Adrian Bridges Posted July 12, 2015 Report Posted July 12, 2015 I came across this tonight on Herefordshire Councils website and was quite surprised that there is an election in Newton Farm for the Hereford City Parish. Looking back too May I see that Glenda Powell and Phil Edwards were elected, can someone shed some light as to why we now have an election when surly the seats were taken up in May by the two successful candidates? I would find it quite difficult to say the least that one of the successful candidates from the May election did not take up their seat as this will now cost Hereford City Council many thousands of £'s to have a contested by-election when this money could have been spent in the local community. NOTICE OF ELECTION Election of a Parish Ward Councillor For the Area of Hereford, Newton Farm Parish Ward To be held on Thursday, 13th August 2015
Roger Posted July 12, 2015 Report Posted July 12, 2015 Election Result for May 2015 here Notice of Election for August 2015 here
Glenda Powell Posted July 13, 2015 Report Posted July 13, 2015 I did not take up my seat, I had enough of how the city council is being run, and there were other reasons as well. I did not want to stand for the city but was adviced to do so!. If control of the city council had been changed I would still be there. I am still helping the residents of Newton Farm at their request in other ways that doesn't involve either council's or councillors.
Ubique Posted July 13, 2015 Report Posted July 13, 2015 Glenda , I do respect your reasons ( whatever they are ) for standing down from the City Council . However it's a pity that you were unable to make your decision prior to the May Election . Every day we read about cuts in Local Authority funding , Recently Bobby put on a very sad Post relating to the severe financial cuts at Blackmarston School and here we are forking out money to hold this Election . I fully accept that the cost of this Election would not have solved the funding shortfall at Blackmarston School but it might have helped . I wish you well in your retirement.
Glenda Powell Posted July 13, 2015 Report Posted July 13, 2015 Ubique,I was told I had to stand for the city, when I said before May that I did not want to stand. The city council did not have to pay for an election they could of co-opt someone onto the council. To call an election 10 members of the public has to call the election by signing forms that one of the candidates asked them to sign.Without the general public doing that as I said someone could of been co-opted on. In regard to Ledbury road the removal of the funding is down to Herefordshire Council so has nothing to do with the city council.
Ubique Posted July 13, 2015 Report Posted July 13, 2015 Thank you Glenda for the update . So the County Council run the Election and the City Council then receive an invoice from them .
Glenda Powell Posted July 13, 2015 Report Posted July 13, 2015 Correct, the city council is a parish council, therefore a parish council can co-opt members onto the council see my post 6. I have not retired other than from council, a dirty tricks campaign was played against me for Herefordshire council seat and I have found out since from the people of Newton Farm they were told lies about me being seriously ill and would not be here in 6 months time. The councillor will be asked some awkward questions when everyone will see I am not ill and still here! I am still being asked for my help by the people of Newton Farm which I am giving so I have not retired!.
Paul Neades Posted July 13, 2015 Report Posted July 13, 2015 Hi Glenda. With all due respect how can you be forced to stand for city council against your will? You had to sign your paperwork and as a independent you are not tied to a political party and you are your own person. I'm surprised by this or are the independent candidates not independent and free from political whips as they were stating on the door steps? Either way your decision is costing a huge amount of money that could be better spent at Number1 Ledbury Road or other needy organisations in Herefordshire.
Ubique Posted July 14, 2015 Report Posted July 14, 2015 Paul brings up a very relevant point re the independence of Independant Councillors - I was under the apparent misguided impression that Independant means just that - ie not answerable to anybody . Appears that Voters are only told certain information and that doesn't surprise me . Sometimes we have to stand up and be counted !
Glenda Powell Posted July 14, 2015 Report Posted July 14, 2015 Gentlemen, lets get something straight shall we, the Independents do not have a whip, if we had the Independent who stood against me would of been stopped, he was asked not to stand against me but he refused. That said, Paul you stood for a group that put someone different on both councils, other than the ones who were already there, and if Charles Nicholls had not stood for both councils he would not be mayor today. Like other opposition groups the Independents put as many candidates up as we could for both councils the whole idea was to stop the Tories from getting in, unfortunately that did not happen! and that is why although I did not want to I stood for the city council. As I said in my previous posts above, Herefordshire Council social care department and the cabinet is responsible for the funding for one Ledbury road and Blackmarston school therefore the money spent on both Saxon Gate and Newton Farm parish re-elections has got nothing to do with what is happening to both schools!!! and talking to parents from both these schools today, they have been told that the Council had already decided before May that they would be removing the funding.Questions are being asked at the council meeting on Friday about this I am going with some of the parents to support them.
Paul Neades Posted July 14, 2015 Report Posted July 14, 2015 I'm not sure that really answers my question, how did you allow your party and you sign the application form and get nominations for something you were not prepared to do. Every IOC candidate was in it to fulfill their position of office to the best of their ability and no one was forced to do this against their will. This worries me as to how independent the independs really are? I'm also sure the electorial dept would be worried by this practice which potentially wastes funds from the public purse.
Glenda Powell Posted July 14, 2015 Report Posted July 14, 2015 The decision I took not to stand was mine and no one elses.I suggest you read my post (no 4) there were other reasons that since I have told the people in Newton Farm understands my reasons, in fact agree with my decision, and that all that matters. I continue to help them because they still come to me with their problems. In regard to the nomination forms the people signed them because they were confindent I would get back in,and I had served them for 12 years. if there had been a change in the ruling group of the city council who totally flaunt the rules both myself and other councillors who were there prior to May elections would be there now, but we had enough of how the city council is run.
Roger Posted July 14, 2015 Report Posted July 14, 2015 I think the Independent people have to talk to other Independent candidates so as to get some sort of sensible ballot paper on offer. Unfortunately some sort of cosy behind the scenes deal to just have one Independent Candidate is the only way forward. There is a hardcore Tory Vote here and any dilution of the opposition might get you a Tory. Not always the case. But you got to factor that in. And, of course, some cosy deal is not really truly being Independent.
Paul Neades Posted July 14, 2015 Report Posted July 14, 2015 I don't doubt for a minute and can see from the support you have on here that you indeed help the people of Newton farm but again you have not answered my question. How were you forced to stand against your will? Why did you stand and get people to vote for you on the city ballot when you knew you would not fulfill the position if the people you wanted to be in with you did not get voted in? You are independent??? Please answer my simple questions? How were you forced to sign an application against your will? Are the independent candidates truly independent as stated on the doorstep? Your actions because it did not go your way with regards to the make up of the city council are costing the residents of Herefordshire. If you go for it you stick to it and honour every person that ticked your name on a piece of paper on May 7th.
Glenda Powell Posted July 14, 2015 Report Posted July 14, 2015 Roger, there is only ONE Independent group on the council Herefordshire Independents the other who claims to be independent is a political party who asks for donations for their party therefore cannot be Independent!!! maybe you would like to explain your comments in your post.
Paul Neades Posted July 14, 2015 Report Posted July 14, 2015 Glenda is right in some respect that we "It's our county" are a party but we are independent of national government politics, we don't have a whip and pretty much all do and say as we feel is right whilst standing up for the values that we set in our manifesto and if anyone wants to donate to the party then great news and keep it coming for the next challenge in 4 years time. My worry is how a "Independent" candidate can be forced to stand against their will, this to me blows a hole in their claim to be independent????
Roger Posted July 14, 2015 Report Posted July 14, 2015 On 14/07/2015 at 22:21, Glenda Vaughan-Powell said: maybe you would like to explain your comments in your post. I can stand in my Ward next time. So can loads of people. In fact everyone who is eligible. There is a shed load of Tory votes already waiting for the next ballot. Regardless of economic circumstances. If multiple 'Independent' Candidates want to stand then fine. They will just dilute what is left of the non Tory vote. And if the 'Independents' want to band together then they are a sort of Party in their own right. I am not surprised people are so disengaged with the system to be honest. I will add Glenda that you are now hovering in the Smartieno1 area. Unofficial troubleshooter.
Glenda Powell Posted July 14, 2015 Report Posted July 14, 2015 How do you make me an unofficial troubleshooter, and don't class me the same as smartieno, because i am nothing like him
Roger Posted July 14, 2015 Report Posted July 14, 2015 On 13/07/2015 at 10:51, Glenda Vaughan-Powell said: I did not take up my seat, I had enough of how the city council is being run On 14/07/2015 at 23:19, Glenda Vaughan-Powell said: How do you make me an unofficial troubleshooter Dunno. Just a wild guess!
Glenda Powell Posted July 15, 2015 Report Posted July 15, 2015 You shouldn't make wild assumptions then should you without proof! end of discussion.
M. Preece Posted July 15, 2015 Report Posted July 15, 2015 On 14/07/2015 at 23:19, Glenda Vaughan-Powell said: How do you make me an unofficial troubleshooter, and don't class me the same as smartieno, because i am nothing like him I think what Roger is suggesting is that you are no longer an elected councillor, therefore you are an unofficial troubleshooter, which is what smartieno1 is, he is not elected yet thinks he can go around as if he is and attempts to act on someone else's behalf, puts demands on people and expects answers and then gets frustrated when he is not taken seriously, mind you I have to ay imo he has always gone about things differently to maybe how I would.
Paul Neades Posted July 15, 2015 Report Posted July 15, 2015 Still waiting for an honest answer to my question if that ok before we end the discussion!
Glenda Powell Posted July 15, 2015 Report Posted July 15, 2015 M Preece, the people of Newton Farm have come to me because they have told me they won't go to Phil Edwards, I have told them to go to him, I give them the people to contact themselves, but do not take up their complaints etc on their behalf. I am starting up a residents association having spoken to the right people in the near future, again because that what the people has asked me to do for them, at that point I can speak on behalf of the people, and I have the official support that I require to do that. Flyers will be going through doors very soon.
greenknight Posted July 15, 2015 Report Posted July 15, 2015 Sadly the way our democratic process is going I would rather cast my vote with an individual who has the right mindset, courage and commitment to their community and not necessarily to offices of state. So what is my vote...well not necessarily a cross in a box after all we may have had options at local level but for Members of Parliament ...well I voted because that was my right but if there had been a little box that said "none of the above" then thats where my mark would have gone. Serving Councillors are given a mandate based on a supporting cross which gives them the pass card to sit in meeting rooms and make decisions on behalf of the supposed electorate but as we all know these are not necessarily your personal beliefs. I am of the opinion now that if the people can get behind an individual or group based on the way that he/she or they compose themselves well this is the way forward. I don't care if they are vigilanties,troubleshooting,residents associations...these are the people that drive opinion and action and although they might not sit in a council chamber with a cup of tea and chocolate biscuit they ultimately make these elected individuals take notice. For me a councillor can carry the robes of office however it's these other groups that ultimately provide the ink in his/her pen to sign off on matters of state be it at local or national level. So Glenda for me it does not matter that you have given up your councillor badge because the Residents Association badge is shinier comes shaped like a star and enhances your credibility further. Go Marshall.
greenknight Posted July 15, 2015 Report Posted July 15, 2015 I would also like to add that "troubleshooters" come in all shapes and sizes, all very different,some work independently some work as gangs or groups or organizations after all consultants are often called this. We need them good and bad after all its your choice to listen or follow and support!
Glenda Powell Posted July 15, 2015 Report Posted July 15, 2015 Greenknight, thank you, your comments are much appreciated, Glenda
Paul Neades Posted July 15, 2015 Report Posted July 15, 2015 Whial I agree agree with GK's comments it does seem that you have thrown your toys out of the pram because the make up of the councillors was not to your liking and you are not prepared to give an honest answer on here as to why you falsely agreed to stand for office knowing full well you would potentially resign. I personally feel you have let down every person that put tick on a box for you and you should be held to account for the financial implication of your actions. I'm not obviously going to get an honest answer so I'll rest it there.
Clarkester Posted July 15, 2015 Report Posted July 15, 2015 Paul Neades... What exactly do you want to hear from Glenda? She replied in post 4 that if control of the city council had changed then she would still be there? Is that not an honest enough answer for you? Just because you don't agree with what she said, or reasons for saying it, it doesn't mean it isn't honest. So, I'll rest it there.
Denise Lloyd Posted July 15, 2015 Report Posted July 15, 2015 I think Glenda should be congratulated for sticking by what she believes in. That is half the trouble with this country people are afraid to put their heads above the parapets just in case they stand out as dare I say troublemakers. Nowadays unless you go with the flow and agree with everything you are considered an odd bod. Not being a Councillor it leaves Glenda in a much stronger position to speak out and good on her for that she has the courage of her convictions. Paul Neades when you have achieved what she has achieved during her political career you can criticise.
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