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Various Members Using Several Alias's

Colin James

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Perhaps this explains some of my posts.

I often see my user name and say to myself - did I actually write that?

Now I can be sure it was someone else using my username!! :Winky:​

Colin - could you arrange for a filter so that if I have had Stowfords Press I cannot post. :Happy_32:

If you want to see the carnage multiple user names etc. can cause have a look at HFC's forum


I used to be a moderator on a huge international website for a good five years.The amount of aliases from rival sites and complete weirdo's  was overwhelming. 

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Look I ain't doing this because I'm slightly concerned about the use of multiple registrations. I don't use one because I like being me and I wouldn't have it any other way. But, if there are users using two or more names to post then so what. I personally couldn't care less and neither should anyone else.

Someone who uses a second user name may have a very good reason to feel it necessary. They may be in an uncomfortable situation, say within their employment and they want to deflect any concerns away from themselves. Does it really matter?

It doesn't matter a jot! It's pointless and it only serves to create an air of 'witch hunting'. I've read Rebecca's contribution which I personally read as being poisonous and nasty and implying that Coiln has been working covertly on those who are considered to be subversive. Is that a healthy way to be. I don't like to think that Rebecca is privy to secret information regarding an investigation into me and my friends. It's not nice.

Personally, I hate to think that I and others who perhaps don't conform and have won themselves enemies by posting upon the Voice are now being targeted by some ethos driven by those who don't like me and my friends.

I ain't the enemy and neither are my friends who's only misdemeanour seems to be they are loud, consistent and refuse to bend to another view which they find distasteful. Is that really such a bad thing? I don't think it is.

Me? I regret ever posting that thread about the migrants and I regret being a part of a debate that's clearly fractured our membership and if I could I'd delete the whole thing from our memories, but this really is no way to go on.

I don't want my good friend Colin and someone who I hold in the very highest regard trawling through digital information just so that Rebecca and others who dislike me and my friends can feel happy that we have been exposed as stinkers and rotters. With the greatest of respect Colin, I respectfully ask you to stop this and simply let it be.

I'm not the enemy and neither is Dippy, Maverick, Paul Cardin and anyone else who has upset the harmony that once existed upon Hereford Voice.

Let it be Colin. My very warmest regards to you pal.

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Look I ain't doing this because I'm slightly concerned about the use of multiple registrations. I don't use one because I like being me and I wouldn't have it any other way. But, if there are users using two or more names to post then so what. I personally couldn't care less and neither should anyone else.

Someone who uses a second user name may have a very good reason to feel it necessary. They may be in an uncomfortable situation, say within their employment and they want to deflect any concerns away from themselves. Does it really matter?

It doesn't matter a jot! It's pointless and it only serves to create an air of 'witch hunting'. I've read Rebecca's contribution which I personally read as being poisonous and nasty and implying that Coiln has been working covertly on those who are considered to be subversive. Is that a healthy way to be. I don't like to think that Rebecca is privy to secret information regarding an investigation into me and my friends. It's not nice.

Personally, I hate to think that I and others who perhaps don't conform and have won themselves enemies by posting upon the Voice are now being targeted by some ethos driven by those who don't like me and my friends.

I ain't the enemy and neither are my friends who's only misdemeanour seems to be they are loud, consistent and refuse to bend to another view which they find distasteful. Is that really such a bad thing? I don't think it is.

Me? I regret ever posting that thread about the migrants and I regret being a part of a debate that's clearly fractured our membership and if I could I'd delete the whole thing from our memories, but this really is no way to go on.

I don't want my good friend Colin and someone who I hold in the very highest regard trawling through digital information just so that Rebecca and others who dislike me and my friends can feel happy that we have been exposed as stinkers and rotters. With the greatest of respect Colin, I respectfully ask you to stop this and simply let it be.

I'm not the enemy and neither is Dippy, Maverick, Paul Cardin and anyone else who has upset the harmony that once existed upon Hereford Voice.

Let it be Colin. My very warmest regards to you pal.

The reason and only reason to have multiple aliases on here is to stir the sh*t pot.

Weed em out Colin

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As i new member I am slightly confussed and worried about this thread and whatever is going on within the Forum.


Shouldnt this really be delt with by the moderators and if members are behaving outside of the forum rules either warned or banned and not be aired for discussion?


Maybe once it is delt with a 'locked' post to inform members and remind everyone of any rules which were broken would be wise.

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You are fine Denise, sounds like your sleep pattern is similar to mine, non existant :Sad:  


Comforting to know there are some fellow insomniacs out there.

Have developed it really badly over recent years to te extent it now signifcantly affects my quality of life and sometimes my wanting to even live one.

Have tried all medicatons, CBT, sleep clinic etc to no avail.

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As i new member I am slightly confussed and worried about this thread and whatever is going on within the Forum.


Shouldnt this really be delt with by the moderators and if members are behaving outside of the forum rules either warned or banned and not be aired for discussion?


Maybe once it is delt with a 'locked' post to inform members and remind everyone of any rules which were broken would be wise.

Don't worry about this Luke.

It's actually becoming quite amusing because the most popular contributors have now pretty much pleaded their innocence.

...we are starting to run out of members

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Colin: Please could I make a parallel suggestion, while you are in Poirot mode?


Voice posts have red and green arrows for posters to use, to signal their agreement or disaggrement with fellow posters' expressed opinions.


But on a site like the Guardian's, there is a third icon: 'Report'. Clicking on this invites you (via 4 or 5 drop-down options) to state why you think the post should be 'reported'. Frixample: "Personally abusive" or "Racially intollerent". Guardian moderators who patrol the site then make a decision whether to ignore or uphold the 'Report'. If the latter, the post is removed, but in the space a statement is placed saying: "This post has been removed as it contravened the site's community standards."


Such a system - easy to install and simple to monitor - would have avoided all the 'unpleasentness' on The Voice over the last few weeks, which resulted in the loss of two of your stellar posters.

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"Colin mentioned to me and Mick at the get together meeting that was held at the victory pub that he was aware that there were members using alias's on hv and he was looking into it it"


Well this is not quite how Colin introduced this so as I use an alias I'm in this camp!


If Colin requires a CRB check well I can throw three or four of these plus a few passports. I'm no Jason Bourne but there are times when an alias is preferred.

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That's Ok Rebecca


For the record,in the year that I have been on this site only once have I become concerned about abusive tone or personal attacks and sadly again Wirral PC was the person dishing it out.


That said I will never ever suggest female only train compartments in jest ever again. I will stick with my second post on that thread " enhanced security measures" 😉

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I think the green & red buttons should go it's not on the mobile version so I rarely use them but when I do I sometimes press the wrong one like last night I want to give greenknight a a green one but pressed the red one instead?! But I only really use the main site to upload pics or videos as that feature is not available on the mobile version?


I also think we all like everyone to agree with our own opinions but none of us like it when people do not agree with our opinion…but we should all respect each other's viewpoint without trying to point score although at times this is going to happen & things are going to get heated but when it does i think we should all be able to acknowledge this so when we do overstepped the mark we should be able to make our apologise & move on?!

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Is it in the site rules (which I do agree should be a 'sticky topic' now that this inquisition is occurring) that you can't have an alias/pseudonym and then have an additional alias/pseudonym? Or a proper real name and a secondary alias/pseudonym for use when you want to 'stir the pot' a bit? 


What do the rules' say? As Colin may have wrote them perhaps he can quote them so none of us are in any doubt. 

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Well, before the bloody axe swings and my neck gets it and clearly I'm for it, I'm telling you now, not that it's worth mentioning, I've never used any name other than bobby47. Never!

Whatsmore, theres no way that my dear friends Dippy and Flamboyant have done anything that's wrong. Never! I'll be damned if I accept it. I know the pair of them and they're good people and friends of mine and I'll fight any man or woman who says otherwise.

By the looks of things I'm about to get canned and so, before I too meet my end I'd like to wish all, friends and foe alike, a fond fare thee bloody well before I can no longer tap upon Hereford Voice.

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I have just read the forum rules. There is a link at the bottom right of the portal. It may be missed if you are not specifically looking for them.


Forum Rules


13. We allow members to hold only one account on our forums. Please DO NOT attempt to set up more than ONE account (regardless if you are using your real details or an alias) as this will result in a Instant BAN! We use a very sophisticated system with excellent security features. Even if you attempt to hide behind proxies an alert appears within the admin panel.


Rule 13 covers the alleged breach it would appear. I wouldn't know how recently the rules' may, or may not, have been revised.

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Well, before the bloody axe swings and my neck gets it and clearly I'm for it, I'm telling you now, not that it's worth mentioning, I've never used any name other than bobby47. Never!

Whatsmore, theres no way that my dear friends Dippy and Flamboyant have done anything that's wrong. Never! I'll be damned if I accept it. I know the pair of them and they're good people and friends of mine and I'll fight any man or woman who says otherwise.

By the looks of things I'm about to get canned and so, before I too meet my end I'd like to wish all, friends and foe alike, a fond fare thee bloody well before I can no longer tap upon Hereford Voice.


The members accounts that I have listed above are under investigation and their accounts have been suspended pending my findings. Nobody is guilty of anything at this stage other than some very suspicious activity, however, I will say that my inbox has increased quite a bit during the past 24 hours. bobby you are showing signs of strange behaviour with all of your paraniod comments of axe swings etc?  :Vault:

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As i new member I am slightly confussed and worried about this thread and whatever is going on within the Forum.


Shouldnt this really be delt with by the moderators and if members are behaving outside of the forum rules either warned or banned and not be aired for discussion?


The Genie is out of the bottle and it won't be going back in anytime soon.


Having got out the only possible option is as per the picture below .... 




It's here and we await the results ....  :Happy_32:

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Good call Colin.  I used to be a member of Friends Reunited Connections and there was a lot of that going on as a way of being nasty to people but being nice in the known profile. Rather sad in my opinion, if they can't post in an honest way as themselves what's the point other than to be an idiot and coward

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Well, I'm clearly on my own on this one. Let me end this by saying that the blogger Dippy has contributed to this place more than any other. In fact, if my memory serves me well this blogger posted near on two thousand pieces to various threads of news and so I say, this humiliation, and that's what it is, a public humiliation upon these pages, is a poor reward for all the time, effort and kindness that this blogger chose to gift to Hereford Voice.

Unlike many of us this blogger gave it their all and to be stabbed and humiliated in this manner is a sad reflection upon all of us who think it's all a wonderful thing and worthy of congratulations to our friend Colin. It's a betrayal of friendship and this place is all the poorer for the loss of Dippy. It's your loss, our loss and mine and mark my words there'll come a time when you'll all realise just how important my friend Dippy was to this place.

Once again, my warmest regards.

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I have to say that dippy's output on HV was on a industrial level something to be admired contributing to some fabulous threads in particular for me was saving the old boys home which I might add we had a tremendous result in achieving the unthinkable & actually saving it against all the odds then recently the freedom church thread but there were also many other wonderful ones too.


So I'm not going to condemn them for there actions they had there reasons rightly or wrongly & I for one would welcome them back tomorrow as I would anyone we all make mistakes & I'm sure in this case that it was not malicious that is if they are guilty which I hope they are not? As Colin has said they have been suspend no one is guilty until proven guilty!!!

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Well, I'm clearly on my own on this one. Let me end this by saying that the blogger Dippy has contributed to this place more than any other. In fact, if my memory serves me well this blogger posted near on two thousand pieces to various threads of news and so I say, this humiliation, and that's what it is, a public humiliation upon these pages, is a poor reward for all the time, effort and kindness that this blogger chose to gift to Hereford Voice.

Unlike many of us this blogger gave it their all and to be stabbed and humiliated in this manner is a sad reflection upon all of us who think it's all a wonderful thing and worthy of congratulations to our friend Colin. It's a betrayal of friendship and this place is all the poorer for the loss of Dippy. It's your loss, our loss and mine and mark my words there'll come a time when you'll all realise just how important my friend Dippy was to this place.

Once again, my warmest regards.




To be honest dippy and Paul Cardin have really given HV a good slagging off in this topic on the Hereford times website http://www.herefordtimes.com/news/13714172.Changes_at_council_department/   dippy may well have contributed immensely here but so have many others but the blogger dippy has undone all the good topics and posts in this discussion on the ht website imo. Other members don't all go running to the alternative local website to slag off this forum simply because the pack on here as dippy describes us don't always agree with their view. I have been a member here for a long time and we should all be able to agree to disagree, we are all entitled to our own opinion. If I received a warning from one of the moderators here, I would sit back and think about why I was given a warning and just accept the moderators decision, you can still challenge this decision but read the rules the decision if final. The alternative site just bans people without warning or discussion, in general the moderator here is very tolerant.

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Good call Colin.  I used to be a member of Friends Reunited Connections and there was a lot of that going on as a way of being nasty to people but being nice in the known profile. Rather sad in my opinion, if they can't post in an honest way as themselves what's the point other than to be an idiot and coward


Welcome to Hereford Voice Tracie.

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To be honest dippy and Paul Cardin have really given HV a good slagging off in this topic on the Hereford times website http://www.herefordtimes.com/news/13714172.Changes_at_council_department/   dippy may well have contributed immensely here but so have many others but the blogger dippy has undone all the good topics and posts in this discussion on the ht website imo. Other members don't all go running to the alternative local website to slag off this forum simply because the pack on here as dippy describes us don't always agree with their view. I have been a member here for a long time and we should all be able to agree to disagree, we are all entitled to our own opinion. If I received a warning from one of the moderators here, I would sit back and think about why I was given a warning and just accept the moderators decision, you can still challenge this decision but read the rules the decision if final. The alternative site just bans people without warning or discussion, in general the moderator here is very tolerant.

Wow not being very pleasant in that topic about hv or the members here they once exchange discussions with are they? its a betrayal of friendship - I believe were the words bobby used but it was in defence of his friends that he was referring too when he typed that and not hv or the members still here. Colin has normally taken a pretty sensible approach here and I am sure nothing will change but I understand that he needs to get to the bottom of it all at he same time. He runs a tight ship here and long may this continue. If people didn't get so wound up and just accepted opinions from all sides the administrators would not be put in the difficult positions of making some tough decisions in the first place.


I liked it when everyone just discussed things like adults without flying off the handle because someone else disagreed with them or their choice of politics.

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I have spoken with Maverick over the past few days and have concluded that this person and their topics and posts to be genuine. This account had been used buy another person and also compromised, this has now been resolved and additional security measures have been implemented. I have advised Maverick accordingly.


Maverick is no longer suspended and welcome back into the forum. I apologise for any inconvenience or stress this may have caused this member. 


Some new security measures have been implemented to immediately highlight anything of this nature reoccurring.


I need to establish all of the facts and tighten security even more and will continue with my investigation behind the scenes with some of the other accounts being looked at.

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Well, before the bloody axe swings and my neck gets it and clearly I'm for it, I'm telling you now, not that it's worth mentioning, I've never used any name other than bobby47. Never!


I'd suggest that a distinction may need to be drawn between a user name, which might well be an alias, and what I believe are called "sock puppets" - multiple identities operated by the same user, often for malign purposes like trolling. From Colin's comments I gather it's the latter phenomenon that he's investigating which strikes me as fair enough.

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Can I belatedly support the comments above of Bobby and Cambo about veteran poster Dippy?


And one of the most useful contributions which this poster made to The Voice - especially when things were getting a bit, shall we say, 'ragged' - was to bring a calm and measured air to the debate. Methinks The Administrator is misguided if he suspects multiple-personality-postings here!

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