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I Have telephoned Herefordshire Council this morning on the number listed Tel 260500. Automated answer, (which really bugs me because now I am paying to listen to their silly messages) I waited over 14 minutes and all I kept hearing was a message saying a customer service representative will be with your shortly, alternatively I can go to their website. I waited and waited, eventually after 18 minutes I hung up in frustration. 18 minutes!! This is a joke it really is. :Thumbs-Down:

  On 02/09/2015 at 14:08, Aylestone Voice said:

The answer is simple - there is no money to pay for more staff


Which I can understand but don't answer the phone and make people pay to listen to pointless messages. M Preece has paid for an 18 minute call here

  On 02/09/2015 at 12:25, herefordman75 said:

Shhhh, if they hear you, they will change it to a premium rate number rather than a local one (that would be free via most service providers)

yes that will be the next money making scheme to add to the parking meters

  On 02/09/2015 at 18:10, ragwert said:

There was a power cut around the Old market area last night and this morning,might of been the reason


I rang again this afternoon and waited again this time I hung up after 6 minutes. We were in town after so i visited instead it was quicker! Not the end of the world of course but just was shocked at being kept waiting on the line for that amount of time, even worse when your paying for the bloody call as well.


I would send them a bill for the time wasted and for the cost of the phone call for listening to their silly message. i bet they are the first to moan if they ring a company for something and get the same thing.


Herefordshire council, we are your customers, time you treated us like it and stop treating us like we don't matter. I suppose once you got our money from Council tax, you do not really care.


I hate our council


AylestoneVoice is probably the closest to the truth. 

Lack of staff, staff that are there, being inundated with work from other areas - all of it deemed URGENT!  What do you do?  Ignore a ranting, angry manager, or a ringing telephone?  I know it isn't right, the customer should come first, but when you are under threat of redundancy or "restructure" (the same as redundancy) if you don't get today's work request done in time, the ringing phone is the last thing on your mind.

I know that doesn't make it right, and it annoys the "service users" on the other end, but that is the reality.

Adrian, you hate "our" council?  You seem to dislike so much about Hereford and Herefordshire judging by other posts that you have made, it makes me wonder why you stay around here...

The vast majority of council staff are extremely hard working, under constant threat of either downgrading of their already low paid jobs (compared to the private sector) or restructure to a new way of working (usually involving less posts than before) or yet another highly paid "passionate" manager that totally changes direction of the service that was once working, but now is deemed to be <Buzz word> "Not Fit For Purpose"

Yeah, all they do all day is count YOUR council tax and laugh at you, because deep down they don't care...

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