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Post election loss, it takes courage to lance a boil. These ain't got it...

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  On 12/05/2015 at 16:36, dippyhippy said:

We're all human. We're none of us perfect.... Lord knows I've got more than my fair share of quirks and foibles ....and we all have the ability to choose the wrong words to express ourselves on occasion.


Let's get back to the thread.... it's a subject worthy of debate and comment.


So. Any response yet from Mark Ferguson??


No Dippy. Mark Ferguson, editor of Labour List can't bring himself to condemn clear breaches of Article 12 HRA which occurred over a 9 year period on Wirral.


Which is a challenge to his credibility because he's publicly up in arms about the planned tory assault on the HRA.


My question to him is...


"How can you hold precious that which you breached repeatedly when abusing disabled people, even to the extent of elevating the abuser-in-chief to Mayor?"


S i l e n c e.


I've been following, with interest, the arguments surrounding The UK's plans to scrap the Human Rights Act.


This is going to explode.....


There maybe fallout that few were expecting.....


To be honest I've been asleep on this HRA thing as I was not aware of what's happening with it?…where have I been?…need to wake up on this one,before it passes me bye without me realising what's going on?! Otherwise before I know it I'll have no rights left at all?!

  On 12/05/2015 at 12:33, flamboyant said:

Roger you went off topic, I read your post on WirralPCs thread and thought you'd either lost the plot or posted on the wrong thread.



The second paragraph was a moan about the voting system. I replied. I didn't lose the plot or post on the wrong thread .... 


Dear me, please stop, all of you.

The Torys got in because they are a well oiled machine, nothing more, nothing less. Not liars, not cheats etc, the apathetic voters of Herefordshire put them there, no one else. Herefordians don't care, they're not interested in why they vote for someone, its simply name recognition...very basic and simple. I am an IOC activist but until they stop appearing like the Green Party of the 1990s and writing manifesto's that look like they've been written by Friends of the Earth then they'll get nowhere. In times of austerity people are interested in real issues that affect their earnings and heating and food on the table, not flood barriers and relief roads and all that crap we talk about when there's nothing else in the news..no! Voters, me included need to be attracted, distracted, disillusioned over an issue to whet their appetite but what did IOC give them?.....Bring back the bloody hopper service!!! Who gives a toss?? That's not a real issue when people are shopping at food banks etc....no wonder the Torys landslid the County Elections...there was no real opposition in it's current form.

  On 12/05/2015 at 22:27, dazza333 said:

The Torys got in because they are a well oiled machine, nothing more, nothing less. Not liars, not cheats etc, the apathetic voters of Herefordshire put them there, no one else. Herefordians don't care, they're not interested in why they vote for someone, its simply name recognition.


Was Paul Keetch a well oiled machine? I seem to recall he had a seat up until 2010 .... I think he wasn't a Tory. 


Turnout for South Hereford this time was 66% with 52% voting Tory. Hardly an apathetic Public ..... 

  On 12/05/2015 at 08:32, WirralPC said:

What the hell is this paedo protecting, bully enabling hell-hole you people occupy?


Colin? Do an element of the forum protect 'paedo' people? I know it was an internet  'rant' but that was getting near the edge I think ..... 


Roger, simple request. Go and ask the people of Herefordshire why they voted for the PERSON they voted for in the LOCAL election, not the Nationals. I know exactly what the answers will be; "I recognised the name" or "She was the only one who knocked on my door" etc..apathetic, cynical, docile answers which reflects the current nature of Herefordshire's voters in the local elections and to be fair I'm not surprised when I see replies like the ones you put to my post which miss the point completely.....that's what the Herefordshire electorate are up against. No wonder it was one tick for Tory in the Nationals closely followed by another quick tick for Tories in the Locals....what choice did we offer them?

  On 12/05/2015 at 22:51, Roger said:

Colin? Do an element of the forum protect 'paedo' people? I know it was an internet  'rant' but that was getting near the edge I think ..... 


Who said that?

  On 12/05/2015 at 12:33, flamboyant said:

 But he chooses to fight against and for the vulnerable people suffering this terrible abuse rather than to follow your example which would appear to condone this type of behaviour!



And that gives him the right to come on here spewing bile over all and sundry does it? That's nice.


And for the record I do not condone the mistreatment of vulnerable and disabled people. That fact that I haven't given the requisite number of "likes" to your favourite threads hardly constitutes evidence of my lack of morality or empathy. If you actually take the time to read the bullying of disabled staff I passed on some info to Maverick that I thought might help them in their fight.


I have read through the various posts, some of the remarks are close to the mark, listen we are all passionate about different things, just because one person has different views to another it certainly does not warrant a load of abuse from anyone.


This is a forum where I tolerate and ignore a lot, right or wrong, I always try to allow people to express themselves and support 'Freedom Of Speech', so please keep it civil folks or I will be forced to start editing or removing posts and I don't want that.

  On 12/05/2015 at 08:32, WirralPC said:

Apart from Bobby47, Flamboyant, Dippyhippy, Cambo, gdj, Amanda Martin, all battling away on the side of all that's good, there's a crushing, bullying vacuum, voting tory, crushing dissent and hoovering up all vestiges of normality, empathy and humanity.


What the hell is this paedo protecting, bully enabling hell-hole you people occupy?

Wirral, you did, post #12.

The one I said was "a little unfair" yesterday.

Admittedly, you didn't name people, but rather implied that the whole of our "hell-hole" was paedo protecting and bully enabling...


I did not read it like that.  My name was not mentioned and I certainly did not feel the remark was aimed at any of us.


It is an accepted fact that Herefordshire Council and Hoople have a bullying culture.


It is accepted that Paul Cardin is privvy to certain information that none of us are so does he suspect that there is a paedo ring operating in Herefordshire?


It would not surprise me we have most other oddities.

  On 13/05/2015 at 09:07, Clarkester said:

Wirral, you did, post #12.

The one I said was "a little unfair" yesterday.

Admittedly, you didn't name people, but rather implied that the whole of our "hell-hole" was paedo protecting and bully enabling...

There could be a whole murky underworld that lurks within this county that a large majority of us people living here are unaware of? After all it has happened take jimmy saville a lot of people where in the know but said nothing although most of us where unaware of what he was like…also take Rotherham as another example it can happen & does happen!


In Rochdale, Anna Klonowski failed to record or minute her interviews with council staff when called upon to investigate.




And this is the official culture we're up against.  As happened on Wirral, if there's no verbatim record kept, escape hatches appear for both the interviewed AND the interviewer.  Klonowski walked away with £370,000 as reward for her flawed investigation.  I don't know what she got for Rochdale, but the subject was even more serious: "child sexual exploitation".


I would suggest that if you don't apply rigour to what you're doing and nail down those involved in covering up or destroying evidence, you're protecting and enabling paedophilia to break out in the future.


Similarly if you're in a position of trust and you're told about paedophilia and child sexual exploitation, but do nothing to act on it, you're complicit.

  On 13/05/2015 at 09:07, Clarkester said:

Wirral, you did, post #12.

The one I said was "a little unfair" yesterday.

Admittedly, you didn't name people, but rather implied that the whole of our "hell-hole" was paedo protecting and bully enabling...


The hell-hole being Herefordshire, not this forum.


I've been in a coma for the past twenty four hours brought on by a lot of ale and getting belted in the face by my wife's frying pan and I've only just read the threads of all my good friends who've reacted to Cardin and his new topic.

Now I ain't here to set myself against those who read Cardin in a way that's brought on these highly charged responses and I ain't tapping to support and defend my friend who's posts have ignited this debate. He doesn't need me to defend him and knowing him as I do, and being the 'menace' that he is, he'll be thriving on this outcome and celebrating the fact that so many of us have chosen to take to our keyboards and tap.

It seems to me that cultural differences have caused this tiny fracture in our solidarity and it's all because few of you have understood the differences that exist between us down here and them up bloody there. And there are huge differences and I'd like to point out why Cardin is the menace that he is.

You see up on Merseyside they've been highly political for much longer than we have and because of their nature they live to poke the pile and have an argument and gain a reaction. This is the nature of those brought up on the banks of The Mersey. To them, and my Dad and Mam were of that tribe, they see political issues in a very different light to us down here. We've only, in the past few years woken up and began to ask why. They've been at it, up there, for the best part of sixty years.

When Roger first took his first step and began his fortnightly trips to Anfield I'm guessing that whilst supping ale in The Park, The Sandon or The Arkles he must have concluded, 'they ain't the same as me'. And they ain't. They're not the same at all. Infected by all the influences that come from being brought up in a Port City and the huge influences of information brought to the docks from every corner of the World, they've become and evolved a very different sort to you and I.

In short, because of the political turbulence that Merseyside has experienced for so many decades, the likes of Cardin live and breathe politics, social issues and economics in a very different way than many other places here on Blighty. And Paul is not unusual. For every Cardin sat behind a keyboard involving themselves in social affairs, there are thousands of others up there who are supping ale in an Ale House having a bloody heated row with their mates over something that we probably couldn't care less about.

And this is why I call Paul a menace. And he is a menace and I'm glad that he is the way he is. I wouldn't want the lad to change.

When the Twin Towers came tumbling down in New York City we down here muttered, 'that's terrible. Those poor people'. Up there, upon the banks of The Mersey, they muttered, 'that's terrible. Those poor people. Why did this happen and are we being told the truth by the media'.

And that's it. This is the huge difference that exists between us and them and for every single thing that goes bloody wrong, Cardin wants to know when, how and why it happened and who bloody did it and any controversy, or an argument, a disagreement is simply food and water to him and nothing he transmits should be taken as a personal attack. It's not. It's in the mans nature to go looking for the truth, discover it and then expose it. Sadly this hugely determined blogger has discovered that discovering the truth and then exposing it is the easiest part of the journey. Getting our political leaders to accept his findings and the do something about it is an entirely different proposition.

And it's this that compels Cardin to continue and very often use terse language to get his point across. It's not personal and despite the tiny fracture that Cardin has caused or generated in his writing style I'd urge all of you not to let him fall through your fingers and tap elsewhere.


Bloody brilliant Bobby – I couldn’t have come anywhere near to what you have said so eloquently although I did have a try.

  On 13/05/2015 at 09:22, Denise Lloyd said:


It is accepted that Paul Cardin is privvy to certain information that none of us are so does he suspect that there is a paedo ring operating in Herefordshire?


It would not surprise me we have most other oddities.

I think you'll find peadophile rings in a lot of places. Most recently we've heard about what's gone on in various northern towns. Private Eye has been sniffing around Elm Guest House for years.  I'm not saying paedophilia is in any way normal or should be tolerated but it is  widespread, unfortunately, and cuts across all sorts of boundaries, geographical and social.






Absolutely, Pete.


No matter where you live.... even in sleepy old Hereford, there is a need to be vigilant.


Folks think "things like that" don't happen in the communities they live in. Abuse, bullying..... it's all here.


There is plenty to be concerned about.


(Great to have you back Mr.47!)


And I ain't back! I've retired. For the fourth time I'm saying, I ain't doing this anymore. I'm a man of principle and when I say for the fourth time, I'm finished, then I'm finished and anyone who thinks or says otherwise is a doubter and a bloody stinker.

Finally, to give Roger some comfort, Cardin is an Everton supporter who prefers only one side of Stanley Park and it ain't the good and best end of that public space of green grass.


Chortle, chortle!


Yes, and I'm on my well deserved post election blogging break..... that worked out brilliantly as well!!!


Catch up soon..... and try to avoid that frying pan!

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