dippyhippy Posted June 19, 2015 Author Report Posted June 19, 2015 I can't decide why these "roles" are voluntary to begin with. Is it to see if the successful applicant fits in with the Freedom Church way of doing things? Or is it to deter 'outside' applicants from applying, because they only really want to recruit from within the fold?? I can't quite make up my mind.
Cambo Posted June 19, 2015 Report Posted June 19, 2015 It would seem that they do like to keep it inside of the FC family!
Denise Lloyd Posted June 19, 2015 Report Posted June 19, 2015 Applying as we speak - some charity my eye
toroidal Posted June 19, 2015 Report Posted June 19, 2015 Tithes ? in 2015? I'll doff my cap tighten my twine around my trews and rush off on Sundays to believe in sky fairys. If it wasn't real it would make a good sit-com probably on a sky fairy channel !!!!! Trouble is because we now don't have any safety net left for disadvantaged people ( thank you council and government ) then this seems a good deal. Hmmmm maybe FC should offer to rebuild the houses of parliament with their petty cash. Then we'll really need Guy Fawkes
dippyhippy Posted June 19, 2015 Author Report Posted June 19, 2015 Yes, Toroidal, tithes. In 2015. Hard to believe that so many folks still think there a good idea, a ticket to heaven..... Yet apparently quite a few do......a good 10% anyway!
dippyhippy Posted June 19, 2015 Author Report Posted June 19, 2015 Well.... The Forge won't be available for wedding bookings on the weekend of August 19th, as they are having a Youth Group get together, so I'm told. What fun! And only £110.00 per place. Gosh. That's a big percentage of pocket money gone.......
Cambo Posted June 19, 2015 Report Posted June 19, 2015 I wonder if accommodation & food are included in the price?
Denise Lloyd Posted June 19, 2015 Report Posted June 19, 2015 Young innocent foreign students coming to Hereford spending the money their parents have scraped together on this rip off religion - cheaper to go to a C of E Church and just as fulfilling. Accommodation Cambo that will be an added extra.
dippyhippy Posted June 20, 2015 Author Report Posted June 20, 2015 I love Pink Floyd. Their Dark Side Of The Moon album remains one of my all time favourites. I first listened to it in my angst ridden teenage years, and really thought it was all about me. I had a mixed bunch of friends at the time.... punks, Goths, we were a motley crew! One, who had the most fabulous multi coloured Mohican, listened to this a lot..... and then we all kind of had it on repeat! I listened to it again in my twenties/thirties, and had a much better perspective of the lyrics. Now, in my forties, I think I truly get it. I can't listen to "Brain Damage" without getting a tear in my eye. I think about my pals from those days. A few are no longer with us. My mohicanned friend sadly passed away some years ago. RIP my friend. You're still much missed by many.
Chris Chappell Posted June 20, 2015 Report Posted June 20, 2015 A gentle reminder of the wealth of the CoE and the hold they have over the congregations. Tithes paid in certain villages which go back years even if the house owners never go into church. The Church Commisoners, one of the wealthiest organisations in the country are selling the much disputed land for housing at Three Elms. Not taking a great deal of notice of the humble man in the street who does not want 1000 homes built there. The Queen whether or not a believer is head of CoE! Then there are the RCs who are by far the largest congregation in Herefordshire. The unwritten British constitution says that no Catholic priest can wear a cassock in the street and until recently no member of the Royal Family could marry one and inherit the throne. Chris Bryant, avLabour MP, had to give up being an ordained priest because you can not be a CoE priest and an MP! Because as a CoE priest, you swear alligence to God and the Monarch!! MPs are commoneners and are 'Subjects' like the rest of us only I refuse to be anyone's subject which is why I never sing the national anthem in Church as the bible says 'thou shalt not bow down to any graven image' Nothing wrong with God, I am a practicing Christian myself, it is the religions that are at fault. Freedom Church sometimes go over the top, but so are all the recognised religions. Most 'Faiths' in this country do fantastic work for charity, the poor, homeless and vulnerable. In Herefordshire the churches run the Food Bank, and Freedom Church members along with those of other 'faiths' run Street Pastors. There are Tory priests and church members in the CoE, RCs, and non conformist churches, as there are socialists and even a few UKIPers I expect. I think all demomominations and churches have some faults.
dippyhippy Posted June 20, 2015 Author Report Posted June 20, 2015 I'd definitely agree with your last sentence, Chris...... but why is it, that this feeling of unease I get,only seems to surround Freedom Church? I go on my instincts and intuition. They are pretty darned reliable!
Denise Lloyd Posted June 21, 2015 Report Posted June 21, 2015 Chris - if these people who tithe and sponsor to these various "religions" have so much surplus cash (which I hope is not in the form of benefits and tax credits but is genuinely earned cash) surely it would be much better for the cash to be directly donated to these very much needed charities. Food banks should not be actually needed in this country in this day and age but sadly that is the situation we are in. Street Pastors do do a wonderful job in keeping safe youngsters who have gone over the top in their celebrations. Bypassing the middleman who inevitably take their very sizeable chunk would ultimately give a great deal more cash to these worthy causes. I too also feel unease about Freedom Church - I am not entirely comfortable with their motives and trust that people in positions of trust are carefully monitoring the situation. Too often Freedom Church are referred to as a cult I have never heard C of E and Catholics being referred to as cults.
Cambo Posted June 23, 2015 Report Posted June 23, 2015 Anna Coda made a comment on freedom churches Facebook page but it is no longer visible on there now???
dippyhippy Posted June 23, 2015 Author Report Posted June 23, 2015 How very rude! Deleting your enquiry! I wonder how their "investigation" has progressed.......
bobby47 Posted June 25, 2015 Report Posted June 25, 2015 Course, last night me and the lads had a spot of the usual trouble in the Commercial. I'd supped me thirtieth pint and was in the process of telling the lads how much I hated being laid in bed minding me own bloody business and having the full Tory Council Cabinet bursting in naked through me bedroom window and tipping me recycled rubbish all over me head when, just as I said, 'God! Bloody Council', Gary and Heather Snowzell came hurtling through the door howling, 'Thou Shalt Not Take The Name Of Thy God In Vain'. Course, that did it didn't it! I told them, 'clear off you Devil Dodging, fat bellied, holier than bloody thou hypocritical false prophets. After thirty pints of ale, if I bloody choose to, I bloody Shalt and no number of your followers belonging to your holy flock will stop me. Now clear off. Go find and convert some other sinner. Me and the lads are beyond your devilish influence.' 'Repent. Repent!', they howled, 'the Kingdom of The Lord is at hand and the end of the World is nigh' and then they left singing The Old Rugged Cross'. Mind, that got the lads thinking. Thinking about the End Of The World! 'How will it be Bobby. How will the end come?' they asked. I said, 'how would I bloody know. Guessing', I said, 'God will deliver us a few omens. Syphillis, a rotten new shopping centre, a bloody link road we don't want or need, huge bloody debts, bloody Rickets and then, after he's made us all thoroughly miserable, he'll summon up a bloody wind and blow everything down'. That wasn't the end of it! 'What sort of wind will it be brother Bobby'. I said, 'we'll if God has anything to do with it, my bloody guess is it'll be a mighty wind. The sort of wind that will lay low TheFreedom Church and the Commercial Ale House. Mind', I said, ' it won't be so mighty as to lay low the mountains of the world which is why, once we've all got bloody Rickets were off up to Churchill Gardens to bear witness to this apocalyptic event.' And that's where me and the lads are going. Up to Churchill Gardens where, in possession of ale, tobacco and pork rind,we'll watch the results of the wrath of Jehovah as he goes about flattening the Freedom Church and all these other deluded fools who convince themselves that they are the meek and the bloody mild and they are the ones who'll inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.
dippyhippy Posted June 25, 2015 Author Report Posted June 25, 2015 Hallelujah! My Saviour Bobby, with his words of truth! So good to read you! Please, will you report back when you witness any miraculous visions/hallucinations???
Denise Lloyd Posted June 25, 2015 Report Posted June 25, 2015 The real Lord of Hereford has spoken bless his heart There was a dogging programme on the television the other night too late for me to have a good nights sleep = sorry off topic
Cambo Posted July 3, 2015 Report Posted July 3, 2015 Camila Batmanghelidjh chief excutive of kids company charity asked to step down before they will receive £3 million in government funding. Kids Company's Camila Batmanghelidjh asked to step down by government http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-33356304
Denise Lloyd Posted July 3, 2015 Report Posted July 3, 2015 Very interesting article on Kids Company in the Spectator https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=9&ved=0CFQQFjAI&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spectator.co.uk%2Ffeatures%2F9437932%2Fthe-trouble-with-kids-company%2F&ei=FEOWVbXHHsTD7gaK3YDQAw&usg=AFQjCNFXJbPsvjJ7U2q2KD8dDbi_vivLbg&sig2=8Ry5SqUExAROmqf34HUb2g&bvm=bv.96952980,d.ZGU Some of these "charities" really really need serious investigation.
Denise Lloyd Posted July 4, 2015 Report Posted July 4, 2015 Minister or Sinister? How To Know When Your Church Has Become A Cult. PimpPreacher.com 07/04/2015 - Originally Published: Atlanta, GA 10/28/2010 Everything is about CONTROL. The main tools used to control members areINTIMIDATION and MANIPULATION. The intimidation and manipulation are very subtle and disguised with a false sense of love and concern. It’s all a strategic COURTSHIP. THE SEARCH (LOOKING FOR LOVE) Most people come to church with a NEED. The need can be physical, emotional, financial, social, or spiritual. Having that need puts a person in a very vulnerable state of mind and they are searching for fulfillment of the need. CULT PASTORS are searching for vulnerable people that they can control and manipulate. THE BAIT (GETTING THAT FIRST DATE) It’s All in the Eyes and Ears THE FLIRT / MEETING FOR DRINKS When a person visits this CULT (church), everyone is very friendly. They are greeted in the parking lot, at the front door and during the service they are asked to stand and be welcomed (first time visitors please stand). After service they are invited to a little reception (meeting for drinks) where they can meet some of the leaders and perhaps even the CULT Pastor. They are asked how they found out about the church, complimented on their outfit, asked how they enjoyed service, offered cake and punch, if they haven’t completed a visitors card during service they are asked to complete one during the reception (GOT TO GET THOSE DIGITS) and then they are asked if it’s okay if someone gives them a call later on during the weekTHIS BEGINS THE COURTSHIP. RUNNING GAME The Cult will have a team of people (we will call them the GAMERS) who are assigned to COURT you (THE PROSPECT). The courtship begins withCOMMUNICATION. Good communication starts with paying attention to what is said. The Gamer will ask strategic questions about the PROSPECT, their family and their life. Once they hear something they can identify with the prospect (YOU) they will begin telling the prospect how wonderful the church is (disclaimer: they will always say “we’re not a perfect church, but we love God and our Pastor loves the people of God, we are a loving churchâ€). The Gamer will tell a story about how they were so lost, broke down, and hurt BUTbecause of this ministry they were able to get their lives together and they don’t know where they would be without this ministry (not GOD, but the ministry) this will of course include many examples of how the Cult Pastor is very sincere and loving. This call will conclude with an invitation (FIRST DATE). This first date may be an invitation to come to the midweek service, a fellowship, or next Sunday’s service and the prospect is told to ask for the Gamer as soon as they come through the door so the two of them can sit together. The members are moved by what they HEAR they are compelled to say YES TO THE FIRST DATE. After many dates the prospect becomes a member of the CULT…and SO BEGINS THE RELATIONSHIP. THE RULES Once you join the CULT. You have to learn the rules. The rules are taught in the NEW MEMBERS CLASS. It is here that the brainwashing begins. You discover that EVERYTHING IS MANDATORY. You are given scriptures such as “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.†(Hebrews 10:25) – This translates into mandatory attendance to every service, gathering, class and activity. You start feeling obligated to be at every meeting because great emphasis is placed on being loyal to the Pastor, group and its teachings. You are told that this is your NEW FAMILY. You life becomes totally absorbed with services and group activities. You will be so physically and emotionally exhausted that you can’t even think for yourself. – TWO WORDS: MIND CONTROL. THIS IS WHEN THE RELATIONSHIP CHANGES AND IT’S NO LONGER A LOVING COURTSHIP BUT NOW IT’S A DOMINATE RELATIONSHIP OF ABUSE & CONTROL ISOLATION - (“Do not be unequally yoked’ 2 Cor. 6:14-18) 1. The leader will try to isolate the members by insisting they do not have any friends or associations with anyone other than the church members (cannot visit other churches). 2. Relationships are based on membership. If a person leaves the ministry, you need to isolate yourself from them. If they are not a member you do not befriend or remain friends with them. Even disassociate yourself from family members unless you are recruiting them - trying to get them to come and join your ministry. 3. There will be total control over almost all aspects of the private lives of members. This control can be direct through constant and repetitious teaching on “how to be a true Christian†or “being obedient to leadershipâ€. Members will look to their leaders for guidance in everything they do (travel plans, school plans, marriage plans, job plans, etc). 4. You find the members saying “Bishop said or Pastor said†more so than “GOD SAID or the WORD OF GOD SAYSâ€. Written By “Just Sayin†Reply Report Edit Delete Denise Lloyd
dippyhippy Posted July 4, 2015 Author Report Posted July 4, 2015 What an incredibly thought provoking article. Thanks for posting this Denise. I wonder if this approach will ring any bells with the folks who view this thread???
Denise Lloyd Posted July 6, 2015 Report Posted July 6, 2015 More words of wisdom Stop Paying A Church To Do What God Has Called You To Do! PimpPreacher.com New Orleans Bureau 07/20/2014 So you have just made home from church and feeling pretty good about yourself. In the service this morning you danced, shouted, screamed Amen 22 consecutive times, and most importantly you paid your tithes. In paying Tithes you felt that you’ve furthered the work of the Lord, and now your church has more money to perform the duties of the ministry. What if you discovered that the majority of the money you donated today, never made it to the Lord? What if you discovered that 85% of it will get consumed in administrative salaries and bills? How do you now feel about Tithing your hard earn money? There are some church members who never give a second thought to the money they sling into collection plates, others have said the Pastor could flush it down the toilet as far as they’re concerned. If they ever realized how much good they could actually do with Tithes by not giving it to a church, then all of them would fall out and become slain in the spirit For Real. Do you remember that Board Game from the early 70’s called Hungry Hippo? Do you remember how it seated four players across from each other, all trying to gobble up as many white marbles as possible? In this simple childhood game is the perfect analogy of what church has become. In the City of New Orleans, in some areas, you will find four churches positioned on one single block, all trying to gobble up as many members as possible. As with the game Hungry Hippo, whoever collects the most marbles /members wins the game of Hungry Hungry Church. The problem is those who are really hungry rarely see any of the Pastors from those churches out on the streets late at night with plates of food. In a recent conversation with a Tither, she confessed that she paid $2800 last year in donations to her church, and some married couples she knew personally even paid more than that. I immediately started doing some calculations. $2800 / 12 Months = $233.33 $233.33 a Month = $58.33 Per Week How many people could the same church member have fed every week with the same $58? The plate of food below cost approximated $3.98 each to prepare, including a bottle of water. Working with the same $58.33 in tithes, that same church member would have been able to feed 15 homeless individuals in one week. A whopping 60 homeless people per month one tither could have fed, if she would have only taken the same Tithe money and purchased food with it. If one church member could feed 60 people per month with $233.33, then how many people could a church of 500 members feed? Pastor Fred Price Faith Dome when it opened in 1989 could seat 10,145 people. Now imagine if those same 10,145 people were committed to feeding the homeless and addressing the real poverty issues in South-Central Los Angeles instead of building Fred Price more buildings? If you really would like to help the Ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, then stop feeding church, and start feeding people. TAGS why tithing is a waste of money why christians should not pay tithes
Cambo Posted July 7, 2015 Report Posted July 7, 2015 Some charities being investigated for the way they raise funding…I can think of another so called charity they should investigate too! Charity funding calls probed by Information Commissioner http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-33422277
Denise Lloyd Posted July 10, 2015 Report Posted July 10, 2015 Number P151474/F Historic Reference Number Current status Determination Made Decision Approved Type Planning Permission Location Old Cinema & Night Club Commercial Road Hereford HR1 2BJ Proposal Proposed change of use of old Odeon cinema and night club to D1 use. Parish Hereford Ward Central Easting/Northing 351449 - 240265 Case officer Charlotte Atkins Contact details Contact details of your case officer Applicant name Mr David Bowlzer Applicant address Freedom Church 161 Holme Lacy Road Hereford Herefordshire HR2 6DG Publicity date Friday 29 May 2015 Comments by Thursday 25 June 2015 That was quick! Now Bobby can pop over for a sing song and prayer and back for a pint or two
DILLIGAF Posted July 10, 2015 Report Posted July 10, 2015 Hope church is round the corner. Any relation? Oh and 161 was getting a lick of paint by a lonely woman this morning! Commercial road is quickly becoming a 'Fire & Brimstone' preachers paradise.
Cambo Posted July 11, 2015 Report Posted July 11, 2015 On 10/07/2015 at 21:34, DILLIGAF said: Hope church is round the corner. Any relation? Oh and 161 was getting a lick of paint by a lonely woman this morning! Commercial road is quickly becoming a 'Fire & Brimstone' preachers paradise. Maybe they should rename it Hallelujah road?!
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