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Taken from this article in the HT



A SINGLE mum has criticised the way new houses have been built at The Oval because of the stress she has faced with issues at her new build home.

Kelly Jackson, 25, moved into a home in Vortex Way in Newton Farm last December and rents it from Herefordshire Housing, a not-for-profit group which provides affordable homes for county residents.
But she said she has had numerous problems with the house, which have taken months to fix.
Miss Jackson, who is a part-time hairdresser, said: "I am more than happy I have a roof over my head and it has a garden- that's great. But all the trouble I have been having has caused me so much stress."
She said the garden was on a slope when she moved in and wooden slats, which could easily break, were put around the edge of the grass.
A crack which appeared in her upstairs bedroom window took four months to fix, she said, and there was not enough vinyl covering to cover the kitchen floor.
Miss Jackson, who is mum to two-year-old son, Reuben, said the finish is substandard with paint left around the house on light fittings and uneven ceiling edges.
She said: "They get more than enough rent for this place. Why do I have to pay for all these problems? I have got to work and earn this money.
"They are being put up too quickly. You wouldn't get away with it if you were buying it."
The Herefordshire Housing Oval Regeneration has involved demolition, new build and refurbishment.
Spokesman for the group, Samantha Baker, said: "We have been working closely with Miss Jackson to try to overcome the problems she has faced at her new build property and we have appointed a designated member of the team to help her through this process.
"It is common for new build properties to have minor defects, this is due to the component parts within properties settling down, e.g. woodwork, plaster work.
"At The Oval, a few minor issues have arisen but we have successfully worked with tenants and our onsite contractor, Keepmoat, to resolve these quickly and to their satisfaction."
Since April, 50 properties at The Oval project have become homes to tenants, with one complaint. Ms Baker said through satisfaction surveys, 90 percent of these tenants have been happy with their new homes.



I too have a new home on the Radford Gardens Development. Having prior knowledge, I expected a few snags that would need resolving. It's a brand new build on a brown plot. Settling in was explained thoroughly and any issues could be directed to "customer relations" and will be resolved. I have had my fair share, more than most. Which keepmoat agreed with!! My neighbours have had very little. This puts things in perspective. All of the issues have been resolved efficiently and having direct contact with Rich (site manager) I can't complain. These houses are built to a higher standard than most if not all developments in the county, trust me I know. Those at the furlongs are shocking!!

In response to ms Jackons complaints, she has to go through HH to get the issues resolved, whereas I contact site. I too have had substandard grounds - this work was initially done by HH in the first place!! It was rectified by keepmoat.

I can also confirm that Keepmoat have relieved certain contractors due to substandard work and several consumer complaints.

I'm not sure what ms Jackson was implying but she has a brand new home courtesy of HH, more than most tenants. There will ALWAYS be issues with a brand new home. So I don't know what she was expecting? Have all the problems not been resolved? If not then she needs to contact HH not HT! Rant over.


Dilligaf, to be fair to Ms Jackson she has had a lot to put up with and up till May I was working on her behalf with HHL and  Keepmoat as one problem was resolved another came along. When she complained initially neither HHL or Keepmoat wanted to take responsibility and told her to go and speak to the other. The ground on the Vortex site should never had been built on , when it was the open space we had many problems with the ground over many years waterlog and on occasions sewage was running down the road because of the many houses that had been built in a small area around the Vortex site the sewage pipes could not cope. In regard to your comment she should of gone to HHL  not the HT, she did and she was getting nowhere fast..


I agree with DILLIGAF that all new house have snagging, some more than others. She has come out of her previous accommodation into a brand new house and complains about a few snags and some broken wood in her garden! Behave Mrs Jackson! I'm sure it will be resolved.

  On 20/11/2015 at 10:05, Glenda Vaughan-Powell said:

Dilligaf, to be fair to Ms Jackson she has had a lot to put up with and up till May I was working on her behalf with HHL and  Keepmoat as one problem was resolved another came along. When she complained initially neither HHL or Keepmoat wanted to take responsibility and told her to go and speak to the other. The ground on the Vortex site should never had been built on , when it was the open space we had many problems with the ground over many years waterlog and on occasions sewage was running down the road because of the many houses that had been built in a small area around the Vortex site the sewage pipes could not cope. In regard to your comment she should of gone to HHL  not the HT, she did and she was getting nowhere fast..


Whether the Vortex site sould of been built upon or not is irrelevant really because we have past that point. They built a police station on there without a problem and prior to that was a huge two storey youth club building which was there for many years, so it was okay for these buildings but not new houses? 


I'm sure she has Glenda. But I bet she hasn't had a £90 pcm water bill amongst other "major" outstanding issues though? I am still waiting for remedial works to be done 6months down the line. I keep on though to the relevant sources, till the work is done which admittedly is a little slow as mostly it is the supplier not keepmoat, and the suppliers blaming keepmoat! After all I'm not paying for it after I have paid £???950.00 for my brand new home.

As for building too quickly, could I ask everyone complaining, would they like this project to go on for 5 years or 10? How long are you willing to wait for your new home? This is not a quick build site, go ask someone living in Kingsway Gloucester (old raf base) I worked on that and that was going up at a rate of 1-2 houses a day!!

Oh and the flats due to be habitable by Christmas, won't be. Again more complaints from HHL tenants. Can't win.

On another note, I'm still waiting for HHL to repair my garage roof.... I keep getting the were looking into it excuse, yeah and I'm looking out of it!!!


Frank, with respect these problems went far beyond snagging problems and nearly 12 months after moving in she is still having problems!. Your comment about the Vortex site is irrelevent now, is wrong if they had listened and took note of the concerns raised at the planning stage about this site there will not be experiencing the problems now, also the police station was built on the car park for the youth club, and again that was pulled down because of the problems there.Having lived in Newton Farm for 40 years. I am well aware of the problem on the estate.


I was reading this comment on the HT website with regard to this tenant.



A single mother complaining.about having a free house..

Works part time as a hairdresser..
So basically subsidised by real tax payers and still complaining...
Oh look my garden isnt flat..Big deal..
At least you have some outside area for your kid to run round in..
Some people need a reality check..



Furthermore, why have the HT started the article with the words a single mum? What has that got to do with anything, they could of just said a tenant. 

  On 20/11/2015 at 14:11, Glenda Vaughan-Powell said:

Frank, with respect these problems went far beyond snagging problems and nearly 12 months after moving in she is still having problems!. Your comment about the Vortex site is irrelevent now, is wrong if they had listened and took note of the concerns raised at the planning stage about this site there will not be experiencing the problems now, also the police station was built on the car park for the youth club, and again that was pulled down because of the problems there.Having lived in Newton Farm for 40 years. I am well aware of the problem on the estate.


Glenda, I have lived here all of my life, which is much longer than 40 years so I think that qualifies me to comment on the history of the Vortex site. Secondly, weren't most of these people given cash incentives to move too into their lovely new houses too?     (I am not referring to private tenants who have purchased some of these new houses) She should be happy that she has a new house! Some people will NEVER be able to have a new house.

These are all common snagging issues which could take a year or so to rectify, the house is still settling and cracks, movement could appear up to a year or so after the house is built and take a while to settle down completely.


Good grief. I understand, correct me if I am wrong, but people got a cash sum to move whilst the site was demolished and a new house built. Now she is moaning. OK. Get a full time job, pay full time nursery fees, get a mortgage, pay for all the DIY yourself and THEN you can moan. Or, failing that, get the father of your child/children to cough up some money and relieve the onus on us tax payers.


Yes the tenants got a grant from the government not as an insentive to move but because technically they were being made homeless by their flats being demolished, not everyone got the same amount, and Frank if you have lived on Newton Farm all your life you know as well as I do the problems on the estate. The young lady in question used to live in the flats that been demolished so they had first offer for the new houses, not all the tenants stayed some of them moved away, considering their were 194 flats and only 130 of the new properties were for the tenants, some had no choice but to move away, and those did not have new houses, some live elsewhere on Newton Farm in the cornish 2 story flats. As for the Vortex I used to help out there with the teenagers so like you I am entitled to comment as well!


Slim with respect you do not know the circumstances she has been living under, you tell me where anyone can get a full time job these days, and even if she could she probably would not earn enough for nursery fees.

  On 20/11/2015 at 22:38, Glenda Vaughan-Powell said:

Yes the tenants got a grant from the government not as an insentive to move but because technically they were being made homeless by their flats being demolished, not everyone got the same amount, and Frank if you have lived on Newton Farm all your life you know as well as I do the problems on the estate. The young lady in question used to live in the flats that been demolished so they had first offer for the new houses, not all the tenants stayed some of them moved away, considering their were 194 flata and only 130 of the new properties  were for the tenants, some had no choice but to move away, and those did not have new houses, some live elsewhere on Newton Farm in the cornish 2 story flats. As for the Vortex I used to help out there with the teenagers so like you I am entitled to comment as well!


Slim with respect you do not know the circumstances she has been living under, you tell me where anyone can get a full time job these days, and even if she could she probably would not earn enough for nursery fees.


Sorry Glenda but I agree with Slim, she should get a full time job, some people seem to think because they have children that they can no longer work! Both my parents worked. I do not believe that there are no jobs either, there is work if people look! Thousands have people have come here from within the EU over the past 5 years or more and 99% managed to find jobs yet apparently lazy British people cannot, sorry but I don't buy into that. Thy have moved her from the old vile flats and into a new house and she has the cheek to complain and put it in the local paper too, personally, I would evict her and put her back in the flats but the ones at River View, see what she thinks of that, ungrateful woman! 

  On 20/11/2015 at 22:10, Slim said:

Good grief. I understand, correct me if I am wrong, but people got a cash sum to move whilst the site was demolished and a new house built. Now she is moaning. OK. Get a full time job, pay full time nursery fees, get a mortgage, pay for all the DIY yourself and THEN you can moan. Or, failing that, get the father of your child/children to cough up some money and relieve the onus on us tax payers.

Exactly. I have to work 2 full days to pay for 3 days nursery!! £48.50 for 8-5 at Nusery. I'm in the wrong job.....
  On 20/11/2015 at 22:38, Glenda Vaughan-Powell said:

you tell me where anyone can get a full time job these days, and even if she could she probably would not earn enough for nursery fees.

Loads of full time vacancies in the health care sector, not greatly paid but neither is the workload. It's an easy job.


Dilligaf - I have friends working at the hospital their shifts starts at 7.30am also friends in the care industry working for Kemble again they start work at 7.30am and they have grown up children, they do a seven hour day sometimes longer so please tell me any nursery that starts at 7am and closes at 5.30pm that could possibly be a 10 hour day if they are short staff.This would not enable this young woman to get a job there, also they earn just the basic wage. As someone wrote in the HT replying to the story why does most of the people who has commented assume that because she is a single mum she claiming benefits? DILLIGAF I am not having a go at you!


As I said previously on this post I have worked on the young woman behalf and knows what problems she has had to put up with, and they are ongoing I have learnt myself when I was a Councillor I had to go to the papers in regard to a few problems so that to get the problem resolved I am sorry to say that HHL are quick to respond when they are mentioned in the HT, they don't like that.


Almost all nurseries will cater for early mornings and late afternoons, it's part of the working rules directive, also employers have to be flexible around employees childcare requirements. I HAVE TO use this facility almost every week. Yes I have to pay extra but it does mean I can work full time with hours to suit. Averaging 57hrs over 7 days but I then get 3/4 days off. After all healthcare is a 24hr profession!

I agree with you on HHL approach to remedial works, (see my other post on garage repairs!) I finally refused to pay rent, hey presto job is booked within hours, funny that.

Perhaps HT should conduct a survey of happy HHL customers. Shouldn't take long and it would be a good read too...... May even change HHL work ethics?

  On 22/11/2015 at 01:09, Glenda Vaughan-Powell said:

As someone wrote in the HT replying to the story why does most of the people who has commented assume that because she is a single mum she claiming benefits? DILLIGAF I am not having a go at you!




Miss Jackson, who is a part-time hairdresser,



She is a single mum and working a a part-time hairdresser, of course she is claiming benefits! 


I just thought all of you who have critized this young woman. you don't know all the fact but just to advise you SHE DOES NOT DRAW BENEFITS. she pays full rent and community charge. Also I have spoken to her neighbours this morning and they are all having the same problems with sewage going into their homes to mention just one of the problems.


Glenda, I'm sorry if I did not realise that a single mother, working part time and in a housing association property was not claiming benefits. The squadron of pigs have just passed by followed by the train of 9 reindeer. The time for miracles, n'est pas? 

  On 26/11/2015 at 10:47, Slim said:

Yes Glenda, I do. However, I can't bring myself to rise any higher concerning this sob story. Regards.


I share the same view as Slim on this one, I do not believe for one second she is not receiving Tax Credits!


Colin, I  am not and would not discuss this young womans personal details with anyone and especially on a website, but as I have said previously she does not claim any form of benefits or tax credits. I think it is very unfair that people who doesn't know her should form an unfair, and not true oppinion of her because she is a single mother  trying to do right by her child. I  have found the people who shout loudest about  people who they think are on benefits, ARE DRAWING BENEFITS THEMSELVES!


Not me Glenda. Apparently, according to HMRC, my wife and I earn too much to get any benefits as we both work full time No child tax credit, no help with council tax, no help with heating or water bills, no food coupons, no mortgage relief. Nothing. Maybe I am shouting about this, but, I repeat, I am not drawing benefits. Now maybe, just maybe this young lady isn't either, I find it extremely hard to believe, but OK.  Now, how about answering my other question. Where is the father of said child and is he contributing?  I grow tired of this.

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