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  On 21/01/2016 at 10:24, Adrian symonds said:

Well going by the amount of comments on Facxebook when Hereford Voice posted the picture on there, it seems like a lot of people do not like these lights.

I do not see what this is thing is with LED lights, people using them at home  as well and yet they are to be honest useless. i got a couple for my house, one is now in the hall and the other is in the downstairs loo, gone back to the old traditional Incandescent bulbs for my computer room and living room. Much easier to read with.

Try SMD LED lights Adrian,truly amazing

Go on to e-bay and look for them there.


  On 21/01/2016 at 10:24, Adrian symonds said:

Well going by the amount of comments on Facxebook when Hereford Voice posted the picture on there, it seems like a lot of people do not like these lights.

I do not see what this is thing is with LED lights, people using them at home  as well and yet they are to be honest useless. i got a couple for my house, one is now in the hall and the other is in the downstairs loo, gone back to the old traditional Incandescent bulbs for my computer room and living room. Much easier to read with.

You’ve obviously got the wrong luminescence then! I have them scattered around the house, they are brighter than the old incandescent bulbs.

See these I just took.


Normal No flash



With Flash



LED without flash



LED with Flash



Also notice the light cast on the ceiling, these bulbs are about a tenner each.


for the best light output buy LEDs that are described as COB.


Just stick with Incandescent bulbs, they worked fine for years and will carry on working, I do not go into all this green rubbish, My Tv uses more power than my bulbs at 300Watts, not that I use it that much.

  On 23/01/2016 at 09:07, Adrian symonds said:

Just stick with Incandescent bulbs, they worked fine for years and will carry on working, I do not go into all this green rubbish, My Tv uses more power than my bulbs at 300Watts, not that I use it that much.


You will not be able to buy Incandescent bulbs much longer. I have a new LED TV and it runs on 68 watts. I changed all my household bulbs to LED and am saving a small fortune, it is the best thing I have done. 


My outside security floodlight used to be 500 watts, it is now LED and only 30 watts and much brighter.

  On 23/01/2016 at 09:07, Adrian symonds said:

Just stick with Incandescent bulbs, they worked fine for years and will carry on working, I do not go into all this green rubbish, My Tv uses more power than my bulbs at 300Watts, not that I use it that much.


You will be telling us that you do not rinse and recycle next  :Hmm:

  On 23/01/2016 at 11:13, Colin James said:

You will not be able to buy Incandescent bulbs much longer. I have a new LED TV and it runs on 68 watts. I changed all my household bulbs to LED and am saving a small fortune, it is the best thing I have done. 


My outside security floodlight used to be 500 watts, it is now LED and only 30 watts and much brighter.

You can get what they call rough cut Incandescent bulbs, they are made really for industrial use, but they work fine in the home. i have still got a load of Incandescent bulbs both 60 and 100Watt that I got a few years back when I knew that our government was going to bend over to the EU and do what they tell us to do as normal. So they will last a few years. 


The LED ones are fine for the downstairs loo and stairs where you don't need a great source of light.



  On 23/01/2016 at 13:05, H.Wilson said:

You will be telling us that you do not rinse and recycle next  :Hmm:

I don't

  On 23/01/2016 at 21:42, Adrian symonds said:

You can get what they call rough cut Incandescent bulbs, they are made really for industrial use, but they work fine in the home. i have still got a load of Incandescent bulbs both 60 and 100Watt that I got a few years back when I knew that our government was going to bend over to the EU and do what they tell us to do as normal. So they will last a few years. 


The LED ones are fine for the downstairs loo and stairs where you don't need a great source of light.



I don't


Why would you want to use 60 and 100 watt light bulbs when an LED will do the same thing using less than 9 watts? Why am I not surprised that you do not recycle?  :Thumbs-Down:  :Thumbs-Down:


I also have LED bulbs throughout my home and for reading I use cool white rather than the usual warm white you often see in supermarkets, if anything, they are too bright. 


I have just fitted out my mates VW van with these no psu requires as they are 12V, Remote controlled with various lumen’s and sequences. I am now going to fit them around the home & garden as they are discrete, super bright, controllable and cheap. The psu can be wired directly into the existing light fitment!

I’m all for LED, may even go RGB!! :Cool_32:

(For the sceptics of buying overseas, I regularly buy from BG and delivery is normally 10-15 days. As a comparison the same LEDs above are £40 in maplin! thats 602% increase)

  On 24/01/2016 at 14:11, DILLIGAF said:

I have just fitted out my mates VW van with these no psu requires as they are 12V, Remote controlled with various lumen’s and sequences. I am now going to fit them around the home & garden as they are discrete, super bright, controllable and cheap. The psu can be wired directly into the existing light fitment!

I’m all for LED, may even go RGB!! :Cool_32:

(For the sceptics of buying overseas, I regularly buy from BG and delivery is normally 10-15 days. As a comparison the same LEDs above are £40 in maplin! thats 602% increase)


Yes I had a look at some RGB multicoloured floodlights only yesterday, pretty cool and they use minimal power.

  On 23/01/2016 at 23:23, Alex said:

Why would you want to use 60 and 100 watt light bulbs when an LED will do the same thing using less than 9 watts? Why am I not surprised that you do not recycle?  :Thumbs-Down:  :Thumbs-Down:


I also have LED bulbs throughout my home and for reading I use cool white rather than the usual warm white you often see in supermarkets, if anything, they are too bright. 

I have two Philips LEd bulbs, not that they are really bulbs these days, but we will still use that word. Both are 9watts, 800  lumen or there about and supposed to be equivalent to a 60watt bulb.  I have no idea if they are COB or SMD as it don't say in the specs. Unless I take the bulb apart I would not be able to see. I do know the difference between the technologies, but it seems that people on here can not even agree what is best and  some so called experts can not agree either.


I need a good bulb for reading and LED do not do it unless I spend £15-£20 on a bulb and even then I am not sure if it will be any good. I have halogen reading light on a stand which I do use.


The problem is if the industry can not make up their mind which technology is best, then joe public is screwed and how do they know what bulbs have got what technology in anyway?  


I am also fed up of our government being controlled by the EU and being told what I can't and can't do by some unelected Eurocrats stuck in another country.

I will use what bulbs I want, I will use my gas and electric as I see fit and not have some silly smart meter to say I am using too much, I will chuck my rubbish in a black bag, I pay enough in council tax, so if they want it sorted, get the twits who are in office to sort it.

Fed up of all this green stuff, we should not do this, we should not do that. 


On Countryfile last night it reported on a farmer who has developed a system for growing tomatoes in this country in winter using LED bulbs.  Absolutely fascinating viewing.


Only 25% of the tomatoes consumed in this country are home produced.


Long live the LED bulbs so we can have decent British toms in the winter

  On 25/01/2016 at 10:49, Clarkester said:

That's the spirit Adrian...

<Sad face!>


I am sharing that same sad face as Clarkester. How sad is it when the local council provide the bins to recycle and some people just cannot be bothered! It really is not difficult to do your bit, we simply rinse items beforehand, it takes no time or real effort. I opened a tin of chopped tomatoes last night and rinsed the empty tin within seconds. It is because of people with this "can't be bothered" attitude that will force everyone in the end to have to sort all of their waste like the have to do in the bigger cities. They have separate bins for glass, paper, metal etc in Hereford it is all made simple. :Angry:  


Having never been on "light duties" I found the comments in this topic very interesting , confuseing , but very interesting .


Re Jango1969 comment re the dog owners leaving their deposits on the pavement - disgraceful !


Re recycling - have to say that two/three days before our collection day I have to get my step ladder out , put it along side the green bin, hold the step ladder secure whilst Mrs U climbs up the steps and transfers her weight onto the top of the wheelie bin to squash the recycling stuff down so that we can get more in - joking - it's me that has to put my 13st.7 weight on top of the rubbish. There is just two of us at home so if we can, with ease collect this amount of re cycling stuff most residents should , we all have a moral obligation to do it .


Well the LED,s work for me and now I can boast walking home each night which is around 35minutes I believe they deliver! I get a clearer night sky which is wondrous and it has a more positive impact on nature as studies show that certain birds like Robin,s suffer under traditional street lighting!


Jangos comment is true regarding dog mess as enforcement is sadly lacking in this county.

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