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Evening Roger!


If this was your ward, your prospective councillor and your vote, I think you'd perhaps see it as an issue.


People need to know what's going on here.

  On 01/05/2015 at 21:26, Cambo said:




I see certain similarities with freedom church…could this be where Gary Snowzell's gets his inspiration from?

John Johnson certainly seems to have modelled himself on Blofeld. I wonder if he's a cat lover?


Wasn't Snowzell the preposterous turd who talked about "storming nations"? Dream on pal, dream on.


Is it that much of a dream Pete the big party this weekend is to celebrate their pledge to plant 10 "churches" in 10 cities in 4 years.  


I don't think anyone should think this is just a tiddling little organisation.  It has a tremendous following with some very surprising very influential followers/members.


Do not underestimate their power!


Of course we have centred our attentions on these 2 Con candidates who are standing in this county.  Because they have such a huge following in Herefordshire we do not know for sure that other parties haven't got members of Freedom Church standing.  I do not understand why these people can't just come clean and say yes I am a member of FC and allow the electorate then decide. Why is it all so clandestine?  It is deceitful and there has certainly been far too much deceit over the last 5 years.  Transparency transparency..........


In my opinion if people vote for a member of Freedom Church they are not only doing the county of Herefordshire a huge disservice they will also not be doing the country any favours.


Charlatans! False Prophets! Devil Dodgers and hypocrites the lot of them! And it's all so easy! All you need, rather like a fascist dictatorship is to wrap yourself in some flag with a cross on it, get yourself a charismatic leader, make people believe in the pigswill and tripe that comes tumbling off their stage, give 'um' the followers a few tambourines, a shiny, happy, clappy song accompanied by three simple chord progressions, tell them that you are the light and to get to the father you've gotta pay them twenty pounds to have your prayer answered and bing, bang bloody bong, you've got yourself a cult.

Course this cult, its membership ain't littered with your full blown, beyond redemption sinners like me! No bloody Sir'ee! Not for them the likes of me who'd be thrown in the 'to difficult basket'. The followers tend to be made up of the vulnerable, the weak, those without a belief in themselves and a confidence that The Lord ain't always by your side and you've gotta take responsibility for yourself and your lifestyle decisions rather than throwing yourself into a self induced frenzy just to display to Snowzell and those of his ilk that you've been visited by the Holy Spirit and you are halfway there to becoming a complete robotic thinking fool who's lost all touch with reality and you'll do just about anything to please those you believe have the ear of The Lord.

In short, it's all a load of pigswill accompanied by a human desire to believe that when you reach the hereafter you'll be handed the keys to heaven, a white robe and a bloody harp to pluck for the rest of rotten eternity.

They can all get stuffed! Liars the lot of them.


Hello 'D'. I'll tell you what I'll do. I'm going to give it a while, pop down, get myself into one of their gatherings and see for myself just how hard you have to sing, pray and howl, 'Lord, give me the blood. Give me the spirit'.

Yes! I promise you I'll do it and once I've been I'll dig this thread up and report on how it all went. Unless anyone knows otherwise, is there anything you have to do to get in and start the praying. Can anyone turn up to get the word of The Lord?


Not quite as easy as people may think, Bobby.....Invitation only!


Or pre book, for a meet and greet...... they are none too keen on folks just turning up!


Right Dippy! So, if I phone them up, tell them I'm a sinner and disclose all my sins and tell them I need the 'holy blood', will that get me in?


I'm being serious here. I'm not joking. I'm going to go in and, if its absolutely necessary, I'm more than happy to whip myself up into a frenzy, mount the stage, grab a hold of the handheld microphone and howl, 'I'm a sinner. I've broken at least four of the Ten Commandments that relate directly to coveting my neighbours, Ass, his home, his wife and all his other belongings and I want the blood'.

I'm not joking Dippy. I am going to go in.

  On 02/05/2015 at 17:45, bobby47 said:

Right Dippy! So, if I phone them up, tell them I'm a sinner and disclose all my sins and tell them I need the 'holy blood', will that get me in?


& chuck em at lest £20 as a redemption fee then I'm sure you'd be welcomed into the fold with open arms bobby!!!


Steady Bobby!


Surely we need to convene an extraordinary meeting of The Mendacious Oddities at The Commercial, before we approve your bid to

 infiltrate Snowzells inner sanctum???


A risk assessment at the very least???


I wouldn't like to think of you infiltrating, without taking the necessary precautions first!


I have to warn you bobby there's probably no ale to be had there…as for the last ten years FC have been filling pitchers with water,which they then try turning into wine?…but the best they have ever managed is to turn it into vinegar! so it's either that or a spell on the wagon I'm afraid?!

  On 02/05/2015 at 07:51, Denise Lloyd said:

Is it that much of a dream Pete the big party this weekend is to celebrate their pledge to plant 10 "churches" in 10 cities in 4 years.  


A pledge Denise but what's that worth? They might be full of p*** and vinegar and having a party to big themselves up but what have they actually achieved? Didn't they get chased out of Swansea? Also anyone who thinks offering sweets to school kids is a clever PR move has to be pretty bloody clueless. I agree they're a threat but at the same don't underestimate their crass stupidity.


Has anyone been onto the electoral office. Religion and politics definitely do not go hand in hand and is totally illegal. I am not entirely sure about this but I believe Jonathan Johnson and his family are members of the FC


Ideally what we need is a scan of a Jon Johnson Election leaflet. To see if he has mentioned the Freedom Church at all .... Any Wormside Ward voters out there? 

  On 03/05/2015 at 21:52, jeanharris said:

Religion and politics definitely do not go hand in hand and is totally illegal.

Apart from the twenty-odd bishops that sit in the House of Lords?

  On 01/05/2015 at 19:15, Roger said:



James wrote the following statement of our Facebook Page timeline:



Dear all, my name is James Johnson and I am going to be the Conservative party candidate for the Leominster West ward in the upcoming Herefordshire Council election. I would just like to clarify something for all of you, as I have been told that somebody has posted something on here suggesting that I am associated with Freedom Church. I would like to make it very clear that I have absolutely no involvement with F.C, its members etc whatsoever (to my knowledge). I went to the church for a short period of time many years ago, when I attended college. Further, I am still 'friends' with some of the people that are involved with it on Facebook. However, I have not spoken to any of them for some time and I have not been to a service for many years. My faith is a personal article and I currently harbour nothing but distrust for organised religion. I am more than willing to field any questions that you wish to ask me about this/anything, any time, anywhere. My number is 07463479749 if you would prefer to speak to me over the phone. 


This  is James Calum Johnson not Jon Johnson.


James Johnson is standing in Leominster ward.


Jon Johnson is standing in Wormside.


Well done James Callum J for your honesty apologies for doubting you.


 Five to go!


An interesting clarification there from young James.


Not quite as interesting though, as reading his thoughts on the Education Maintenance Allowance.


How on earth do some people meet the criteria to stand.....???


Gosh... all these  Conservative "Johnson" candidates......


James, Jon and Tony. Although Tony is confusingly  referred to as Tony Jackson on the Hereford Conservatives web page.... perhaps they are struggling not to get muddled up  as well!

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