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I was advised today from somebody " in the know " that the Decision makers have already made up their mind , in the fullness of time 1 Ledbury Rd will close , this would fit in with Cambo's post regarding the Councils update on 1 Ledbury Rd.

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I was advised today from somebody " in the know " that the Decision makers have already made up their mind , in the fullness of time 1 Ledbury Rd will close , this would fit in with Cambo's post regarding the Councils update on 1 Ledbury Rd.

While it's still open ubique there's still hope & time to fight to save it from closing & here's a chance to make our voice heard?!


Do nothing it closes…it's better to try than do nothing!!



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& it will be a long hard fought fight these parents are up for that & determined , I've seen that at first hand they are well informed too which will make them a handful for those authorities wanting to close down No1…


But at the end of the day they may well lose there fight but I think we should get behind them & show some support on Wednesday & give them every chance of causing a upset?

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Cynic yes suspicious yes.  Six families ready by January to take on the role that No 1 Ledbury has been doing very successfully.  This is not an easy role  to train for and with all the stress and strain of Christmas you can guarantee at least one family will have second thoughts about what they are taking on. It is a huge responsibility.Looking after anybody's child is a huge responsibility.  I wonder how much this exercise has cost not only in the training but providing all the facilities needed and each special needs child will need different facitilies and needs and there is no guarantee that the child will bond with the family.  It is all too ridiculous for words.  I wonder what plans they have for No 1.

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Well , I went into High Town and reported to the Council Consulation Tent .


Gathered in the tent must have been 7/8 Council Staff all speaking to each other - I had to attract the attention of one of them so that I could be given a Consulation Form !.

None of the Staff were handing out forms encouraging those walking past to complete the firm ( if they lived in the County ) .

Once I had completed the form I again had to attract the attention of one the staff so that I could hand it in .


Appeared a miss opportunity , poor briefing to the Stsff on duty ( or perhaps they were briefed not to canvas passing pedestrians .)

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Well , I went into High Town and reported to the Council Consulation Tent .


Gathered in the tent must have been 7/8 Council Staff all speaking to each other - I had to attract the attention of one of them so that I could be given a Consulation Form !.

None of the Staff were handing out forms encouraging those walking past to complete the firm ( if they lived in the County ) .

Once I had completed the form I again had to attract the attention of one the staff so that I could hand it in .


Appeared a miss opportunity , poor briefing to the Stsff on duty ( or perhaps they were briefed not to canvas passing pedestrians .)[/quote


Well done thou ubique for going along & giving us the lowdown on the set up, typical thou the staff are standing around chatting does not give a good impression to joe public!


Will be popping along later myself

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Yep Cambo , so right , perhaps there is a motive , knowing that during those hours there will only be old codgers etc.in High Town who for whatever reason haven't got the time or the inclination to fill the form in , must say that I didn't find it easy ,and it was raining slightly , the Staff were under cover , us Peasants were seated at a table in the open , although the table was under cover , just . Having said all that I was able to give my support to saving 1 Ledbury Rd.

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As part of the consultation, we will be visiting a number of locations across the county to answer any questions residents may have about our priorities, budget and services. All of our events will run from 10am to 2pm.


Bromyard: The Bromyard Centre

Thursday 13 August

Thursday 1 October


Hereford: High Town

Wednesday 5 August

Wednesday 23 September


Hereford: The Old Market

Friday 4 September


Kington: Place de Marines

Friday 14 August

Friday 11 September


Ledbury: Charter Market

Tuesday 4 August

Tuesday 22 September


Leominster: Corn Square

Friday 7 August

Friday 18 September


Ross-on-Wye: Market Hall

Thursday 6 August

Thursday 24 September


We will also be holding four question and answer sessions on Twitter and Facebook.



Thursday 30 July 5pm – 6pm

Monday 14 September 6pm – 7pm



Wednesday 5 August 5pm – 6pm

Monday 21 September 6pm – 7pm

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The parents have been told No1 will definitely close but remain open until alternatives have been found.


Foster parents for children with autism is a very different thing to providing respite at No1.


They need to be trained to a high standard to deal with some very awkward and difficult children. Some who can be violent at times.

Homes will need to be converted if child is also in wheel chair. Interior doors widened, ramps to front door, wet room built, ( £16k).

Then there are the safeguarding issues. Foster parents children's friends visiting, for example.


I have been talking to parents and advising where I can, I think that the parents must be very very concerned for the future.

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Would anyone on here want to stand in High Town and seek the views of the public as to what Council service will be shut down next so as to pay for the social care budget (1 Ledbury Road aside).

They may or may not have been well briefed but I suspect that their hearts were not really in it. Having taken part in these things on both sides I can say that they really are not worth the effort. After all those who make the decisions ultimately are generally nowhere to be seen.

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Would anyone on here want to stand in High Town and seek the views of the public as to what Council service will be shut down next so as to pay for the social care budget (1 Ledbury Road aside).

They may or may not have been well briefed but I suspect that their hearts were not really in it. Having taken part in these things on both sides I can say that they really are not worth the effort. After all those who make the decisions ultimately are generally nowhere to be seen.

Truth is AV if the decision has already been made and the council is just going through the motions then that's more money wasted by having non engaging staff pitched under a canopy. The Council,s not bothered so the staff aren't bothered just a day out of the office!

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I understand what your saying Av,but they are being paid to do a job,therefore they should do it,to the best of there ability. Even if there hearts are not in it.


As with No1 Ledbury rd we can be sure the decision has already being made That's what local authorities do make the desicisons then go through the motions of pretending they are listening to those being affected by there woeful desicison because that is what this is & will probable ended up costing more than it would be by keeping No1 open while being replace by a sub stardard alternative forster care service?


Talking of alternatives could No1 stay open if it was taken on as a charity & a asset change of the building to said charity?…just a thought

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Of course we must not forget who and why this topic was started .


Bobby started it , his grand daughter attends Blackmarston School and receives great benefit from it .


It's all to do with apparent lack of or reduced funding at the expense of the most vulnerable in our Society.

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Agreed Ubique and these are just the start of the challenges that now lie ahead. There will be no support from central government the doors are closed. Charity Groups are already struggling we've seen that today friend so the only other option comes from local government and we know where we are with the finances here. Improved finances will only come from the selling of assets, significant increases in council tax or other revenue streams like business rates or house building...any ideas other than banging on that door until they give way?

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Charity Groups are already struggling we've seen that today friend

I think that charity was a little suspect on how it was run they got £3 million last week from the government & now have shut up shop?!


I think if you look at St michael hospice then they for me are how a charity should be run not too big & successful at what they do & local.

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I think we need to dispel some myths. NO.1 Ledbury Road was funded by the health service…they withdrew that funding not the council and so it is unsustainable,but neither was it the great service everyone says…there were massive concerns over safety,inspections were critical and young people deserve better. I have grave doubts about fostering but all three partners are going down that route,. I suggest the person you want to direct your questions at is the head of the CCG not the Council.


Though I'd be tempted to ask them what research they've done regarding fostering and where their evidence based practice is?

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I think that charity was a little suspect on how it was run they got £3 million last week from the government & now have shut up shop?!

I think if you look at St michael hospice then they for me are how a charity should be run not too big & successful at what they do & local.

I agree Cambo and to be honest it's always been a concern of mine that with certain charities how much is spent on administration and top end salaries.


Hi Duffy.. not wrong about the CCG but like Primary Care Trusts before them they come across across as a shadowy group that can easily apply the Teflon suit when necessary to deflect blame!

I don't think theres been much research other than a table top based lap top and contracted consultant on a project managers mission!


The model they are about to embark on wont work and there will be pain and tears.

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This is from the HT , see full story on their websiteShare



A LEADING council director has apologised for the way families found out about the earmarked closure of a children's respite centre.


In a letter to those affected by the controversial changes planned for No 1 Ledbury Road in Hereford, Chris Baird, Herefordshire Council's assistant director for education and commissioning, said the centre wouldn't close until all families had been provided with an alternative.



No 1 provides respite care for children and young people with complex health needs.


Its closure, set to take place next March, has been met with fierce objection from parents who say they haven't been consulted. They say a community foster service plan drawn up to replace No 1 won't work.


As previously reported by the Hereford Times, the council, Herefordshire Clinical Commissioning Group and the Wye Valley NHS Trust have jointly agreed the centre doesn't fit in with their fostering idea.


In the letter, sent out to affected parents this week, Mr Baird apologised for the way they found out.

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For a Council Officer to apologise is as rare as hens teeth so well done Mr Brain. Hopefully his apology and statement will go somewhere to help the parents of the children who attend 1 Ledbury Rd.


I accept that it's a very unsettling time for the parents , I sincerely hope that the decision made is the correct decision for the well being of the child and after the decision is made there is amply support for the parents .


I And Mrs U are so thankful that we have never been in the position of these parents , We know that they love their child/ children but it must be so stressful and worrying for the future.


We wish you all well

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Sadly, Ubique, I predict there will be very little in the way of support. When these children reach the age where they are needing to access adult services, it becomes even worse.


Any semblance of a safety nets has been removed until families hit crisis point.


Things will not get any easier.

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It is a perfect storm huge numbers of children coming through on high cost packages at the same time as drastic cuts from central government. There is just not enough money to go round. In 2010 the bill for 5 kids was over a million quid I think. While in an ideal world money shouldn't matter it does because this amount of cost is just unsustainable. Unfortunately these children are only one part of the sectors duties. There are lots of other children such as those abused etc who also have to be cared for.


I find it ironic that Jesse Norman is a supporter of parents when he has caused it???


The message coming out from central government is that parents have to learn to build resilience and councils/NHS have to help them do it...in other words..you're on your own mate.


The CCG need to have some serious questions asked. Refusing to pay for things they have a duty to, jobs for the boys never advertised?

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