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  On 10/04/2015 at 20:52, megilleland said:




That is how thay are described on the nomination papers today. I imagine that they say that they are truly independent and not part of a independent party group - just a guess. Maybe Glenda can explain.


On the nomination papers, column 3 says '3. DESCRIPTION (if any)' - most seem to put their political affiliation here (including the Independents with a capital 'I'. Glenda has left hers blank,  which I read as truly independent with a small 'i', as megilliland says.

The following councillors appear to be not standing this time round:


Cllr A M Atkinson (Con)

Cllr AJM Blackshaw (Con)

Cllr JW Hope (Con)

Cllr JG Jarvis (Con)

Cllr Brig P Jones (Con)

Cllr JW Millar (Con)

Cllr NP Nenadich (Con)


Cllr CNH Attwood (Ind)

Cllr R Preece (Ind)

Cllr ST Robertson (Ind)


Cllr EMK Chave (IOC)

Cllr MAF Hubbard (IOC)


My top ten for the chop are as follows


1st Place Tony Johnson

Joint 2nd Place Roger Phillips, Patricia Morgan

3rd Place Harry Braemar

4th Place Cllr Sebastian Bowen

5th Place Barry Durkin

5th Place Phillip Cutter

6th Place Richard Mayo

7th Place Jenny Hyde

8th Paul Rone

9th Phil Edwards

10th Brian Wilcox


With the exception of Cllr Sebastian Bowen there's a pattern here and it wasn't my intention to choose Conservative has beens!


I'm not surprised the Brigadier is stepping down.


After being caught napping during that all important meeting about cuts to the fire service, he has wisely decided that perhaps an afternoon siesta is a better option!


Thanks for the explanation, Megilleland and Two Wheels!

  On 10/04/2015 at 21:07, flamboyant said:

My top ten for the chop are as follows


1st Place Tony Johnson

Joint 2nd Place Roger Phillips, Patricia Morgan

3rd Place Harry Braemar

4th Place Cllr Sebastian Bowen

5th Place Barry Durkin

5th Place Phillip Cutter

6th Place Richard Mayo

7th Place Jenny Hyde

8th Paul Rone

9th Phil Edwards

10th Brian Wilcox


With the exception of Cllr Sebastian Bowen there's a pattern here and it wasn't my intention to choose Conservative has beens!


I'd put Brian Wilcox very much further up ... Not wanting to stereotype but his ward is now a lumped in Moreland Ave/Penn Grove/College Estate sort of mish mash. I think it looks gloomy for him.


Why are there so few Labour Candidates out there? Are IOC Labour type people in disguise? I'm not making a funny point. I just think we need to be informed! 

  On 10/04/2015 at 21:07, flamboyant said:

My top ten for the chop are as follows


1st Place Tony Johnson

Joint 2nd Place Roger Phillips, Patricia Morgan

3rd Place Harry Braemar

4th Place Cllr Sebastian Bowen

5th Place Barry Durkin

5th Place Phillip Cutter

6th Place Richard Mayo

7th Place Jenny Hyde

8th Paul Rone

9th Phil Edwards

10th Brian Wilcox


With the exception of Cllr Sebastian Bowen there's a pattern here and it wasn't my intention to choose Conservative has beens!

Flam I think that your top three for the chop may hold on to there seats as they are running in rural areas plus bramer & bloody Morgan are in a straight shoot out with only one other candidate standing against them in someways I don't mind if they do as long as the cons take a kicking at the polls as they will have a very much diminished role to play within the council elect whereas if they lose there seats they can slip quietly away into obscurity?!


Noooooooo Cambo!


Don't say these things..... don't even think them!


They have to go!!


I haven't spent the last four years blogging, just to see Pat Morgan hang on in there by the skin of her teeth!


For the sake of my sanity.......PLEASE vote this woman OUT!


Gridknocker has sent me some copy to post and I hope that I have got the stats right.


They’re under Starter’s Orders 
157 candidates will be contesting 52 of the 53 newly-defined ward seats at the county’s local government elections on 7 May. In 2011, 175 candidates contested 58 seats, resulting in a small Conservative majority. But since that election, there have been no less than 16 by-elections across Herefordshire, resulting in the Conservative majority being wiped out. At the dissolution, the political groupings were: 26 Conservatives, 13 Herefordshire Independents, 12 It’s Our County, 3 LibDems, 2 Greens and one unaligned independent.
For the 2015 elections, the 158 candidates, representing 8 political groups, will be spread across the county. Against the Conservative's 49 candidates, Its Our County are fielding 39 candidates, the LibDems have 24 candidates, Labour 1 candidate, Independents 27 candidates, while the Greens are putting up 8 candidates as opposed to only 5 UKIP candidates and 5 unattached. A turnout higher than 2011’s 66% can be pretty well guaranteed, since local council election polling in England coincides with the General Election.
Notable absentees from this year’s runners and riders include Mark Hubbard (founder and first Leader of It’s Our County), former Tory Leader John Jarvis and Burghill stalwart, Sally Robertson. Former LibDem Leader Terry James will be returned unopposed in Kington.
In the city, there are 2 hotly-contested wards, with five candidates (Newton Farm and Whitecross) - Newton Farm has former independent councillors Cllr Phil Edwards and Cllr Glenda Powell fighting for the single seat in Newton Farm (formerly Belmont).
It’s never been a tighter race. All the more reason to use your vote. Polling stations will be open from 07.00am - 10.00pm.


Apologises in advance Gridknocker if there are typos. I understand he is detained for the evening!

  On 10/04/2015 at 21:37, dippyhippy said:

Noooooooo Cambo!


Don't say these things..... don't even think them!


They have to go!!


I haven't spent the last four years blogging, just to see Pat Morgan hang on in there by the skin of her teeth!


For the sake of my sanity.......PLEASE vote this woman OUT!

Sorry dippy I know you want them to go & they do deserve to go…if they were standing in any of the city wards I'm sure there'd get a firm boot into touch? but unfortunately there running in rural areas, bramer & bloody Morgan don't have to worry about any IOC candidates & probably have a loyal cons fan base?

Who'd vote blue no matter wot??!!…I hope I'm proved wrong & that people in there wards vote for change?!


Just to confirm I am an Independent, and a member of the Independent group on Herefordshire Council. I also represent not only the Independent councillors on Herefordshire council but also ALL independents across the West Midlands as a part of my duties of the Independent councillors of the Local Government Association (LGA) in London. I do not know why I have been put in "unattached" category but will be making an inquiry into this with Herefordshire Council on Monday morning. I have noticed that five of the Independent group are classed as unattached.


To answer Denise question ALL Independent councillors do not support politics in local government, we are there to support our constituents100% at all times without being told what to do, what to say by a whip or a political party. we pay our own election expenses out of our own pockets. ALL other groups on Herefordshire Council because they are a political group get their expenses paid for them by the political group they represent.

  On 10/04/2015 at 22:03, Cambo said:

Sorry dippy I know you want them to go & they do deserve to go…if they were standing in any of the city wards I'm sure there'd get a firm boot into touch? but unfortunately there running in rural areas, bramer & bloody Morgan don't have to worry about any IOC candidates & probably have a loyal cons fan base?

Who'd vote blue no matter wot??!!…I hope I'm proved wrong & that people in there wards vote for change?!

Cambo is right Dippy unfortunately..Golden Valley rural conservative idyll where Conservative support is strongest and back slapping,secret handshakes go hand in hand.The blue veins of prosperity can be seen quite vividly as you run along A40,A465 roads between Hereford,Monmouth and Abergavenny..I'm not talking Cornflowers either!

  On 11/04/2015 at 07:59, Glenda Vaughan-Powell said:

Just to confirm I am an Independent, and a member of the Independent group on Herefordshire Council. I also represent not only the Independent councillors on Herefordshire council but also ALL independents across the West Midlands as a part of my duties of the Independent councillors of the Local Government Association (LGA) in London. I do not know why I have been put in "unattached" category but will be making an inquiry into this with Herefordshire Council on Monday morning. I have noticed that five of the Independent group are classed as unattached.


To answer Denise question ALL Independent councillors do not support politics in local government, we are there to support our constituents100% at all times without being told what to do, what to say by a whip or a political party. we pay our own election expenses out of our own pockets. ALL other groups on Herefordshire Council because they are a political group get their expenses paid for them by the political group they represent.

Thank you Glenda and I wish you the very best.


@ Megilleland: Faultless typography, mate.


Observations: I agree with TWG about Aylestone's Amazonian struggle: feathers could fly! 


I also feel desperately sorry for the folk over the river that they're being asked to choose between Phil Edwards and Glenda Vaughan-Powell. Two more dedicated community councillors you won't find anywhere in this county.

Amendments to post 27 above:


The following underlined from previous administration are standing again. 


46 Stoney Street

1 Carol Ann Protherough (Green)

2 James Stokes (IOC)

3 David Charles Taylor (unattached)

4 Steve Williams (Conservative)


53 Wormside

1 Mark Bramwell (Lib Dem)

2 Jon Johnson (Conservative)

3 Jim Knipe (unattached)

4 Paul Thomas (IOC)


44 Ross-on-Wye West

1 Anthony Avery (IOC)

2 Chris Bartrum (Lib Dem)

3 Richard Mayo (Conservative)


Ross-on-Wye West is another ward where two existing councillors are standing against each other. The other 2 are Newton Farm and Whitecross.


From the previous administration, when adding up the numbers I appear to be 1 name short as I believe ther should be 58 councillors, but I can only find 57. Any suggestions?


Not Standing 12


Councillor AM Atkinson

Councillor CNH Attwood

Councillor AJM Blackshaw

Councillor EMK Chave

Councillor JW Hope MBE

Councillor MAF Hubbard

Councillor JG Jarvis

Councillor Brig P Jones CBE

Councillor JW Millar

Councillor NP Nenadich

Councillor R Preece

Councillor SJ Robertson


Amendments to post 27 above:


The following underlined from previous administration are standing again. 


46 Stoney Street

1 Carol Ann Protherough (Green)

2 James Stokes (IOC)

3 David Charles Taylor (unattached)

4 Steve Williams (Conservative)


53 Wormside

1 Mark Bramwell (Lib Dem)

2 Jon Johnson (Conservative)

3 Jim Knipe (unattached)

4 Paul Thomas (IOC)


44 Ross-on-Wye West

1 Anthony Avery (IOC)

2 Chris Bartrum (Lib Dem)

3 Richard Mayo (Conservative)


From the previous administration, when adding up the numbers I appear to be 1 name short as I believe ther should be 58 councillors, but I can only find 57. Any suggestions?


12 Not standing


Councillor AM Atkinson

Councillor CNH Attwood

Councillor AJM Blackshaw

Councillor EMK Chave

Councillor JW Hope MBE

Councillor MAF Hubbard

Councillor JG Jarvis

Councillor Brig P Jones CBE

Councillor JW Millar

Councillor NP Nenadich

Councillor R Preece

Councillor SJ Robertson



45 Standing in this election


Councillor PA Andrews

Councillor JM Bartlett

Councillor CM Bartrum

Councillor PL Bettington

Councillor WLS Bowen

Councillor H Bramer

Councillor AN Bridges

Councillor ACR Chappell

Councillor MJK Cooper

Councillor PGH Cutter

Councillor BA Durkin

Councillor PJ Edwards

Councillor DW Greenow

Councillor KS Guthrie

Councillor J Hardwick

Councillor EPJ Harvey

Councillor JA Hyde

Councillor TM James

Councillor AW Johnson

Councillor JLV Kenyon

Councillor JF Knipe

Councillor JG Lester

Councillor MD Lloyd-Hayes

Councillor RI Matthews

Councillor RL Mayo

Councillor PJ McCaull

Councillor SM Michael

Councillor PM Morgan

Councillor C Nicholls

Councillor FM Norman

Councillor J Norris

Councillor CA North

Councillor RJ Phillips

Councillor GJ Powell

Councillor AJW Powers

Councillor PD Price

Councillor P Rone

Councillor A Seldon

Councillor P Sinclair-Knipe

Councillor J Stone

Councillor GR Swinford

Councillor DC Taylor

Councillor GA Vaughan-Powell

Councillor TL Widdows

Councillor DB Wilcox


Greenknight all things are relative bear in mind the Con posters stuck in the ground/hedges that abound probably only belong to a couple of farms with many acres and 2 or 3 or 4 voters to each.  Whereas if posters were put in gardens of say Bobblestock there would be a lot more voters.Both Graham Powell and Philip Price are very well thought of in some circles and for different reasons.  Having said that there are now many many wealthy "newcomers" of all ages and professions to both Golden Valley North and GV South.  To add to that there is a tremendous row going on in Dorstone because a farmer wants to erect a couple of chicken houses.  There is an IOC living in that area and very actively fighting these chicken houses.  So nothing is cast in stone in either GV wards I would not like to call it. 


My vote is in Wormside.

  On 11/04/2015 at 10:07, Denise Lloyd said:

Greenknight all things are relative bear in mind the Con posters stuck in the ground/hedges that abound probably only belong to a couple of farms with many acres and 2 or 3 or 4 voters to each.  Whereas if posters were put in gardens of say Bobblestock there would be a lot more voters.Both Graham Powell and Philip Price are very well thought of in some circles and for different reasons.  Having said that there are now many many wealthy "newcomers" of all ages and professions to both Golden Valley North and GV South.  To add to that there is a tremendous row going on in Dorstone because a farmer wants to erect a couple of chicken houses.  There is an IOC living in that area and very actively fighting these chicken houses.  So nothing is cast in stone in either GV wards I would not like to call it. 


My vote is in Wormside.

Accepted Denise and I think I made reference on another post that you can display as many flags as you like but you only get one vote!


Is it possible that any of the prospective candidates could post their election leaflets on this thread??


We are all keen to hear your views on what you would like to bring to local politics!


Dippy, we are in what is called the "poudar period" we are not allowed to promote ourselves or groups during this period, it is seen as giving unfair advantage to any particular group over another, it is a part of the forms that we sign to become candidates and it is law. The same as we cannot write or have stories in the press, use our council computers or ipads for any political advantage. We are there to present ourselves only to our electorate for them to choose who they want to vote for and our leaflets are used for that to tell our electorate what we have achieved for them in the last four years in our prospective wards. There is also something in the papers about using or promoting ourselves on social media websites.


I get the whole purdah thing.....I just thought that if the invitation extended to all candidates, of all parties and persuasions, that would be fair?


I'm willing to accept that your knowledge of this is more in depth than mine though!


Is it OK then, for us bloggers to post election material that we receive??


Surely that must be alright??


Again, although we have no control over what the electorate does, it would be unfair to other candidates in that ward if you just posted the literature of ONE CANDIDATE that you favour as again it would be giving that ONE candidate unfair advantage to the other candidates standing in that ward. I hope Colin doesn't mind me saying but at the moment some of the posters are trying to turn HV into a political machine which is unfair to the other posters on this site.


Do you not think that would be a lot of space being taken up on HV pages.53 wards and up to 5 candidates on each ward with up to three leaflets for each candidates? and then would Colin allow that many pages being taken up?


I just think that these elections are incredibly important for Hereford.


Giving folks as much information as possible, and encouraging everybody to use their vote are a priority for me. If people feel involved, and engaged with this process, they are far more likely to go and put that cross on their ballot paper.


We have had too much apathy for too long in this County. I really want that to change.


Glenda Powell kindly mentions this "purdah" period but Herefordshire Council are still running a consultation on changes they have made to the Local Plan for Herefordshire. I heard that the changes to the plan mean that some villages could end up with over 60% increase in housing http://www.hereforhereford.co.uk/2015/04/rural-housing-requirements-changed-by-herefordshire-council/ . I thought this plan belonged mainly to the Conservative councillors and so the Cabinet members must have agreed all this housing for rural areas.  I wonder how this might affect some of the rural ward elections?

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