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Combined Midlands authority proposed


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From the Planning Portal today;


"Combined Midlands authority proposed

A group of five West Midland and Black Country councils has written to Chancellor George Osborne announcing their intention to form a combined authority in line with the pioneering Greater Manchester initiative.

The five local authorities initially involved - Birmingham City Council, Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council, Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council City Council, Walsall Council and Wolverhampton City Council – have revealed they are in “ongoing discussions" with Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council and Coventry City Council "as well as a number of the neighbouring district councils" .

They are hoping to build an alliance with "direct influence over the economic fortunes of more than 3.4 million people in the wider midlands area.

The councils said they hoped to agree the devolution of powers from central Government to the combined authority which was expected to "focus on strategic planning and delivery for economic development and transport"."


Its coming - Herefordshire will inevitably join with Shropshire and others - those in charge simply won't be able resist the lure of more power, more money, more expenses.

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Hi Megilleland!


Most if not all of what I now know about regionalization, I have learnt from you my friend , - sometimes I wish I had remained blissfully ignorant, but because of your informative posts and links, I know so much more....and have even more cause for worry than I had before!!!


The bags under my eyes have never been bigger!

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The coming together of all these small councils into one is to get funds from central government, Manchester is the first but to get these funds they had to agree to having an elected mayor, which will come into effect next year. An elected mayor will stay in office for 4 years instead of one year as it is now. So the elected mayor whether male or female  if after they are elected proves to be not good in the job  you are stuck with them for 4 years

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BBC News 4 May 2012

David Cameron's plans to replace local council cabinets with directly elected mayors have been rejected by voters in nine English cities.
Birmingham, Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham, Sheffield, Wakefield, Coventry, Leeds and Bradford voted "no" to the idea, championed by ministers.
But Bristol was in favour and Doncaster voted to keep its mayor.
So it's the politicians who want to pursue this and not the electorate.
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Some backbenchers are for this to give local people a say, but the government don't want it because the House of Commons would lose control. We have enough problems with 8 cabinet members here who do not listen to local people, just imagine if just ONE PERSON was in control! I would vote to get rid of the cabinet system and go back to the committee system, I know it may be slower but everyone would have their say in what happens in Hereford.

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If it means our roads become as perfect as those in Wales - I'm in. Birmingham City Council is a run like a fascist state by its Labour controlled Cabinet - contradictory I know, but I'm currently one of many thousands fighting their illegal money raising scam - cameras in unmarked bus lanes - cost me £90 in 11 minutes (kindly reduced from £180).

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Dippy, sorry not to come back earlier but I had to find out the answer to your question. The matter to dissolve the cabinet is on the agenda for full council meeting on 12th December, which the public can attend, the meeting at the Shire Hall the room at the top of the stairs starting at 10am.

Thanks very much, Glenda for answering my question so promptly. It's much appreciated!

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Talking about cameras........what are those tall, pole things with what looks like cameras attached to them doing??


They have suddenly sprung up at the Wide marsh Gate traffic lights. I noticed them his morning whilst waiting for the lights to change by Costa at the new development.


What are they all about?

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