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Luke Hancorn praising the facilities well he would wouldn't he.  Isn't he the one that is out in Chenai singing FC's praises? Muslim Christian FC I wonder how they all get along.  Muslim would be the predominant religion out there by a mile. I hope these youngsters who go out there doing the work of FC respect the culture of a foreign country.


The wedding business a nice little earner all that tax that is not being paid


Maybe I have higher standards than I thought but drinking champagne in a house of religion just doesn't seem right to me.  Perhaps I'm getting old.


There is no denying that Luke's no expense spared wedding was stunningly beautiful and certainly will be a day to remember for the happy couple.


 This same Luke then more or less begs sponsorship for his trip to Chenai.  


It doesn't somehow stack up to me but perhaps that's just me being me.


I know nothing much about Freedom Church, but I am concerned at what I was told by a social worker from outside of Herefordshire just today. I met this complete stranger on a day out and we got talking about Herefordshire. Out of the blue this person said that all other council's (Worcs; Birmingham, etc.) had capped social workers agency fees, but this hadnt happened in Herefordshire due to certain councillors being members of a cult church (I mentioned Freedom Church as I have seen the posts on Hereford Voice and was told this was the one).

The stranger said that there is a separate element in the social services team where everyone is a member of Freedom Church. If you werent a member of Freedom Church you were unlikely to get a job in Hererfordshire despite the large number of vacancies. I find this concerning because social workers are responsible for some very vulnerable children and adults. Also surely the Council should only be employing those who have the best skills and qualifications, not on the basis of their religion (or even where they worship). I know nothing about this directly and I have been very worried by what I was told today as this is so wrong. Also, if that is what social workers from out of County know this is what is happening in Herefordshire, then we are never going to get good, permanent staff for the most vulnerable in our society. I hope any councillors who follow Hereford Voice could please look into this matter.

  On 11/11/2015 at 16:01, Maggie May said:

I know nothing much about Freedom Church, but I am concerned at what I was told by a social worker from outside of Herefordshire just today. I met this complete stranger on a day out and we got talking about Herefordshire. Out of the blue this person said that all other council's (Worcs; Birmingham, etc.) had capped social workers agency fees, but this hadnt happened in Herefordshire due to certain councillors being members of a cult church (I mentioned Freedom Church as I have seen the posts on Hereford Voice and was told this was the one).

The stranger said that there is a separate element in the social services team where everyone is a member of Freedom Church. If you werent a member of Freedom Church you were unlikely to get a job in Hererfordshire despite the large number of vacancies.

Maggie, I don't know if that's all true but in the past (and possibly still in the present) Freedom Church have wielded some influence on the young people's services dept due to there being a sizeable contingent of FC members or sympathisers in that section of the Council.


Earlier on in this thread there's a brief discussion about a contract for children's advice services being awarded to an FC front organisation, approx 4-5 years ago.  The matter was investigated by the Council's audit team (shortly before they were neutered by the previous Chief Executive) but I don't recall anyone being disciplined over it. 


Hi Pete Thank you for this. The person I met was quite young (all relative I suppose!) but looked under 30 and I got the impression that they had been involved in applying, or looking to apply, for a job in Herefordshire as a social worker in more recent times than 4-5 years ago. Also, the caps on agency charges I thought had only been brought in fairly recently in other local councils such as Worcestershire and Birmingham, so again it made me think her concerns were much more recent.

As a proud Herefordian it is rather embarrassing to find that your home county is known for such a situation and I for one do not think this situation is acceptable. I have nothing against people having their own beliefs, but no church should not be wielding such influence as I heard about today and certainly not when it involves our public money and young people. 


This may well have been posted already but it will act as a reminder and also show that HT believed that there were strong links with  HC back in 2011. Tthat is only 4 years ago so I doubt very much that the leopards have changed their spots that much.  

Freedom Church Founder's advice to youngsters (From ...




"Turn to Church, not Family", says Hereford Freedom Church Founder

Freedom Church Founder's advice to youngsters


Thursday 10 March 2011 / News


THE leader of a church at the centre of ‘cult’ allegations has been filmed calling on young worshippers to marry fellow members so they can start “storming nationsâ€.

Hereford Freedom Church founder and pastor Gary Snowzell is seen addressing a congregation and congratulating two newly-wed teenage churchgoers.

On camera, Mr Snowzell says that it is incredible the way that God has put them together before adding: “If I could multiply this by a dozen then we can start storming nations. We start causing change.â€


Also on the Freedom Church video entitled Single Minded: A two-part teaching for Singles, Mr Snowzell says youngsters should go to church leaders for relationship advice and not friends and parents who “aren’t great examples†and come from “different backgroundsâ€.

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In the film Mr Snowzell says even some Christian parents should be ignored as they “encourage you in things you should not be doing†whereas going to church leaders was the difference “between making it and breaking itâ€.

For more on this story and Herefordshire Council's links with the Freedom Church, see today's Hereford Times."

As people so often say there is no smoke without  fire.

Denise, thank you for a timely reminder that FC's philosophy and methods mirror that of totalitarian regimes in their striving for dominance and in paricular the attempt to break up by families by driving a wedge between children and their parents. No great secret that Stalin's Russia was big on kids grassing up their mum and dad to the higher authority of the state.


Clarkester, would you care to elucidate? Are you for, or against, Freedom Church?  I suspect the former but I could be wrong. A little context for your post would be nice.


I've just been reading Paul Andrews blog he's doing unpaid work for FC in Port Elizabeth SA as in helping them to set up a new church.


Now I can understand why Paul would choose to go SA in the first place,being as he's into surfing because the surf out there is excellent.


But I do have to question why FC would allow a young family with children to give up everything to go start a church out in SA?…don't get me wrong, I'm not having a go at Paul in fact in someways I do admire him for taking a leap of faith,so to speak…but after reading his blog,to be honest it left me feeling genuinely concerned about him & his young family's, welfare while there out there…particularly his young children!





  On 10/11/2015 at 22:13, Denise Lloyd said:

Luke Hancorn praising the facilities well he would wouldn't he.  Isn't he the one that is out in Chenai singing FC's praises? Muslim Christian FC I wonder how they all get along.  Muslim would be the predominant religion out there by a mile. I hope these youngsters who go out there doing the work of FC respect the culture of a foreign country.


The wedding business a nice little earner all that tax that is not being paid


Maybe I have higher standards than I thought but drinking champagne in a house of religion just doesn't seem right to me.  Perhaps I'm getting old.

Muslim is not a religion 

  On 12/11/2015 at 20:27, Cambo said:

But I do have to question why FC would allow a young family with children to give up everything to go start a church out in SA?…don't get me wrong, I'm not having a go at Paul in fact in someways I do admire him for taking a leap of faith,so to speak…but after reading his blog,to be honest it left me feeling genuinely concerned about him & his young family's, welfare while there out there…particularly his young children!


Per Denise's post above, I'm sure the church will be happy to act in loco parentis during Mr Andrews' absence.


Pete Boggs it was Camb's post and yes I agree with you whilst I have severe reservations about FC it would have been a kindness to keep the children here for their safety and wellbeing - they are in great danger of becoming both mentally and physically damaged and the decision to take them on such a trip was totally irresponsible.


When I joined HV 2+ years ago, I'd hoped to be able to make the odd sensible/ sarky comment to enliven proceedings. Since then unfortunately for me ( but probably in all your best interests !) health problems have got in the way. So now having had the all clear for 2 1/2 years,I'll explain what I feel after the nightmares I've seen.

THEN  you'll understand why I regard all religion as the work of, dare I say it, the devil.  The devil I'd hasten to add that is in all of us. Not some hell and brimstone wally screaming about souls.

Some people need direction in life, a classic case in point was a guy who called on me recently trying to sell me stuff. Now I am tight. Money is not growing in my orchard, nor am I able to make trillions of loaves from a Mcdonalds bun, or feed the 5K with a crappy fishfinger. This guy however had a hard life, he'd made wrong decisions etc etc. So in act of magnitutude unknown in the Toroidal household I made him a cup of coffee. The rollocks that spewd forth about religion,JC, how Freedom thingy doesn't influence anything etc was mind blowing. This guy had been brainwashed.

Now I see the varilights, projectors and no doubt loud crappy music has been installed in the old cinema. ....At what cost ?

Here is what these buffoons need to do.

Forget all about sky fairies.

Forget all about building 'temples' to the betterment of their egos.

Try looking after the ill and infirm who have over their lifetimes given so much to the community.

Help the unfortunate who have fallen on hard times with sensible advice

Look after the youngsters who have some terrible debilitating diseases with no known cure.

and above all wind your religious neck in and deal with real people with real problems not nonsense maybe written 1,000;s of years ago by people who needed to control the great unwashed.

Finally I'll tell you about one time in the mens surgical ward in a hospital many miles from here. I was lying there recovering in a mini ward of 6 people. Hearing them talk I realised that actually I was the oldest and the most optimistic. I've never heard so much doom and gloom- they'd all lost the will to live, Sheeeesh no wonder people die in hospital. Then in came the traveling Chaplain... pissed out of his head, who proceeded to try and get the guys to sing, It was like something out of hi-di ho.

People need to talk, to interact, to respond.TO BE HELPED. Not ruddy brainwashed.

The rollocks of religion has arrived at Paris again. 'nough said.

My case rests.


Now I really want to buy next door and start a free "gentlemans & ladies club" just like Amsterdam. The reaction would be priceless and the music wars would be immense!!!

Please mr Camelot please..........

  On 15/11/2015 at 22:26, greenknight said:

There is no doubt about it ..the signage has the hallmarks of an extremist group. 


I agree. No guns or violence. Mind games in my opinion. Just like domestic violence abusers' ..... These people persuade your mind in their direction. In my opinion. I urge people to avoid these people! 


Pete Boggs.  I  am in no way "for" Freedom church, nothing could be further from the truth, I think the whole thing is a massive scam by a dangerous, power and cash hungry con man - think L Ron Hubbard for instance...

But the claim that was made by Maggie May that you had to be a member of FC to get a job in Social Care in Herefordshire Council is complete and utter rubbish!

  On 16/11/2015 at 09:06, Clarkester said:

Pete Boggs.  I  am in no way "for" Freedom church, nothing could be further from the truth, I think the whole thing is a massive scam by a dangerous, power and cash hungry con man - think L Ron Hubbard for instance...

But the claim that was made by Maggie May that you had to be a member of FC to get a job in Social Care in Herefordshire Council is complete and utter rubbish!

Fair enough - thanks for letting us know where you stand.


The fact that these rumours are going around about the Council is testimony enough to the harmful influence of FC I think. There certainly was an FC element in the Council's Adults and Young People dept a few years ago. 

  On 15/05/2015 at 22:23, Glenda Vaughan-Powell said:

It is ringing alarm bells with me to find out that Joanna King is the head of looked after children for the council, these children are vulnerable!!!


She left that role in August 2015. She has moved to London and is now Regional Development Manager for Home For Good (UK) which seems to be an organisation in the field of adoption/fostering children with 'Church' input. 


FC are in the process of setting up a church in Chennai in India they have sent a number of people out there including Jordan Snowzell,Ffion Cooke Luke Hancorn as well as a number of others


Here's what I can only describe as a begging video which makes me ask the question what support do FC give to these people they send out to do missionary work because it does not look like its financial?









Pete Boggs.  I am not saying that there are no members of FC, I just disagree with the claim that you couldn't get a job as a social worker in Herefordshire without being a member.


That Luke McGowan looks like he's having a fine old time spreading their version of whatever the hell they believe in.

Why Chennai though?

  On 16/11/2015 at 15:25, greenknight said:

Crikey Cambo...I thought that said Karin Crooke..My mistake.


She's a Hereford Social Worker on the Freedom Church Leadership Team. 



  On 16/11/2015 at 15:25, greenknight said:

Crikey Cambo...I thought that said Karin Crooke..My mistake.

Haha well maybe she should change her name as it would be more fitting



  On 16/11/2015 at 15:11, Clarkester said:

That Luke McGowan looks like he's having a fine old time spreading their version of whatever the hell they believe in.

Why Chennai though?

Not sure why Chennai but it has one of the largest Christian population of the major Indian city's 7.6%
  On 16/11/2015 at 15:11, Clarkester said:

Pete Boggs.  I am not saying that there are no members of FC, I just disagree with the claim that you couldn't get a job as a social worker in Herefordshire without being a member.

Yes,  I appreciate that, and I expect you're right. My feeling was that if rumours like this are taking hold then that's undesirable in itself.

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