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hi all


rather than hi-jack the general election thread which was threatening to happen as i chat with people, i thought it might be better to open a new thread where people can just post their issues so i can see what needs addressing should i be elected and what i can recommend in the mean time. please post the location and problem (and try not to start debates!!) 


i have already had 1 problem from bobby47, dogging in general around the city, and specifically near his home


have a nice day :)


Sebastian Hope - County Council Candidate for Holmer Ward


i really didnt :(


i spent 2 hours researching how to deal with dogging sites legally and researching the problem areas in hereford. perhaps time not wasted should someone else mention it


ah well :)


its not hard to see how politicians might be tempted to go bent when this is how their constituency might treat them!!!!


ah well, not the first time ive made an ass of myself and it wont be the last!


Damn. I was going to make a special visit to "The Commercial" tomorrow to ply Bobby with beer to find out where these sites where!


Is there an election looming?

Seb, I'm sure you're a nice enough person, and I'm sure you only want to change things for the betterl...  

But you were nowhere to be seen or heard this time last week, now you're on seemingly every post on Hereford Voice!!

If you are successful in May, I hope you continue to be as vocal/visible/approachable...


Seb, you've not made an Ass of yourself. Not at all. Far from it. The only Ass is me and to mitigate my strange and odd imagination is simply to state, I can't help it. No I cannot help myself. I'm beyond help and there'll be no redemption for me.

That said, I am reasonably representative of a growing number of good men and women who've chosen to fall by the wayside and take none of our political reality seriously. Yes, we mind our own business, diligently recycle our rubbish and sensibly delete the browsing history on our laptop computers in case our unnatural obsession with por.n.ogr.aph.ic material ever becomes disclosed to our partners, but we are a large demographic of good souls who nobody takes time to care for.

Yes, it's this group that I'd like our ruling elite to help. The bewildered, the dispossessed, the possessed, those that bet upon uncertain outcomes and those that don't because they've no money left after spending it all in Ale Houses desperately trying to summon up the courage to leave the pub, stagger up the road and not be Tasered by the Constable or given a fixed penalty notice by the Council because a tiny piece of lamb kebab fell from their mouths and was immediately defined as litter.

Instead of mocking my group, I'd like to see local political leaders change course, befriend a hapless and lost soul like me and 'pay it forward'.

Yes, instead of mocking the map of Africa that's displayed upon the front of my ill fitting pants, grab me, embrace me and say, 'pilgrim you are clearly blasted out of your brains. Take this tenner and go back in the pub and, if and when you ever do sober up, please vote for me.

This is the kind of society and political party that I'd vote for and given what Ian bloody Duncan Smith is doing to the weak, the poor and the downright unlucky, I will never, under any circumstances vote for the Conservative administration.

My very warmest regards to you Seb.


to clarkester - ive been VERY busy of late, im involved in a number of research projects aside from my own PhD, i help charitable causes 2-3 times a week where my schedule permits and on top of it all, i do most of the housework as my wife works full time. as such i chose to get a lot of projects pushed into final phase (and wont be signing onto more if elected) before i was a confirmed candidate for holmer ward so that i could spend the time AFTER i was nominated canvassing and looking for links to the people. i only found this site 2-3 days ago and will be making a lot of use of it!  i can assure you i am not a complacent looking for a cushy job who has just decided to look like i care and want to converse with the people of the city. moreover, my lack of involvement has been due to making room in my life in order to fulfill the role adequately. i have meetings upon meetings booked with councillors, local figures and party members to look at what the job will actually entail beyond the job description in order to make sure i am adequately trained up before i may take up my role.


bobby - thank you for your comments, i hope ive taken them correctly this time around!! i would ask you to bear in mind that Hereford county council is (for the most part) divorced entirely from the westminster elite, out link to them is through our MP, the same as you. we have to do as we are told by the government of the day. if we see a labour win, i will still be sitting on the council as a conservative. voting for MPs dictates the direction of the country and voting for Councillors dictates the way the county moves.i would never ask anyone to vote for me because of my party, if they felt so inclined, so be it. i am aligned with a party so that people can clearly see what my intentions are in general. however, i have no hesitation about voting on any issue as the people of my ward ask me too. you may feel disenfranchised, but if thats so next time we have a county council election, stand, and see where it gets you. i believe change, like charity, begins with people standing up and saying " ill do that, ill make it better". if you dont vote, you have no right to complain about the government. if you voted against them, then tell others why. democracy works when people stand up and debate the issues instead of letting the stroll past. i have a good friend standing as a labour councillor in a staunchly conservative area for that reason. we differ greatly in our politics and opinions, we correct each others opinion posts and conclusions derived from stats and it works well to make us both better at what we do.


thanks for all your positive comments - keep the suggestions rolling, i have pages of A4 paper now filled out with suggestions and outlined plans to take to the council.


Well Sebastian  allow yourself plenty of time if you're going to knock on every door in Holmer.  Do you not see yourself at a slight disadvantage by not living in the area.  Ross is a far cry from Hereford and it's inherent problems.  I always think it says plenty about a person's character which charities they follow and amongst your many activities you work with 2 charities.  Which ones are they?    

  On 16/04/2015 at 09:26, Sebastian Hope said:

.... voting for Councillors dictates the way the county moves .....


Not if you want something doing about workplace bullying - which will invariably be ignored and classed as ''an employment issue'' as the councillors file past on the other side of the road, turning a blind eye.  And this is a politically neutral comment really because it applies to all parties / all shades of representation.


Actually, I suppose that little nugget you've coughed up is a true statement if you look at it from another angle....


If you want the county to move and spiral downwards into the gutter / career headlong towards the abyss...  vote for councillors !!


You're preaching to the converted here, without the experience / evidence base to dodge the resulting flak and get away with it.


Denise- not one of the candidates for holmer lives in the ward,or within walking distance, and only 1 lives within the city itself. So while I may be at a slight disadvantage, although it means I will need to actually talk to people rather than assume I know their issues because I live nearby, I don't think it makes a lot of difference. Certainly not as much as getting involved in more committees would help.


Cloudberry- I'm still reading through a LOT of paperwork around housing, development and county economics so I couldn't honestly comment with anything more than speculation at present, maybe in a week or two? It takes a while to catch up on years of this stuff sadly. What I will say is that I will be fighting for as many property market entry houses/flats as I can. Having just bought my first 50%ownership for under 100k, I know the difference it makes to a family to make that step.


Wirralpc- you certainly have a bee in your bonnet over this bullying thing. I will not "put it down", if I'm elected I will look into this as far as any powers I have will let me. Bearing in mind it will probably be another councillors issue. In a months time the council will be re-established and an MP in place. You may then be able to have a reasonable face to face meeting with someone who can do something constructive instead of posting online where very few will read about it and take action. If you are this upset with the current state of affairs I would suggest you run for county council next time and make that change.


I think it's a little patronising of you to say that Wirralpc has a bee in his bonnet over such a serious issue.

If you read some of the threads regarding the workplace bullying, you may come to see that it is an important issue that Wirralpc has quite a lot of experience (not the good kind) of.

And it is not likely that he is about to stand for councillor in Herefordshire, he lives further from Holmer than you do...  A lot further...


Sebastian I have had a little think about your reply and my subsequent reply.  Your profile states your location is Ross so naturally I assumed that's where you live.


The two charities you are involved with and have yet to name.  Shall I make it easier for you and ask the direct question are you a member of

Freedom Church? 


Seb, I like you and your writing style. It's enthusiastic, at times youthfully blind and oblivious to the sh.it we are all wading around in, and optimistic on a scale that's heartening to those like me who are wading around in this chaos that our political entire have created for us all.

As for Cardin, you are wrong. It's not a bee. It's not one single bee. It's an entire hive and judging from his antecedent history it's a swarm that he's become accustomed to having with him for many years. Fight the battles you can win Seb and avoid the ones you can't. Concentrate your efforts on the Ward you hope to win and avoid Cardin because no good will come of it.

And, if you choose to ignore my good advice, at the very least win your seat before you put yourself in harms way and go up against this menace of a blogger who thrives on poking the hierarchy with a stick demanding to know why they've been bullying disabled people and why they've been taking huge chunks of public money, possibly as much as three hundred and seventy thousand pounds and paying their staff Gagging Payments to remain silent to you, me, the media and anyone else who might like to discover exactly what the Council have been doing.

My very warmest regards to you Seb.


Bobby, that's sound advice you have given to Seb.


This is what we should all be doing. Turning a blind eye, pretend it's not happening, and throw the whistle blower to the wolves. It's not our problem.


Trouble is, as you and I both know, when you have a conscience,(as we do) when you like to see folks held to account, (as we do) when you care about folks who have put their necks on the line(as we do)..... it just isn't possible.


We'll more than likely still be trying to highlight this issue in twelve months time. But isn't it better to try to do the right thing, than simply walk away without a backward glance......???


The answer is a resounding Yes!


Which is why we continue.....

  On 17/04/2015 at 09:34, Denise Lloyd said:

Sebastian I have had a little think about your reply and my subsequent reply. Your profile states your location is Ross so naturally I assumed that's where you live.


The two charities you are involved with and have yet to name. Shall I make it easier for you and ask the direct question are you a member of

Freedom Church?

That had crossed my mind too Denise!


Seb's "bee in the bonnet" nonsense is a crafty hint at my 'vexatiousness'. Which is just plain silly and ill-advised. Follow this link pal...




...as you can see, the third one was overturned too. I scored a hat-trick.


I prefer to stand up to embedded, unaddressed institutional abuse in my own particular way, rather than be fobbed off by liars and cheats e.g. elected councillors who you see once every few years; and like to tell you they "have it in hand".


You're unwittingly marching down a well travelled cul-de-sac here and if elected, at some point, will become one of two things:


1. Disappointed and disillusioned

2. Complicit and wealthier


Paul I don't often disagree with you and incurring the wrath of the Mighty Cardin is never a wise move, however you numpty I have to say I was never afraid of pussycats!


I think you forgot to include number three which is extremely remiss given you're a man of intelligence.


Number 3 - Without conscience


Which most Councillors are devoid!!

  On 17/04/2015 at 20:29, WirralPC said:

Haha. Flam, you're so right. I fell down badly.


I'm so happy to accept this slap on the wrist from such an esteemed contributor to these pages.

You taking the P iss ! Lol

Seb, you appear uneducated to the power of online media, blogging and the Internet in relation to getting the message out to a wider audience. 'Where very few people will read it' is a nieave statement, are you also not wasting your time blogging to what you describe as a very small audience? I have 1247 friends on my FB account of those 1247 friends I have, how many do you think have more than 1247 friends? You are mistaken and ill informed if you believe you are addressing a very small audience, be careful what you say it has the potential to go viral! Lol


Sebastian - no wonder I thought you lived in Ross.  Ross on Wye is given as your home address on your Nomination Papers.  Always interesting to see who nominates people.


Not having a very good start on your election journey. 

  On 19/04/2015 at 12:49, Denise Lloyd said:

Not having a very good start on your election journey. 

He doesn't seem very interested in answering your most recent question Denise. I think you might have hit home there.


It is taking a while to get a simple yes or no isn't it?


Seb hasn't logged onto Hereford Voice today..... perhaps he has other things on, being a Sunday????

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