Cambo Posted October 3, 2015 Report Posted October 3, 2015
Denise Lloyd Posted October 3, 2015 Report Posted October 3, 2015 Preachers & Politicians: Birds Of A Feather Flocking To HELL!
Pete Boggs Posted October 3, 2015 Report Posted October 3, 2015 On 30/09/2015 at 21:11, Denise Lloyd said: Nice little move for Ms King taking all the training and knowledge gained from HC onto another post. I am amazed that HC haven't got a clause in their employment contracts whereby an employee can't strike up somewhere else straight away. Cor blimey 40 years ago I worked for a company where if you were say a Contract Engineer you could not go and work for a competitor for quite a period of time. This is what m'learned friends refer to as restraint of trade. Very difficult to get away with these days unless the employer can show they've got a genuine commercial interest that needs protecting. HDC trying to stop som one working in London, no chance I reckon.
Cambo Posted October 4, 2015 Report Posted October 4, 2015 On 03/10/2015 at 07:36, Denise Lloyd said: Preachers & Politicians: Birds Of A Feather Flocking To HELL! Still no response off FC about the flyergate incident which happened back in our electon even thou they said they were having an investigation?!…I think that some relevant authority or other should be looking into the association between Herefordshire Conservative party & freedom church before during & after the election?
Cambo Posted October 6, 2015 Report Posted October 6, 2015 Is Karin Cooke thanking there partners in religious crime from across the pond New Spring Church for giving the FC branch in Cardiff some cash?
Cambo Posted October 7, 2015 Report Posted October 7, 2015 Given there association with each other, does Freedom church + Herefordshire Tory party = Tory Jesus?
Denise Lloyd Posted October 7, 2015 Report Posted October 7, 2015 Poor Jesus did he suffer to have his name dragged down with these money making scam religions?
ragwert Posted October 7, 2015 Report Posted October 7, 2015 Religion has convinced people that there is an invisible in the sky who watches everything you do every minute of every day.And the invisible man has a list of 10 specific things he doesn't want you to do,and if you do any of these things he will send you to a special place ofburning & fire,torture & anguish for you to live forever to suffer,burn & scream until the end of time,But he loves you....He loves you and needs your money
Cambo Posted October 11, 2015 Report Posted October 11, 2015 Police report rise in abuse related to faith or belief 'Witchcraft' abuse cases on the rise
Cambo Posted October 11, 2015 Report Posted October 11, 2015 Here's a little extracted from Ben Johnson's blogg from South Africa Recently the hardest thing for me has been hearing God’s voice. I have spent the most time with Him being out here than I ever have but also have felt like it has been a struggle to hear Him. Then, when you are planting church, pouring into people and giving all you have into building the Kingdom, but not feeling like you’re hearing His voice, it can leave you in a frustrating place. I then felt the need to voice this frustration to God, partially out of an annoyance that had built up. This led me to a park last Tuesday where we had been given half hour to spend with God. I started to voice this frustration, telling God how bored I was of not hearing His voice. This carried on all day, getting frustrated and telling God. Then that evening, as we sat down to dinner with the others we started talking about how we were finding living out here, the highs and lows. This led us to talking about what we were finding harder and I shared about how I didn’t feel like I was hearing God. After a lengthy chat about these struggles and frustrations we decided that it needed to be taken to God. I was on my knees telling God that I wanted to see His face, that I wanted to hear His voice and ‘letting Him know’ that this was a perfect time to do it (the cheek of it). Rosie was praying for me, bible in had. Joshua 1 v 6 has been a verse spoken over me a few times so this was the verse that I asked God to speak again. Rosie rounded off and said that she felt that she had a verse for me in Deuteronomy… ‘God, this isn’t Joshua’ I’m thinking. Then she reads Deuteronomy 31 v 7-8: Then Moses summoned Joshua and said to him in the presence of all Israel, “Be strong and courageous, for you must go with this people into the land that the Lord swore to their ancestors to give the,. and you must divide it among them as their inheritance. The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.†As you can imagine, after what seemed like quite a dry season, this was like a dam breaking over a desert. The tears flowed and Jesus showed His face.
Denise Lloyd Posted October 17, 2015 Report Posted October 17, 2015 Interesting what you get through your letter box on a Saturday morning and even more interesting the Bible quote is one of Freedom Church's Beliefs. They are certainly spreading their wings far and wide. Pity they did not put the start time I might well pop along and see what all the fuss is about and who attends
Cambo Posted October 18, 2015 Report Posted October 18, 2015 Something to think about
Denise Lloyd Posted October 20, 2015 Report Posted October 20, 2015 So if you want to pledge 10% of your earnings don't complain if your pastor has a nicer lifestyle/car/house than you have unless of course you have read the bylaws first. How Church By-Laws Protect Pimp Preachers From Being Sued Commentary Has anyone ever wondered how pimp preachers and abusive churches protect themselves from being sued for misusing the offerings? One of the best methods abusive churches use to shield themselves from lawsuits concerning pastoral or organization misuse of funds is found in their by-laws. This excerpt from Christian Fellowship Church Ministries International’s 2001 by-laws is an example of how church by-laws are used to prevent a church from being sued. (Disclaimer: the actual church by-laws may have been updated since then, but for illustration purposes the excerpt is used.) Church Members Rendered Powerless The first two paragraphs are fairly common remarks made by churches concerning the role of believers in supporting the local congregation. A good number of churches even make statements like the one in the second paragraph. What is really troubling is the remark in the third paragraph. This statement says that once the money passes from the parishioner’s hand to the offering plate, the parishioner has absolutely no say in where that offering goes or how it is to be used. That’s right - no say! Zero! Nada! The offering money can be used for anything the church wants, and specifically the pastor if he or she has access to church funds. If a parishioner realizes the money is misused, there is little that can be legally done. By-laws like this often hold up in court, and the financial loss is not recouped. (C.M. Bailey, current bishop of the United House of Prayer for All People. UHOPAP by-laws designate the bishop as the sole trustee of all church property.) By-Laws Help Create Pimp Preachers With such policies in place, the pastor could take the offering and use it for anything as long as it’s marked as “ministry related.†New houses, cars, motorcycles, vacations - whatever the “man of God†wants he can get tax free, and it’s paid for by the congregation! If the preacher gives persuasive enough messages, the number of people will grow, as will the pastor’s bank account and lifestyle. What Can Be Done? Going to court is a drastic last resort. Even if the parishioners win the case, the legal fees and court costs deplete what could have been a well-deserved compensation settlement. There are ways parishioners can protect themselves. 1) When visiting a church and considering membership, ask for a copy of the by-laws to review. If the church is reluctant or unwilling to grant the request, chances are they have something to hide. 2) When filling out an offering envelope, mark specifically where the offering is to go. Often church members don’t do this; the offering then goes into a “general offering†which could be used any way the church or pastor wishes. 3) Request the annual financial statement. If the pastor’s income is absent or there is a section marked “miscellaneous expenses,†questions should be raised. If no honest answer is given, stop supporting that church. 4) Confront the pastor directly and let him or her know there are legitimate concerns about where the offering goes. 5) Social media is a good means to spread the word and warn others. 6) As a last resort, seek legal action if sufficient evidence exists to file a claim. Hold Pimp Preachers accountable – like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter.
Denise Lloyd Posted October 22, 2015 Report Posted October 22, 2015 The Dutch branch of the Church of Scientology has lost its tax status as “public welfare institutionâ€, and the tax benefits that go along with it, in a ruling made by the court in The Hague on Wednesday. The court decided that the sales of the Church’s expensive courses and therapy sessions are clearly aimed at making a profit, and thus it does not belong on the tax authorities’ charity list. Scientologists believe that there are two major divisions of the mind – the reactive mind and the analytical mind, according to Wikipedia. The reactive mind stores painful and debilitating images, “engramsâ€, that move people further away from their true identity. The Church promises believers that they can get rid of these engrams with special techniques and eventually achieve a “clear†state – a sort of super human with a clear mind. The Church offers courses and therapy sessions to work towards this “clear†state, and these quickly cost thousands of euros. The court ruled that these courses cost significantly more than commercial educational institutions’ average school fees. “If providers on the secular education market had similar prices, prospective students would experience it as prices for top education by top teachers in prime locations.†The court finds the prices to be very commercial. According to the court, Scientology consciously seeks profits to fill its purse and was able to build “substantial wealth†like this. The Church can still appeal against this ruling, but it is not yet clear if they will. A spokesperson called the judge’s ruling “discrimination based on religious beliefsâ€. This ruling puts a provisional end to a long ongoing process that started in the Amsterdam Court two years ago, according to newspaper Trouw. Back then the court ruled that the Church of Scientology does not have a commercial character because it gave courses and therapy sessions to poor Scientologists as gifts. The Supreme Court questioned this ruling late last year, also being concerned about the prices Scientology charges. Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) 32Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)32 177Share on Facebook (Opens in new window)177 Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) 1Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)1 Are people beginning to wake up and see these "religions" are being run on a commercial basis and should not be tax exempt>
Cambo Posted October 25, 2015 Report Posted October 25, 2015 Has anyone noticed how much the leaders of FC the Snowzell's & the cooke's like to keep business very much in the family?!
Cambo Posted November 4, 2015 Report Posted November 4, 2015 Just as FC move out of there Conningsby st venue to start preaching this Sunday from the odeon 4 years ago this hit the headlines in the Hereford times the awful Jonathan Bretherton & FC thick as thieves…but who else was working on the behalf of FC within HC? Could a now former councillor who has big ambitions & aspirations? but with very close ties to FC be behind helping them to get backing from Bretherton to remain put???
Denise Lloyd Posted November 4, 2015 Report Posted November 4, 2015 There was certainly a lot of love shown to Freedom Church from Bretherton and his chums News - City regeneration to promote centre of freedom for ... 15 Nov 2010 - City regeneration to promote centre of freedom for young people ... is to be retained as part of a new urban village planned for the centre of Hereford. Hereford Futures, the company set up by Herefordshire Don't confuse their handing out of lollipops etc with the Street Pastors. As I understand it the Street Pastors are organised by Venturer or something similar. On a completely different note what on earth happened to those 800 homes that were to be built they certainly would have eased the housing crisis in Hereford. Why are people not jumping up and down about these?
Cambo Posted November 5, 2015 Report Posted November 5, 2015 On 04/11/2015 at 17:49, Denise Lloyd said: <p> There was certainly a lot of love shown to Freedom Church from Bretherton and his chums. On a completely different note what on earth happened to those 800 homes that were to be built they certainly would have eased the housing crisis in Hereford. Why are people not jumping up and down about these?[/size][/font][/color] Yes a lot of love but why so favourable to FC? Given they have now moved,HC & Bretherton may have been a bit hasty?…but will HC now show a new interest in there old place? As for the 800 house planned,not sure if those plans have now changed?…especially as there's the new fire & police station going on the Edgar street side of the link road?
Aylestone Voice Posted November 5, 2015 Report Posted November 5, 2015 There is a current planning application on their old place for Philip Morris to use it.
Cambo Posted November 5, 2015 Report Posted November 5, 2015 On 05/11/2015 at 11:48, Aylestone Voice said: There is a current planning application on their old place for Philip Morris to use it. Thanks AV do you know if Philip Morris have bought the building?
Aylestone Voice Posted November 5, 2015 Report Posted November 5, 2015 Application number P153044/F (still not able enough to link!!!) The application form does not have them as owners - it lists 8 who are.
Cambo Posted November 5, 2015 Report Posted November 5, 2015 Thank you AV…I see from the list that it would appear FC are not the owners of the conningsby street building. But it is interesting to note,that cancer research UK & St Michael's hospice are down as 2 of the 8 owners…I wonder how long they have held the deeds for?
Denise Lloyd Posted November 5, 2015 Report Posted November 5, 2015 Hereford Property Type: Industrial Location: Hereford Address: 34 Coningsby Street Status: Under Offer Brief Description: A substantial, detached former warehouse building most recently used as a place of worship and nursery school/creche In 2011 The Trustees of O T A Bristow owned these premises see planning application no S112768F Pretty quick bit of conveyancings especially with so many different purchasers involved
Cambo Posted November 5, 2015 Report Posted November 5, 2015 On 05/11/2015 at 16:36, Denise Lloyd said: Hereford In 2011 The Trustees of O T A Bristow owned these premises see planning application no S112768F I think the trustees still own the building Denise?
Denise Lloyd Posted November 5, 2015 Report Posted November 5, 2015 Oh well FC have done extremely well to be able to purchase the Forge rent this one and start to rent the Odeon and give all their Pastors and their relatives very comfortable lifestyles well done there is money in some forms of religion afterall. All that money gained( I won't say earned because there has not really been any true graft has there?) just by begging and guile. Philip Morris will be in safe hands using Collins and of course there is ex Planning Officer Russell Pryce who was the Planning Officer responsible for the ESG bless.
Slim Posted November 5, 2015 Report Posted November 5, 2015 I read all this, and still wonder if the Freedom Church are paying for everything, or am I, as a rate payer.
Denise Lloyd Posted November 5, 2015 Report Posted November 5, 2015 And of course as a tax payer remember it is a charity
Cambo Posted November 9, 2015 Report Posted November 9, 2015 When you lose connection with your church
Cambo Posted November 10, 2015 Report Posted November 10, 2015 So FC have now officially moved into the odeon after holding there first show there on Sunday!…I say show because this lot seem to be more into the entertainment business than the saving of souls business? with there use of a rock band releasing albums & the way they use there media to produce propaganda videos? even a slot on Sunday mornings TBN! ( it would not surprise me if they started producing there own TV shows soon?)…as it would seem they prefer the bright lights & the "razzle em dazzle em" effect rather than practice what Jesus teaches?…in going out & helping the poor the needy the homeless those suffering with illnesses terminal or mental struggling with drug abuse the widow the orphan etc. Although they do look like they've done a good job?…no doubt keeping the cost down by using lots of volunteers to help…but to me it resembles the inside of a theatre than a place of worship??!!
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