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I have just been alerted to this Facebook Topic, it names Conservative Cllr. David Greenhow as the suspect in this bizarre act of animal cruelty, which now appears to possibly be a criminal investigation, see what you think:


Beware if you walk your dogs around dinedor as last nite my son in law was playing in an empty field with his dogs just throwing a ball and he saw an old 4x4 heading towards his dog not realising what the person was doing the 4x4 headed for the dog and hit it the dog now has head injuries and a cut to the back leg this man is a local councillor and said it was worrying his sheep as I put earlier in this status the field was empty of sheep please any suggestions of what to do next to protect other people we have called the police and yes you guessed it we were issued with a crime number :0(


Cllr. David Greenhow.jpg


This appeared on IOC's private group FB yesterday.  We kept quiet about it because we did not want to appear to be opportunistically using this incident to score political points but there was a lot of dismay.  


There's a whiff of "Lord of the Manor" syndrome about this.  Some people from the horse and hounds set seem to think that privilege entitles them to behave as they please but they can't horsewhip the peasantry any more so they content themselves with running over their dogs.   Julian's joke about these individuals having a shotgun out of each window of their pretentious 4x4s to blast peasants and wildlife isn't far from the truth.  

Cllr Greenow and his sort have privilege but they have no ethics, no compassion and no decency and demonstrate, on a daily basis, that being intensely stupid is no impediment to getting on in life if you have money and connections.    In my opinion,  they are the scum on the top of society's pond: soaking up the sun and stopping it from percolating downwards.  They represent much of what is dysfunctional in society and demonstrate through their behaviour, the rottenness and moral bankruptcy of those who benefit most from our class system.  They are unfit for public office and I hope that on May 7th ,  Cllr Greenow gets some buckshot in  his own arse.  


It is alleged that he has shot 16 dogs in the last 12 months. He has previous form for giving a false name and address at a road traffic accident (whilst a councillor). His recent planing permission for a large house in open countryside, contrary to recommendation and signed off by the tory chair, is a travesty of process.


From the HT


POLICE have confirmed they received a call about a dog worrying sheep in a field near Hereford.


Officers were also told of a collision involving a dog and a pick-up truck in Dinedor shortly after 6pm on Tuesday.


A spokesperson for Hereford City Southside and Rural Safer Neighbourhood Team said: We've had a report of a dog worrying sheep.


The farmer has tried to separate the dog and in the process it was hit by a vehicle and was injured.


There is no further police action at this time.â€


I would like to hear both sides before the full scale "witch hunt" is set in motion.

One thing has always intrigued me though about dogs (and I do like them).

Why do owners feel they have the right to exercise their pets on any piece of private land they choose. The field my have been, or not, empty of livestock but if it does not belong to the dog owner why is he there?

That said there is no excuse for running over/hitting a dog deliberately with a vehicle


If the dog was running around lose without the owner? then I'd believe the farmer but if the owner was with the dog? then I would find it hard to believe that they would allow there dog to run around lose in a field full of sheep!


Cllr Greenow is already on thin ice.


The previous road traffic accident incident, and the recent planning debacle have not exactly endeared him to many.


As Aylestone Voice said, we need to have all facts established.


But surely, if any element of this is true, this man should not be standing? Are these really the characteristics we want to see in an elected Cllr?


The answer must be, a resounding, No.


Must presume that there is no evidence for the Police to act on - one persons word against the other person otherwise I should think that the Police would consider prosecution for sheep worrying or wilfully injuring the animal ( or something similar )


Hope that the dog makes a full recovery and the Cllr is not elected next Thursday .


Well....... if the dog has been deliberately struck by a vehicle, and the vehicle belongs to Greenow, and he has been identified as driving it, and there was no livestock in the field..... that's pretty compelling evidence.


But, what do I know??


Usually, very little!

  On 30/04/2015 at 13:40, Ubique said:

The farmer has tried to separate the dog and in the process it was hit by a vehicle and was injured.


There is no further police action at this time.


Give the high probability that PC Plod and Cllr Greenhow (or whatever he's calling himself these days) are Lodge Mates I suspect this one's likely to remain in the NFA file.


Incidentally, has anyone told him that ginger bristles growing from the Adam's Apple are not a good look. Someone should have  a word.


Interesting that comments are not allowed in the HT relating to this story .


Would there be a legal reason because one of the parties involved is apparently a Councillor fighting the forthcoming Election ?


The Journalists need to remain unbiased and this story could be deemed as piloting the electorate, we kinda know its true but there's no solid proof that it was a vindictive act. He'll get his comeuppance, ginger whiskered Adams Apple an all 😉


Slightly off topic but I followed yesterday a short wheelbase land rover defender with a young calf in the back who could not decide whether to stand up or sit down after all the driver was at times according to my speedo travelling around 50mph. Now some might think that's ok and others might comment that these young ones don't mind but this was on the Hereford to Bromyard road!

  On 30/04/2015 at 13:40, Ubique said:

From the HT


There is no further police action at this time.



Complaint was binned immediately .... So all the hyperbole on the web was inaccurate ..... Or there was something in it and it was binned as a complaint? 

  On 30/04/2015 at 21:03, twowheelsgood said:

The original Facebook link has now been removed - someone will be threatening to sue Colin next!


jeanharris - the dog owner is in touch with the RSPCA.


I'm sure knowing Colin he will be shaking in his boots.  :Winky:  Surely striking any animal by using a vehicle as a weapon is animal cruelty! Bloke needs shooting himself. So are we supposed to believe that 16 dogs have all wondered into this Vikings field, worrying his sheep and all met their fete with the barrel of a gun? 

  On 30/04/2015 at 07:55, twowheelsgood said:

It is alleged that he has shot 16 dogs in the last 12 months.

I thought there was something about him that was familiar...




Viking!! I love that description.


The man clearly needs investigating! By the police and the RSPCA. I wonder how how treats his cattle? In my experience people do not change, if he can be this cruel to dogs then it would not take much to vent that same inner frustration out on any other animal. Anyone who can hurt any animal needs hurting too! 

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