to do that on line

So if you are going to comment get prepared and keep checking the Council's website and your eyes open for the application

It is not too difficult as long as you know how the planning system operates

I suspect that if the Tories are not in charge tomorrow then it will be dropped and as a knock on the Core Strategy which perhaps will me an even greater period for the current developer free for all

Greenknight - as for aylestone hill - I am totally opposed, but we have to wait for the appeal to be determined

  On 07/05/2015 at 19:29, dippyhippy said:

Hi Jean, an interestingly worded letter.


"Any homeowner or tenant who wants to make representations.... have 21 days to submit them"


What about the rest of Hereford, who want to object???


I certainly want to object !


Evening Denise!


Take a look at the previous page! It is on line, but there is not the facility to make on line representations.....!


(Hey,Denise! Have you just edited your post, to make mine look like I'm talking complete nonsense???? I don't need any help in the nonsense department!, it comes completely naturally to me!!)

Dippy no I was talking about Jean's letter I haven't even looked for the application.  You talk nonsense not in a million years leave that for us old ones!


I cant believe such an application has been made just one day before the elections.  I thought that the Southern Link Road was part of a whole transport package including improved cycle routes. Am I missing this somewhere or is it just another road application?


Amey and Parsons Brinkerhoff were asked to look at this road along with the western and eastern bypasses.  It's part of a wider agenda for a new strategic route through Hereford to the east.   Undermine the eastern crossing and link to the A438 Ledbury Road and you take with it the southern link road which cannot justify its business case without the eastern link.   


The proposal made back in 2008 was  to build a new road between somewhere on the A438 Ledbury Road running through to Hampton Park Road with a bridge across the river crossing at Hampton Park Road linking into  the Rotherwas access road which is currently almost unused. Through traffic would then pass via the southern link road onto the A465 and down to South Wales, or up to the M5 at junction 7.   Essentially Hereford would end up with two trunk routes, one to the east and one to the west - traffic would get worse in the city.  None of this would solve Hereford's transport problems but it would bring development and therefore profits and would fulfil the LEP's growth agenda. 


I would support a bridge only option at Hampton Park Road linked to a package of traffic reduction measures for the city: more effective and a hell of a lot cheaper.  


Our problem is we're fighting the Marches LEP not just the Council.  


I posted on here yesterday a copy of a letter I have received from PB It is quite possible that the planning application will be uploaded to the website on Monday as the council upload their applications at around 11.00am. Anyone who wants to object to this application please check out the website. I appear to be the only one having received a letter from PB and this is probably because at the two meetings we had with them and the council we complained about not being consulted, even to be told the road was going through our garden. My letter stated that I had 21 days from the date of the letter to make my objections.  That is not correct as planning law states you have 28 days from the date of the application being posted. Another error by the road consultants designing our roads in Hereford.


Amanda sorry but I dont understand your comments about the road to the East. I thought that Herefordshire Council are doing the Southern Link road as part 1 of the "Western" bypass. There are no Council plans for an Eastern route even though I understand that Jesse Norman would like any bypass to go East to connect with Worcester and the West Midlands where alot of the engineering businesses are focussed. Are you in favour of the Western route? I don't want any road just decent bus services.


Maggie May, 


Officially the Council are backing a western route because this would open up a Klondike of housing opportunity.   Frustratingly for them, though, they can't get funding for it.   Again officially there are no public proposals for an eastern crossing and link road to the A438 but there is a lot of paddling away under the surface.   The dystopian Skylon Park, a creature of the LEP and roads 'n growth crazed  councillors, it's clear that this is not being discounted just yet.  We could be taking our eyes off the ball.  Watch it pop back up after they have exhausted all attempts to fund the western road.     



Meanwhile, as you say, our newly returned MP is advocating it.   It hasn't gone away.  





From the reports I have read and comments picked up in various minutes, the overall aim is to have a complete ring road around Hereford with associated  development.    In the shorter term, it would appear that Herefordshire Council has been talking to Welsh politicians with a view to getting the not yet built southern link road extended all the way round to the Brecon Road.  





I've been reading the Skylon minutes.  These people are a menace.   It's clear that no amount of roadbuilding would be enough for them. Not content with having cheered on the HA as they f*cked up the A49, they're now agitating for further pinch point works on the A49 near Asda.  It's never ending and the little comments here and there about the Council leader having met this or that person shows how these things are being sewn up on the quiet.  


I'm certainly not in favour of a western route.  I'm not in favour of an eastern route either but I would support an assessment of the impact on the network of a river crossing in isolation i.e. without the 3km of link road to the A438.   It wouldn't work in isolation but it could potentially  be a useful element of a wider package of traffic reduction measures that could reduce car use for certain journeys.


Has anyone spotted the planning application for the SLR. As you know I received a letter last week telling me I had 21 days to make my objections.  Still no sign of the plans being uploaded on the website.


"People need to mobilise, initially by writing to their own councillor saying that they do not want the South Wye Transport Package as it stands and that they reject being designated an "Urban powerhouse for Growth" by people with no roots in Herefordshire and no interest in it beyond exploiting it for corporate chums and an indiscriminate growth agenda that will destroy quality of life.

The planning application for the Southern Link Road will probably be published on Monday/tuesday with a limited consultation period. Please write now to Jesse Norman MP and to your own councillor, asking them to commission a study to model and appraise a new eastern bridge in isolation i.e. without the 3km section linking Hampton Park Road with Ledbury Road, along with an actual "package" of tried and tested solutions for dealing with short journeys within the city. Interestingly Parsons Brinckerhoff identified the majority of commuter journeys within the city as being less than 2km.

It is essential to mobilise the public on this one if we are to stop this road. Your email and letter will count. Also by Amanda but endorsed by me ............"


The above is taken from Hereford Transport Forum on Facebook.  I will be emailing Jess and our new Ward Councillor Jon Johnson later today. Has anybody got an email address for the new Ward Councillor for Stoney Street please.

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