adamski Posted July 1, 2017 Report Posted July 1, 2017 I see there are people camping where the willow used to be this morning!
Colin James Posted July 1, 2017 Report Posted July 1, 2017 I have just driven past and never saw anything?
adamski Posted July 1, 2017 Author Report Posted July 1, 2017 They were there at 7.10 this morning, two X two men tents! Probably waiting for the sales!
adamski Posted July 1, 2017 Author Report Posted July 1, 2017 They were there at 7.10 this morning, two X two men tents! Probably waiting for the sales!
Colin James Posted July 1, 2017 Report Posted July 1, 2017 Yes they are still there as I just drove past, I didn't see them this morning, so what's this all about then? A little dangerous and not the safest place to pitch a tent, no real place to cross the road.
megilleland Posted July 1, 2017 Report Posted July 1, 2017 Tents still there at 2.30pm. Traffic fumes can't be doing them any good.
Denise Lloyd Posted July 1, 2017 Report Posted July 1, 2017 I think this is the lady who was removed from the Band Stand at Ross on Wye she was camping somewhere in town prior to that
Steve Major Posted July 2, 2017 Report Posted July 2, 2017 This is not good for them or anyone else, council need to move her and before anyone starts, there are plenty of other places in and around Hereford they could camp other than on the business roundabout in the city. They are a distraction and this is dangerous for both them and motorists.
adamski Posted July 2, 2017 Author Report Posted July 2, 2017 I get the distinct impression they are going for maximum effect?
Ubique Posted July 6, 2017 Report Posted July 6, 2017 Well the tents are still there plus two very colourful bags full of ? !
H.Wilson Posted July 8, 2017 Report Posted July 8, 2017 I have never seen anything like it, I originally thought this was a joke untick I saw this with my own eyes. WTF? Police or Council should move them on, they are a danger not only to themselves but also a big distraction to motorists! What happens if someone has an accident or someone is seriously hurt because they were distracted or trying to avoid these idiots who are crossing backwards and forwards across the busiest roundabout it Hereford? Move them
bobby47 Posted July 8, 2017 Report Posted July 8, 2017 If this is a protest then I fully support its aims and objectives. And if I knew if there was an aim or an objective, and there must be, I'd be the first to congratulate the occupants of the tent or tents, embrace them and say, 'I've no idea what your protesting about but I'm with you every single step of the way.' This is yet another example of the great British spirit and endeavour that compels good people to protest about something I've no idea what they're protesting about. It's this very British spirit and way of thinking that sets us apart from the rest of continental Europe and provides yet more evidence that we will be better off outside the European Union so that we can camp wherever we wish to and protest about whatever it is we ain't happy about. To the occupants of the tent or tents, I salute you and wish you well in your demands for whatever it is you want, don't want or will have to have if you're made to have it or not have it depending upon what it is you want or don't want.
AndyS2992 Posted July 9, 2017 Report Posted July 9, 2017 On 08/07/2017 at 12:53, bobby47 said: If this is a protest then I fully support its aims and objectives. And if I knew if there was an aim or an objective, and there must be, I'd be the first to congratulate the occupants of the tent or tents, embrace them and say, 'I've no idea what your protesting about but I'm with you every single step of the way.' This is yet another example of the great British spirit and endeavour that compels good people to protest about something I've no idea what they're protesting about. It's this very British spirit and way of thinking that sets us apart from the rest of continental Europe and provides yet more evidence that we will be better off outside the European Union so that we can camp wherever we wish to and protest about whatever it is we ain't happy about. To the occupants of the tent or tents, I salute you and wish you well in your demands for whatever it is you want, don't want or will have to have if you're made to have it or not have it depending upon what it is you want or don't want. No protest, just a homeless woman who likes to camp in odd places by all accounts.
H.Wilson Posted July 9, 2017 Report Posted July 9, 2017 On 08/07/2017 at 12:53, bobby47 said: If this is a protest then I fully support its aims and objectives. And if I knew if there was an aim or an objective, and there must be, I'd be the first to congratulate the occupants of the tent or tents, embrace them and say, 'I've no idea what your protesting about but I'm with you every single step of the way.' This is yet another example of the great British spirit and endeavour that compels good people to protest about something I've no idea what they're protesting about. It's this very British spirit and way of thinking that sets us apart from the rest of continental Europe and provides yet more evidence that we will be better off outside the European Union so that we can camp wherever we wish to and protest about whatever it is we ain't happy about. To the occupants of the tent or tents, I salute you and wish you well in your demands for whatever it is you want, don't want or will have to have if you're made to have it or not have it depending upon what it is you want or don't want. I am confused, you fully support its aims and objectives yet you do not know what they are protesting about? It could be that they support public executions, how very strange Bobby to support something blind or do you support all protests?
Alex Posted July 9, 2017 Report Posted July 9, 2017 On 09/07/2017 at 00:54, AndyS2992 said: No protest, just a homeless woman who likes to camp in odd places by all accounts. I agree with H Wilson, the authorities need to move her on, dangerous location to say the least.
Paul Jones Posted July 9, 2017 Report Posted July 9, 2017 Agree with the last comment that this person/s should be moved, this location is the most busy junctions in the city and is definitely not suitable for some idiot camping.
bobby47 Posted July 9, 2017 Report Posted July 9, 2017 Yes, I support all the protests. Every single one of them. It's of no concern to me what they are for just as long as it doesn't stop me doing the dreadful things I like to be doing. That said, having now spoken to this delightful lady I can now report she is excercising her inalienable right to camp wherever she wishes to camp. She simply wishes to bring attention to the plight of those who want to live an alternative lifestyle and reside wherever they choose to live. Her second objective is to highlight the need to have a second General Election so that Jeremy Corbyn can enter Office, end austerity, rid ourselves of Trident, increase public spending and benefit payments, and stop the persecution of those of difference, people like me and this lovely woman who do exactly what they want to do rather than what they're told to do.
twowheelsgood Posted July 9, 2017 Report Posted July 9, 2017 If she wishes to bring attention to all those things, she's not doing a very good job - I crawled past the roundabout in todays log jam traffic and saw nothing to highlight her causes. My first thought was sanitation, or rather lack thereof ...
bobby47 Posted July 9, 2017 Report Posted July 9, 2017 Yes, Twowheels with or without an 'e', I've had a chat with her and informed her that the inhabitants of Plough Lane the Council, who's staff are daily required to celebrate and engross themselves in diversity, would welcome her to camp on their land. Whatsmore, I've assured her that their Director of Diversity, a man who champions difference and humanistic values,would actively encourage her to use their many toilet and shower facilities free of charge so that she and any others she knows can live safely, cleanly and healthily in close proximity to those paid to signpost citizens to places of comfort and support. Posing as a man of means, letters and considerable clout, I'm confident that she believes all I've said and will shortly tip up at Plough Lane and take full advantage of all that I've promised her and enjoy the hospitality of all the 'suits' who reside therein.
dippyhippy Posted July 9, 2017 Report Posted July 9, 2017 Good work, Mr 47. And don't forget, there are also showers and toilets aplenty at the newly refurbished Shire Hall. Bought and paid for by the tax payer...I see no reason why any citizen wild camping shouldn't make use of these facilities. Also of note, are the much improved Herefordshire Housing HQ. With their much vaunted 'Breakout Space.' (If memory serves me correctly - this vision required some 'outside the box thinking.' I'm sure anybody finding themselves 'outside, in a tent' will appreciate the shed loads spent on this venture.) On a more serious note, I hope that whoever this is, gets the help and support they need. Clearly residing on the roundabout cannot be a viable solution to their housing needs.
ragwert Posted July 9, 2017 Report Posted July 9, 2017 They have company today.I saw Wayne with the mohican's missus there today.I heard Wayne and his missus have lost their Council house and are living down on the Holmer trading estate
ficler1977 Posted July 9, 2017 Report Posted July 9, 2017 I saw 1st tent on 03.07.2017. Around Wednesday another tent with plenty of white balloons attached to it appeared. Below photo from Monday: (sorry for bad quality but it was 4:30 in the morning)
Ubique Posted July 12, 2017 Report Posted July 12, 2017 Three tents today - guess , and it's only a guess that our dear friend Bobby 47 has moved in with them , he will act as their advisor on doubt. Well done Bobby , if you need your tabs or a Carlsberg just let us know
Aylestone Voice Posted July 12, 2017 Report Posted July 12, 2017 On 12/07/2017 at 14:01, Ubique said: Three tents today - guess , and it's only a guess that our dear friend Bobby 47 has moved in with them , he will act as their advisor on doubt. Well done Bobby , if you need your tabs or a Carlsberg just let us know It cannot be B47 - he would never go that close to the Old Market
bobby47 Posted July 12, 2017 Report Posted July 12, 2017 Well I ain't there David. Never! I know where I'd like to camp, where I don't want to camp and where I'd have to camp if my tormentor of forty two years threw me out, confiscated my front door key, gave me a bloody tent and said, 'Sod off fatso. I've taken a sensitive loving lover. Go camping you fat baldy'. And, my dear friend Aylestone Voice is right. I'll never ever, under any circumstances, known or bloody otherwise, ever enter that monument to fiscal stupidity the Old Market development. Never! I'd sooner starve! That's right. Starve to death rather than enter that dreadful place, select some lovely nourishing food, pay for it at the till and consume it outside in order that my life could be saved. Id rather die. Yes! Die a death due to painful starvation rather than add one penny piece to the coffers of Stanhope, British Land and the bloody Council who thought it a good idea to recruit Bretherton, create Hereford Futures and thus enable a bunch of asset strippers to invade our home and take it bloody all. Whatsmore, seeing as we're on the subject of food here and I've always pledged my loyalty to High Town because I'm a High Town man and will always be a High Town man. I ain't buying food from any High Town retailer unless it's British food. That's right. From hereon, unless my stomach develops unbearably painful gastric cramps and I begin wailing, 'I'm fuc.king starving', whilst mounted upon the Hereford Bull, I will only purchase food picked, harvested, produced and cooked by British people. If, during the transaction the shop proprietor cannot authenticate the source of the food as British and convince me that only indigenous British citizens have been employed in the food chain, I ain't bloody eating it. Why? Because, not only am I a High Town man, I'm a 'I want only British food High Town man'. You see, what you are dealing with here is a man who's got principles, who wants out of the European Union, hasn't got access to a tent, has no wish to go camping and ain't in the least bit bothered about starvation and it's ravaging impact upon a body wrecked, ravaged and debilitated by diazepam, ale and Pork Scratchings.
Ubique Posted July 13, 2017 Report Posted July 13, 2017 Bobby, pleased that you haven't moved onto the Island , we were worried about you lying on damp grass what with all your medicial problems plus of course you trying to keep your tabs dry and finding level ground for your glass . Plus of course trying to get to,High Town for your meals would have been difficult .
ficler1977 Posted July 14, 2017 Report Posted July 14, 2017 And finally, we have official version (Herefordtimes) "Homeless woman Samantha Lamputt living on city centre roundabout says she wants to raise awareness"
herefordman75 Posted July 14, 2017 Report Posted July 14, 2017 The HT "story" paints her as a victim of the system, however, she is partly to blame for her own misfortune having turned down help in both Ross and Hereford. Sheltered accommodation has been offered, meetings with the housing officer have been scheduled, to which she didn't go, and others have also spoken with her and offered help, again she hasn't bothered. She was made homeless initially as she failed to pay her rent, resulting in being evicted via the courts after her landlord started proceedings. Their may be extenuating circumstances to the rent issue (HC cocking up would probably be top of the list), although there may be other issues, such as mental health or alcohol/substance abuse (she has been seen intoxicated around both Hereford and Ross) etc. There is a deeper agenda under this, and it will only be uncovered when those that know her speak up, either way I suspect she will be moved on before long.
Paul Jones Posted July 15, 2017 Report Posted July 15, 2017 This all sounds like Sturgeon in Scotland demanding a second referendum, now they are demanding/protesting because they never got the result they wanted, so lets have another GE, it's pathetic it really is! We live in a democracy, the public have voted and Conservatives had over 50 seats MORE than Labour, that's it, no second chance at it. This woman is camping on the busiest junction in Hereford, with 3 kids in toe 'apparently', this is an accident just waiting to happen, can't believe she is still there to be honest. How dangerous is this? Not only for her and her kids but motorists too. There is no smoke without fire and although I don't know the full facts, something doesn't add up to me.
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