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  • 1 month later...

Perhaps HHL will refurbish it back to its intended use ? It must have been felt , in the past that there was a need for this building .

( it's tongue in cheek comment before I receive incoming ! )


Good point Glenda - but I presume that the Drug Dealers have moved onto another location to do their dastily deeds , a location know to one and all in the area ?

  • 3 months later...

HHL have now purchased the derelict oval toilets. The oval shops are going to be clad in the same style as the front facing 3 storey town houses and the block of flats currently under construction, or so the artist impression goes! The garages to the rear of the shops are to be demolished to enable more access and communal areas. This work is scheduled to start August 2017.



Invitation to our drop in session!
Monday 12th October 2015, between 3pm and 7pm at Jubilee Court
Come and join us at Jubilee Court Community Facility to find out
more about The Oval Regeneration project and what will be happening in your community soon.
Colleague's from across the organisation will be available to answer any questions you may have or discuss any of your concerns. No appointment necessary, just come and see us when its convenient for you between 3pm and 7pm.
The drop in session will be held at:
Jubilee Court Community Facility, Kilvert Road, Newton Farm, Hereford, HR2 7FE
We look forward to seeing you there!

yes I received the Oct 2015 newsletter about the Oval Redevelopment, the toilet block was up for sale for £102,000, " the newsletter said HHL had now purchased the toilet block and are currently reviewing how the land can best be incorporated into the refurbishment".

I will be attending as there are a few questions I want to put to HHL and Keepmoat.


I remember when those toilets was built, I also remembered when the shops there was useful, Mr Wilson and his hardware store, knew him well, my brother used to help him out and and I remember getting the paraffin for our heater. Chippy next door, Never was the best chips around, i do not know what they are like now. Then we had the grocers, next door to the newsagent, the chemist, cake shop, the butchers, not sure if there was anything else. Then Tesco opened and it went downhill after that.


I remember those days, never to come back again.


I have not been around the Oval way for years now, I think I would be pretty sad to see it now, even the tunnel do not exist any more.

  On 12/10/2015 at 12:51, Adrian symonds said:

I remember when those toilets was built, I also remembered when the shops there was useful, Mr Wilson and his hardware store, knew him well, my brother used to help him out and and I remember getting the paraffin for our heater. Chippy next door, Never was the best chips around, i do not know what they are like now. Then we had the grocers, next door to the newsagent, the chemist, cake shop, the butchers, not sure if there was anything else. Then Tesco opened and it went downhill after that.


I remember those days, never to come back again.


I have not been around the Oval way for years now, I think I would be pretty sad to see it now, even the tunnel do not exist any more.


I remember Mr Wilson, Mr Davies in the newsagent, and all the other places you mention. The cold meat shop and gents hairdressers where my neighbour Mr Ivan Bishop used to cut our hair.


There were two more rpund the back, the baby shop next to the cold meat shop and where the Info centre is was Sid Wrights greengrocers I work there after school and weekends. Over the years the chippy has not got any better. In the days before Tesco you didn't have to go into town you could buy everything at the Oval. Also the pet shop replaced the chemists, they did a roaring trade. Ah those were the days!!!. I have lived in my home at Newton Farm for 40 years and what a difference some not for the better.


i have just come back from the drop in session was disappointed on 6 people including myself  had come to ask question in 3 hours. The first eight 1 bed bungalows with shower facilities will be ready to be allocated by the New Year, the other six will have bathrooms, all bungalows will have driveways and space for a car with small garden. I was also told there are approx 30 families left in the blocks to be housed. The design of the refurbished shops and flats at the Oval look good. The Info Centre will be extended to accomodate couple of meeting rooms, but no community centre / hub for the estate which to be honest I am disappointed with  we needed something to replace the community facilities which were at the St. Francis Church. HHL have not decided what will be put on the toilet block site, but I was told it could be small block of flats.

  On 12/10/2015 at 13:52, Colin James said:

I remember Mr Wilson, Mr Davies in the newsagent, and all the other places you mention. The cold meat shop and gents hairdressers where my neighbour Mr Ivan Bishop used to cut our hair.



  On 12/10/2015 at 15:24, Glenda Vaughan-Powell said:

There were two more rpund the back, the baby shop next to the cold meat shop and where the Info centre is was Sid Wrights greengrocers I work there after school and weekends. Over the years the chippy has not got any better. In the days before Tesco you didn't have to go into town you could buy everything at the Oval. Also the pet shop replaced the chemists, they did a roaring trade. Ah those were the days!!!. I have lived in my home at Newton Farm for 40 years and what a difference some not for the better.

I remember the hairdressers, was there not two, next to each other, one for Women and one for men?  The greengrocers I remember as well. I remember the pet shop as well, but not sure when that opened. 


I do not think things are better, a good pub is gone, replaced by a place that sells something they call burgers. Now the flats are gone as well, no doubt less housing for rent.  


Adrian, your correct less housing for rent, HHL has replaced a block of 35 flats for 14 two bed houses across the road from me. In the new Oval development there are 130 houses to replace 200 flats pulled down, A lot of the people of Newton Farm have been housed elsewhere there are two blocks of flats which have 1 & 2 bedroom properties in each block. Where the new properties are they are giving the streets new names, I think they would rename Newton Farm if they could, and I agree no pub the nearest one is the Vaga in Hunderton, so no social life on the estate with no pub and no community facilities, there are a lot of older people , children and teenagers living in Newton Farm with no community facilities for them. the buzz word is progress!  but imo at what cost to the people who have lived in Newton Farm all their lives.


Colin, see my post 44, that was the answers to my questions, the other people a young couple were asking about the 2 bed houses the address they put down where they live is incorrect, they said they live in Charlton Ave, but they don't, they would be my immediate neighbours but they are not. Also the other two people were asking about the bungalows because I heard them say they thought they were 2 bedroomed. I did tell the officers from HHL that the info in the newsletter is wrong which is misleading the people, they agreed everything has changed, and the designs for the shops and flats above is only what they may look like. Apparently there each of  the new tenants to pay for their upkeep. The one officer told me HHL are thinking of putting in one of the open spaces an outdoor gym for all age groups.


For some reason some of my text above did not print so here it is : There will be 4 open spaces ( not sure where they will be located) and one play area, the new tenants have been told they have to pay a surcharge for the up keep of the open spaces and the play area, the tenants are not happy about this.

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