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  On 03/03/2015 at 17:00, Roger said:

That's exactly the point I made in the comments section on the HT story this morning. A figure of zero is never going to be happening. And if you apply that logic to Mamma Jammas then you've got to apply it to Play Nightclub as well for instance. I seem to recall some fella got his face re-arranged there in January 2014 after 2AM which is precisely the time frame the cops are jittery about. Link


With regards to the 41 'incidents' listed if you make an assumption that no 'drunk' gets past the door staff to enter the venue then the assumption is that a proportion become drunk inside. The review doesn't seem to contain any direct reference to any bar staff serving inappropriately though. 


It just seems to me that the approach that is being taken here is throw enough mud at the wall and some of it is going to stick.


I share your views too guys, zero is not realistic, in fact they need to be maybe showing a little more presence at the weekends as a deterrent.

  On 03/03/2015 at 19:00, Colin James said:

I share your views too guys, zero is not realistic, in fact they need to be maybe showing a little more presence at the weekends as a deterrent.


A cynic might argue that the cops are failing their own licensing objectives by having a 4 AM Club and not catering for the obvious and predictable occasional fallout that happens around the corner when clients have left. Little deterrent so it is going to happen. How far down the road are these door staff expected to control? We've had this with the football. Leeds United an obvious example LINK The Police lost the Court case.


Rolling up in the week and just trawling the computer to build a paper case is just a cheapskate way to control the night time economy. Not going into Mamma Jammas after perceiving a problem is also an error. No unannounced spot check interior visit evidenced in that review document. No direct Police evidence of what is actually going on in there ...


Contrast this to Garlands Nightclub in Liverpool where it looks like they built a proper case. LINK


I know money is tight but West Mercia and Warks Police have basically merged (called a strategic Alliance) so I have no sympathy on the money front when they can still operate two Chiefs ... With two PCC's and all the hangers on .... 

  On 01/03/2015 at 12:19, Paul Neades said:

From what I gather and read in to this there is no intention or agenda to shut the club just ensure that people in the venue are there because they want to be at that venue for what it offers and not just be a late drink where people go to when the late bars kick out at 2 and people have had enough. What is the issue with a last entry time of 1 or 1.30 every other club in town stops admitting at this time. Ok they trade later but if people are in there by 1.30 they can still drink and party till late. Maybe the customers need to decide if they are better off going to Mamma Jammas earlier and in turn the spend over the bar will increase.


Let's have Mr Neades try his own advice and Yates stand firm and not allow any customers in after 10 - 1030 when restaurants finish. A good 2.5 hours before termination. If he agrees I will. I have not read such a must guided plan since ukip announced there immigration plans earlier this week. The world has changed. Our customers include his staff when they finish etc. The FACT 80% of our customer base after 2 are staff from other venues speaks volumes. Has Mr Neades himself not just applied for a last entry time of 1 for his pub?


Welcome aboard the good ship Hereford Voice, mj1......it's great to have you here!


You make an interesting comment about staff who work late.


To be honest, I had never thought about it from this angle. Now that you've pointed it put, it seems obvious that those who finish in the early hours would appreciate the opening times of your venue!


I hope to hear plenty more from you!


Take care.

  On 06/03/2015 at 00:08, mj1 said:

Has Mr Neades himself not just applied for a last entry time of 1 for his pub?


I read that application with interest. Link here I think that the impact it will have, if approved, may just change where people decide to drink late. 


There is a proposed last entry time of 1 AM ... With alcohol to be served until 2 AM and a premises closure time of 2.30 AM


I also interpreted that the venue is applying for an additional hour on about 42 other days so that alcohol would be served until 3.00 AM with a closure time of 3.30 AM ...


There seems to be a one off all nighter where the application seems to indicate continuous alcohol sales from 8.00 AM on New Years Eve until 3 AM on New Years Day (into 02.01.16) ~ which seems to be 43 hours of continuous sales.




I think it's stretching it a bit to say that Burns Night is big in Hereford ... Or bonfire night ... But hey ho! 


An interesting list!


I don't know about you, Roger..... but the biggest night of the year for me -  has and always will be - Maundy Thursday!!


Bring it on!

  On 06/03/2015 at 21:04, dippyhippy said:

An interesting list!


I don't know about you, Roger..... but the biggest night of the year for me -  has and always will be - Maundy Thursday!!


Bring it on!


Maundy Thursday was last big in Hereford in 1976 ... I doubt the attendees then went for an all nighter after getting their coins! 


I would have added Mothers Day and Fathers Day to that list of Special Days!  :Happy_32: Also Pancake Day .... Ash Wednesday ....  :Happy_32:


Also 'Talk Like A Pirate Day' .... September 19th ....  :Winky:



Just looking around the web and a Major gong was awarded to Play .... In Oct. 2013 .




Which was given just a short time after this assault happened .... Which has only just been resolved to a degree ... Sentenced awaited .... 


Anyone have any views on this?

  On 07/03/2015 at 00:31, Roger said:

Just looking around the web and a Major gong was awarded to Play .... In Oct. 2013 .




Which was given just a short time after this assault happened .... Which has only just been resolved to a degree ... Sentenced awaited ....


Anyone have any views on this?

  On 07/03/2015 at 21:47, mj1 said:

This issue is not restricted to hereford. I'm keeping generally out of the situation as I am currently in review but there is a lot of interesting reading out there regarding venues with the latest licences http://m.warringtonguardian.co.uk/news/11831732.Bridge_Street_licensing_dispute_set_to_rumble_on/?ref=twtrec


I'll put my cards firmly on the table and say that I have no spare cash to spend in any of the late night venues being discussed on this thread. I spend spare cash on football as anyone who remotely knows me appreciates. 


I keep my ear to the ground and from what I gather everywhere is trying to keep a lid on any bother but I don't live under a stone and know that bother happens when people have been drinking. You can run as many award winning schemes as you like but that ain't going to stop a one off situation. 


The point I am making is that I personally perceive that the cops are going to be in a difficult corner if they try and review a licence when they pose for photo's with award winning people ... LINK (dated Oct 2014)


Dan Guerche is the only person in that photo on the link that I don't know personally ...  


The application that was placed for Yates was to extend the trading hour by 1 hour. The last admission time was agreed between us and the authorities and if we had wished we could have stated our case to stay admitting people till 2 but this would acheive nothing as most people approaching the door would have have had enough by then. Granted staff like to have a beer after work but then why not agree a last entry time and admit on a guest list basis for pre booked staff after that. Roger the timings you see in the license application with regards to special occasions are no different to what they were before since 2005. The NYE timings have been available to everyone since the millennium they just need to put this on their licence and finally the extra 30mins after 2pm allows time for people to drink up after the Music & Bar has closed. I hope MJ's agree a resolution with regards to this as they do provide a night out that is popular with all ages and I'm positive that they will still get the support from Herefordians whatever the outcome.


Bloody public services! In their thirst to create a risk free environment that allows them to apply their light touch and watch from a distance operational stance, they are all destroying our culture and our way of life.

Quite simply they ain't doing anything. Unless it's some major event or some unexpected serious occurrence there is no getting them out of their offices or out of their cars and dealing with it themselves.

Every bloody place you go where the public gather they ain't there. They're invisible because of all the things that they've out in place that allows them to be disconnected from any public disturbance.

They've achieved this many years ago when public services were fat and bloated because of the creation of a boat load of pointless jobs and now, now the times are very different they still remain distant because of all the things they've done and put in place.

Whether its a bloody Supermarket, the Job Centre, a public event or in this case a battle cruiser, they are expected to Police it themselves. And Police it themselves they do because every bloody single piece of the jigsaw is designed by them to make our pubs and clubs Police it themselves.

These poor traders that serve me with ale are up to their necks in security staff. Not only that, the security staff have to be kitted out with equipment that allows them to communicate with one another. Then there's their training. That don't come cheap. Then there's their authority to act out their role on the pub door that's supposed to reduce risk and allow the Police to be no where near where the possible action might be.

And that ain't enough. There's the security cameras. Not for the Police and the Council some low cost bit of recording software that'll record the event but leaves you scratching your head wondering who it might be because the image is grainy and the elevated position of the camera points downwards toward the top of some fools head. No! Urged on by the Council and the Police who are still sat indoors watching from a distance, these businesses are forced to upgrade their software so that when the Officer comes a calling to view the disturbance that they really ain't interested in investigating, through the power of digital recording they can save themselves time sitting in the pub in harms way, immediately lift the interesting footage and take it away for further examination.

And all this and a whole lot more eats away at the profit margin of these places that are essential to our way of life and mixing and conversing with one another.

It's no bloody wonder so many pubs and clubs are closing. Not only is it highly expensive to maintain, mostly thanks to the bludgeoning mass of hoops the Police and Council make the publicans jump through, it's also a huge burden for them ensuring that they never have to pick up the bloody phone and ask for help because if they bloody do, the Police and the Council will lift their plea for help off their database, throw it in the pile of documents that are titled, 'this licensed premise is a problem and a risk to the public' and off they go again, relentlessly shoving and pushing the proprietor to a place where he or she simply thinks, 'F.u.c.k it. I've had enough. Let's close the place and enjoy a good nights kip'.


WOW, what a thread. Mamma Jammers, Paul Neads and me! We have the great and good of Hereford's nightlife right here. 


Roger I would be more than happy to have a pint with you any evening we are open at the club. 


By the way, its true that the camera puts weight on you. 


Welcome Dan!


Good to have you here! This is indeed a very interesting thread.


I'm sure many of us would be keen to hear your take on things.


I look forward to reading your opinion!

  On 10/03/2015 at 11:38, DanGuerche said:


Roger I would be more than happy to have a pint with you any evening we are open at the club. 


Same here. I hope my jest about pancake day earlier was taken in good part .... I think it was! Thanks! Hereford ain't a bad place for Nightlife if you live here. I was born here. I firmly believe though that no amount of measures could stop an occasional battering either inside or outside of a venue.  

  On 10/03/2015 at 10:30, bobby47 said:

Bloody public services! In their thirst to create a risk free environment that allows them to apply their light touch and watch from a distance operational stance, they are all destroying our culture and our way of life.

Quite simply they ain't doing anything. Unless it's some major event or some unexpected serious occurrence there is no getting them out of their offices or out of their cars and dealing with it themselves.

Every bloody place you go where the public gather they ain't there. They're invisible because of all the things that they've out in place that allows them to be disconnected from any public disturbance.

They've achieved this many years ago when public services were fat and bloated because of the creation of a boat load of pointless jobs and now, now the times are very different they still remain distant because of all the things they've done and put in place.

Whether its a bloody Supermarket, the Job Centre, a public event or in this case a battle cruiser, they are expected to Police it themselves. And Police it themselves they do because every bloody single piece of the jigsaw is designed by them to make our pubs and clubs Police it themselves.

These poor traders that serve me with ale are up to their necks in security staff. Not only that, the security staff have to be kitted out with equipment that allows them to communicate with one another. Then there's their training. That don't come cheap. Then there's their authority to act out their role on the pub door that's supposed to reduce risk and allow the Police to be no where near where the possible action might be.

And that ain't enough. There's the security cameras. Not for the Police and the Council some low cost bit of recording software that'll record the event but leaves you scratching your head wondering who it might be because the image is grainy and the elevated position of the camera points downwards toward the top of some fools head. No! Urged on by the Council and the Police who are still sat indoors watching from a distance, these businesses are forced to upgrade their software so that when the Officer comes a calling to view the disturbance that they really ain't interested in investigating, through the power of digital recording they can save themselves time sitting in the pub in harms way, immediately lift the interesting footage and take it away for further examination.

And all this and a whole lot more eats away at the profit margin of these places that are essential to our way of life and mixing and conversing with one another.

It's no bloody wonder so many pubs and clubs are closing. Not only is it highly expensive to maintain, mostly thanks to the bludgeoning mass of hoops the Police and Council make the publicans jump through, it's also a huge burden for them ensuring that they never have to pick up the bloody phone and ask for help because if they bloody do, the Police and the Council will lift their plea for help off their database, throw it in the pile of documents that are titled, 'this licensed premise is a problem and a risk to the public' and off they go again, relentlessly shoving and pushing the proprietor to a place where he or she simply thinks, 'F.u.c.k it. I've had enough. Let's close the place and enjoy a good nights kip'.


Brilliantly written and 100% correct!!


You will ALWAYS have the odd fight and disturbance and yes occasionally there will be a serious assault on someone but that's life it has always been like that, I remember a huge fight in Bridge St years ago just outside the Crystal Rooms and another night some years later outside the IP Sisters, the fight ended up ironically in Goal St, so even on the Police doorstep things like this will happen, where alcohol and people mix often thing will get out of hand, from my experience weddings and family parties are often the worst. Forcing the pubs and clubs to close earlier will make NO DIFFERENCE whatsoever but what it is doing is killing the nightlife in Hereford and that is why many people choose to go to other towns and cities. Clubs should be able to stay open until 6am if the demand is there, what difference does making them close at 3am achieve? 


Recently, I was in Dublin and the club we were in did not close until 5am and there no trouble, I have seen more trouble in clubs that have closed at 1am, so whats with all these restrictions?? Hereford Council and Police need to get into the 21st century, Hereford is growing and the population with it, time to move with the times. Police should be doing what they are paid to do instead of watching from a distance. 


I feel sorry for these traders I really do, its the same situation not being able to buy a hot takeaway after 1.30am which again is pathetic it really is.


Yes 'H', I agree with you. Very recently I was supping ale in a local battle cruiser and my friend who was not intoxicated became I'll and an Ambulance was called to take my friend to Hospital. Happily, he/she was ok and was quickly discharged.

The following day I took a call from the staff at this battle cruiser who were pleased to hear my friend was well. The tragedy is that the good people from this licensed establishment were frightened to death that this occurrence was in some way their fault and it would be brought to the attention of the Council and the Police.

To think that publicans and their staff are driven to fear the consequences of selling someone a pint of ale and have to worry so much that their trade could be disrupted by these zealots who see our social lives in a very different way to normal people who simply want to gather together, sup ale, have a natter, laugh and weave their way home after a lovely night out.

Our society, in so many many ways has become hysterical, irrational and driven by fools who've simply no idea. Sadly for us, the fools who fund this madness, we've got absolutely no control of this 'someone's to blame. Nothing is an accident. Someone must be punished' ethos that's dug itself into the daily working philosophy of public service.

  On 11/03/2015 at 12:25, bobby47 said:

Yes 'H', I agree with you. Very recently I was supping ale in a local battle cruiser and my friend who was not intoxicated became I'll and an Ambulance was called to take my friend to Hospital. Happily, he/she was ok and was quickly discharged.

The following day I took a call from the staff at this battle cruiser who were pleased to hear my friend was well. The tragedy is that the good people from this licensed establishment were frightened to death that this occurrence was in some way their fault and it would be brought to the attention of the Council and the Police.

To think that publicans and their staff are driven to fear the consequences of selling someone a pint of ale and have to worry so much that their trade could be disrupted by these zealots who see our social lives in a very different way to normal people who simply want to gather together, sup ale, have a natter, laugh and weave their way home after a lovely night out.

Our society, in so many many ways has become hysterical, irrational and driven by fools who've simply no idea. Sadly for us, the fools who fund this madness, we've got absolutely no control of this 'someone's to blame. Nothing is an accident. Someone must be punished' ethos that's dug itself into the daily working philosophy of public service.



Yes this is so very sad but true, the good old days of going out and having a good night to remember have gone, everything must close at a certain time of else! They will not be happy more of the clubs and pubs are closed and replaced with more flats thus preventing future licensing because of RESIDENTS, that's the next excuse.

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