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  On 25/11/2015 at 15:10, Glenda Vaughan-Powell said:

Story in HT today written by Paul Broome as I requested he quoted my concerns about the colour, although the council allowed the colour change they are saying it is to bright a blue and told the new owners that they got to change colour by next week.

Quite right too.Whoever in the planning dept told them this colors OK needs to have an eye test because they must be color blind.

There is a specific list of colors allowed in a conservation area or on a listed buildings and the blue they have put on the old Spread Eagle ain't one of them by a mile.

The blue they are allowed would be Oxford or Cambridge blue


I left a message for the senior planning officer to come back to me, I am going to suggest it be painted Black & White like the fish shop in commercial street many years ago, it will also match the building next to it. The HT has asked me to let them know his answer.


This is on the agenda of the City Council for tonight's meeting. The colour scheme is totally out of character of the surrounding buildings. As this is a listed building there are only certain colours acceptable and I will put a pound on it that this colour is not one of them. This is also smack bang next to the Cathedral which is another reason it needs to be in keeping. I would suggest subtle creams|greens or grey like the new paint work approved at the Saracens Head.


I have quoted this extract from this article in the HT


But despite agreeing a suitable colour with Herefordshire Council, a first coat came out brighter than planned with a darker shade of blue expected to be in place by the end of this week.

Colin, that surprising for two reasons: (1) Hereford City Council planning is always before main planning meeting, and what they say is just noted . (2)  Herefordshire Council planning meeting was this afternoon, so the decision will of been made before tonight. As the planning officers said in the HT the colour had already been agreed because the councillors had already gone on a site visit yesterday

  On 25/11/2015 at 19:40, Glenda Vaughan-Powell said:

Colin, that surprising for two reasons: (1) Hereford City Council planning is always before main planning meeting, and what they say is just noted . (2)  Herefordshire Council planning meeting was this afternoon, so the decision will of been made before tonight. As the planning officers said in the HT the colour had already been agreed because the councillors had already gone on a site visit yesterday


Glenda I was referring to the Hereford City Council meeting (as per my original post above) which are always held in the evenings unlike the County. I have had it confirmed tonight that they have sent a letter to County expressing their concerns over the Spread Eagle.

  On 25/11/2015 at 21:10, Denise Lloyd said:

But there was not a planning application this gets more and more confused 


The new exterior colour scheme at The Spread Eagle is remarkably similar to the corporate colour scheme on the website/menu




I don't think this is a paint job that went wrong on technical grounds. I think permission was given for a dubious colour/shade. In fact what was the colour/shade that was authorised? In this day and age paint shades have codes so you get it right every time. Where is the transparency? Where is the web link to the Council signing off the current colour? 


I remember when this place served up sausages in many different varieties. Not been the same since.


As for the colour, best thing to have happened in the area for a long time. Cheers the street up a little. Can we have more buildings brightened up please and all of Bridge Street too.


Colin, I know the city council meetings are alway in the evening I used to be on city planning as I said in my previous post the county planning meeting was this morning, the fact the city sent a letter tonight again as I said previously the coments will be noted but not acted upon, the last say is always with the county planning meeting, and the colour according to the planning officer has been agreed, therefore it will have been all a waste of time.

  On 25/11/2015 at 22:52, Chris Chappell said:

As for the colour, best thing to have happened in the area for a long time. Cheers the street up a little. Can we have more buildings brightened up please and all of Bridge Street too.


I gave you a -1 for that Chris .... You can shove your trendy lefty ideas where the sun don't shine for that comment. It is 100 yards from the Cathedral and it's an inappropriate colour for that area. Or indeed for the building which is Grade II listed. It has never been bright blue in 400 years. Are you mad?  


Nothing to do with being trendy or left wing, more to do with brightening up this area and being more positive about the future. Look at some of the buildings in the area. Bridge Steet is another area that could do with more than a lick of paint. How is it that people who seldom go near a church or cathedral will jump to their defence when some thing ' distasteful' happens?


I hate the idea of the Spread becoming a fish Restraunt but at least the owners are trying to do something different in this part of the city. Unless you want to buy/ rent a house or buy an expensive suit, or seek legal advise, there is little reason to go to King Street or Bridge Street. We need to bring the city into the 21st century, with the old market site we are getting there. It may not be to our own taste, or what we would do, what Herefordians have traditionally done, but times move on.

The next stage coach to leave the 'spread eagle' was about 200 years ago,we missed it!! Perhaps now we need to move on!!!

  On 25/11/2015 at 23:38, Chris Chappell said:

The next stage coach to leave the 'spread eagle' was about 200 years ago,we missed it!! Perhaps now we need to move on!!!


So you don't support controls over 'listed' buildings ? 

  On 25/11/2015 at 22:52, Chris Chappell said:

I remember when this place served up sausages in many different varieties. Not been the same since.


As for the colour, best thing to have happened in the area for a long time. Cheers the street up a little. Can we have more buildings brightened up please and all of Bridge Street too.

No wonder this city have gone down hill if all council members think like that.


Chris C King Street Broad Street and Bridge Street are all host to many listed buildings and there are strict guidelines/laws that owners and developers have to adhere to.  I am sure that all the people who own listed buildings and  have tried to do some form of modification will not share your view that one entrepeneur can go ahead and change the colour scheme without a bye or a leave.  That would set such an enormous precedent.


Can't help but think we are not hearing the full story on this anyway.


My personal view, not a council view. But across Europe there is brightness in some of the most Holy and ancient of places. I do think the laws about listed buildings need to be revisited but am not sure how many listed buildings there are in King Street or Bridge Street. No one can suggest that they are drawn to the river by walking down Bridge Street and admiring the buildings!

I do support Listed Building controls as long as they are reviewed in the light of how certain buildings or areas are modernising around them.


The city has not gone down hill, in fact it is on its way up with more people coming into the centre, staying longer with more things to do and places to eat, drink and be merry. Shops were very busy last weekend and appear to be week days too. Can we please start being a little more positive.

  On 25/11/2015 at 22:52, Chris Chappell said:

I remember when this place served up sausages in many different varieties. Not been the same since.

As for the colour, best thing to have happened in the area for a long time. Cheers the street up a little. Can we have more buildings brightened up please and all of Bridge Street too.

It's a matter of opinion but I'm in agreement with chris on this brights the place up…the colour might not be the right shade of blue as ragwert has pointed out but that can be fixed with a tin of paint or too!


I also like chris idea of painting the whole area with different colours too although I don't see it happening?


Hereford is 100 miles from the sea.  It has history.  The building is listed and is a stone's throw from the Cathedral.  The bright blue colour would be perfect if it was on a sea side frontage – which it is not!


I cannot comment on whether or not the new restaurant in the premises will be of benefit to Hereford, but I can comment on the fact that as a previous resident of Herefordshire and a still frequent visitor I care about its aesthetics and the colour is totally out of keeping in a beautiful rural city.


The problem these days with most senior officers and councillors is that they have no empathy with their surroundings and go for the cheapest/ugliest/inappropriate paint available.  We have the same problem on Wirral – however here by the sea side where the Spread Eagle Blue would be uplifting, the Council’s only colour of choice is black.  Black railings, black tarmac etc which again is totally out of character with its peninsula setting.


I fear these days the people in posts of responsibility care not for the environment for which they are responsible, but only for their lucrative salaries and the personal perks they can derive from their terms of office.


It would be fine for a fishing port or coastal city but not rural Herefordshire....it's needs a little toning down.

However there does seem to be a spark around the city with clear signs that empty shops are being filled.


Denise - I agree they have flouted the planning laws, and the planning officer has not answered my message to come back to me, what a surprise! but he can't because he knows that what they have agreed is wrong.


Greenknight - I had notice that about the empty shops, but its probably just temporary Christmas traders that pop up this time of year, hopefully I  am wrong!


When I met you at a meeting a couple of months ago, I hope you are going to support the people again on Thursday night at the Green Dragon 7.30pm, hope to see you there.


I drove past the place this morning and it's still seaside blue. And if you look at the Christmas Tree photo the interior window frame is the same. Was that a mistake as well?


I've seen no evidence of what new colour was approved anyway. These colours have specific codes and with a reputable supplier and contractor it is impossible to cock up a new paint job. 

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