megilleland Posted April 30, 2020 Report Posted April 30, 2020 What's going to happen after Coronavirus Where are we going when Coronavirus fades away and the government has run its course in keeping us at home.The sheer economic disaster coming and affecting everyone is already being discussed by some MPs. One remedy is to impose a one off wealth tax. The idea is that everyone – households and businesses, rich and poor – has to pay a sum equivalent to a chunk of their net assets. This would reverse taxation regimes across the world which tax income far more than the taxation of wealth. Ed Conway, the economics editor at Sky News, writing in the Times, roughly calculates that a one-off 10 percent levy on all household net wealth in the UK would generate over £1 trillion ($1.24 trillion) of revenues. That would be enough to pay off all the costs of Covid-19. It would provide for the NHS for generations and reduce the national debt from wartime levels to something more like normality. The government reduction plans for local authority council funding on the basis that the shortfall can be made up with councils keeping the collection of business rates now looks a dead duck. The desire to give us all an identity card accompanied with a vaccination certificate looks pretty certain. Get ready for all citizens to be given a free smartphone and be fined if not carried on one's person at all times to enable tracking at all times. This quote says it all: “The telephone was not his favorite object, and more than once he had considered getting rid of his. What he disliked most of all was its tyranny. Not only did it have the power to interrupt him against his will, but inevitably he would give in to its command.” ― Paul Auster, City of Glass 1 Quote
K.Butt Posted April 30, 2020 Report Posted April 30, 2020 This has been the worst economic issue in my lifetime, I think it will take years to get over this to be honest. Quote
megilleland Posted May 19, 2020 Author Report Posted May 19, 2020 Interesting interview with Dr David Starkey, a man who is normally looking back at history, but here giving his views on the present state of affairs. Quote
ragwert Posted June 1, 2020 Report Posted June 1, 2020 Then again this is a good listen to make you think. 1 Quote
megilleland Posted June 1, 2020 Author Report Posted June 1, 2020 Yes he is talking sense but the trouble is Ragwert most people whose attention span is a nano-second wont give it a second glance. There too busy waiting for the next cat video. Maybe Vernon should consider having a feline on his lap as click bait. Quote
megilleland Posted June 18, 2020 Author Report Posted June 18, 2020 On 30/04/2020 at 11:02, megilleland said: What's going to happen after Coronavirus The desire to give us all an identity card accompanied with a vaccination certificate looks pretty certain. Get ready for all citizens to be given a free smartphone and be fined if not carried on one's person at all times to enable tracking at all times. Expand Its started: Qatar has continued to make a Covid-19 tracing app mandatory even as the kingdom has relaxed its lockdown, and despite security loopholes that exposed the personal information of more than a million users. Being caught outside without a phone carrying the app is punishable by a fine of up to £43,000 or up to three years in jail. In Hangzhou, a Chinese city of 10 million people, authorities announced last month that they would seek to expand their coronavirus app to gather more comprehensive health and personal data. Under the proposal, an individual’s status would be colour-coded and scored out of 100 based on medical records as well as other lifestyle choices such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or hours slept. Quote
ragwert Posted June 19, 2020 Report Posted June 19, 2020 You would never see Quatars app being used in any other Country with all its serious flaws. It also forces Android users to permit access to their picture and video galleries, while also allowing the app to make unprompted calls. Quote
megilleland Posted July 6, 2020 Author Report Posted July 6, 2020 (extracted comment from The Slog) How the UK built a track and trace through the back door of ‘personal government portals’ At present, in parts of the Middle East, people receive a time slot through their phone that lets them know they are allowed to go food shopping. Think this would never happen in the UK? At the outset of this manufactured crisis, the UK government has, by stealth, been signing millions of people up to ‘Personal government portals’. Once a person has done this, they are – by way of terms and conditions – electronically traceable forever. First, this was done by stealth to the self-employed. If someone wanted to claim ‘self-employed income support’, they could not do so on paper or through an accountant. They had to sign up to a UK government portal to get their free money. Thus, at a stroke, about 5-6 million people signed up to one of these things. If you want your free money, that was the only way to get it. But once signed in, you cannot sign out. What about everyone else? Why, now the UK government is offer 500 of ‘voucher’ for every adult and ‘250’ voucher for every child to spend. So how do they get the voucher? You guessed it! The UK government has, through its Nudge Unit, signed up millions of people to these personal portals, a stealth surveillance tool. So if you think the UK would never look like parts of the Middle East, where you receive a message from the gubmint saying when you can and cannot leave your home, they now have the architecture to do exactly that. This is all part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (digital slavery). Quote
megilleland Posted July 26, 2020 Author Report Posted July 26, 2020 Important tax news for businesses and individuals: HMRC Making Tax Digital to continue rollout in 2022 Financial secretary to the Treasury Jesse Norman said: “We are setting out our next steps on Making Tax Digital today, as we bring the UK’s tax system into the 21st century. Making Tax Digital will make it easier for businesses to keep on top of their tax affairs. But it also has huge potential to improve the productivity of our economy, and its resilience in times of crisis.” There are currently 1.4 million firms signed up to the MTD programme – a figure which the government said includes 30% of the sub-£85k-turnover businesses that have not yet been mandated to do so. A total of six million VAT returns have been filed digitally by these companies. The programme will be extended to all businesses and then to individuals, government has announced HM Revenue and Customs has unveiled plans for the completion of the rollout of the Making Tax Digital programme, with the scheme being incrementally extended from 2022. As of the beginning of the 2020 fiscal year on 1 April 2019, firms with turnover in excess of the £85,000 threshold have been required to file their quarterly VAT returns via the digital platform. From 1 April 2022, all VAT-registered companies must switch to Making Tax Digital, regardless of the value of their sales. And, one year later, the programme will be extended to any individuals filing self-assessment income tax returns for annual business or property income in excess of £10,000. Quote
megilleland Posted August 10, 2020 Author Report Posted August 10, 2020 This Indian Lady takes a while to spell it out, but it’s all there; T’s crossed, i’s dotted. Everything is connected. NewsBreak 81 CONFIRMED COVID 19 Plandemic a Known, Live “Training & Simulation Exercise” under World Health Organisation Quote
megilleland Posted September 7, 2020 Author Report Posted September 7, 2020 Back in 2010 this Simpsons episode makes for interesting viewing in 2020. Quote
megilleland Posted October 9, 2020 Author Report Posted October 9, 2020 Read and Sign the Great Barrington Declaration. There have to be better ways to sort out the mess we are in with this government's handling of our health and economy. As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection. As at 9th October 2020 Signed by Medical & Public Health Scientists 5,902 Medical Practitioners 12,020 General Public 165,165 Add your name now. Quote
megilleland Posted November 2, 2020 Author Report Posted November 2, 2020 A Mitchell & Webb comedy sketch to cheer you up as we go into further lockdown. Quote
megilleland Posted November 6, 2020 Author Report Posted November 6, 2020 Academy of Ideas – Free minds for a Free Society It is often said that one cannot solve a problem if one is not even cognizant of it, and herein lies one of the reasons freedom is retreating so rapidly from our world. Many people still believe themselves to be free and as Goethe wrote: “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” Those who believe themselves to be free disregard the fact that to be governed in the modern world is to be . . . “…watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured [and] commanded, by beings who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so.” Pierre-Joseph Proudhon Quote
megilleland Posted November 7, 2020 Author Report Posted November 7, 2020 Here in Newton Farm, although I didn’t witness it, just been told of a bizarre incident this afternoon where one member of a gang of youths walking down the street was stark naked except for a mask. He then went into the local corner shop and wasn’t confronted, maybe because he had a mask on. The police were called and are now looking for him. I think lock down has got to him. Anyone else see him? Quote
Peter Thomas-Cruttwell Posted November 7, 2020 Report Posted November 7, 2020 I will be glad when we can all get back to some normality Quote
megilleland Posted November 13, 2020 Author Report Posted November 13, 2020 Where does the madness stop: More than a few people are struggling with the name for Eli Lilly's antibody therapy bamlanivimab, which won an emergency OK on Tuesday in non-hospitalized COVID patients at high risk of severe disease. The tongue-twisting drug name even received some gentle ribbing on Fallon Tonight: All the news on the gravy train. Quote
megilleland Posted November 18, 2020 Author Report Posted November 18, 2020 Nice work if you know the right people: Boris Johnson REFUSES to apologise for £18 billion 'cash for cronies' scandal and says No10 moved 'heaven and earth' to snap up PPE - as fury mounts over government's 'jobs for pals' * National Audit Office said officials signed contracts for thousands of face masks that were actually useless * NAO looked at 8,600 contracts awarded by Government from January to July amid claims some were flawed * Boris Johnson told virtual PMQs: 'We shifted heaven and earth to get £32 billion items of PPE into this country' * Alok Sharma refuses to apologise for trying to get PPE for NHS during first wave blaming 'huge pressure' * Spanish middleman was paid £21 million of taxpayers' cash to set up PPE deal with US jewellery designer * Suppliers with political contacts were given there own 'high-priority' lane and were ten times more likely to get Government contracts * Companies with 'no relevant experience' pocketed £12 billion in shambolic scramble for PPE described as the 'wild west'. More than 1,300 contracts worth £10.5 billion were awarded by the Government with no competition whatsoever – increasing the chance of money being wasted * US jewellery designer Michael Saiger was handed 'a number of lucrative contracts' worth £200 million after he started providing gloves and gowns to NHS staff. Young entrepreneur Sabia Mokeddem, 23, was handed a contract worth £880,000 * Lord Feldman's PR firm is helping a Covid testing firm given £28million contract after meeting where former Former Tory chairman was in the room advising Matt Hancock . 1 Quote
megilleland Posted November 18, 2020 Author Report Posted November 18, 2020 Is this what is going to be the New Normal? Gives a new meaning to Neighborhood Watch. I think we are going to see a lot more people questioning the rationale of what is being done by a government not using it's brain and following orders. Well worth reading the comments below: Quote
ragwert Posted November 19, 2020 Report Posted November 19, 2020 On 18/11/2020 at 20:42, megilleland said: Nice work if you know the right people: Boris Johnson REFUSES to apologise for £18 billion 'cash for cronies' scandal and says No10 moved 'heaven and earth' to snap up PPE - as fury mounts over government's 'jobs for pals' * National Audit Office said officials signed contracts for thousands of face masks that were actually useless * NAO looked at 8,600 contracts awarded by Government from January to July amid claims some were flawed * Boris Johnson told virtual PMQs: 'We shifted heaven and earth to get £32 billion items of PPE into this country' * Alok Sharma refuses to apologise for trying to get PPE for NHS during first wave blaming 'huge pressure' * Spanish middleman was paid £21 million of taxpayers' cash to set up PPE deal with US jewellery designer * Suppliers with political contacts were given there own 'high-priority' lane and were ten times more likely to get Government contracts * Companies with 'no relevant experience' pocketed £12 billion in shambolic scramble for PPE described as the 'wild west'. More than 1,300 contracts worth £10.5 billion were awarded by the Government with no competition whatsoever – increasing the chance of money being wasted * US jewellery designer Michael Saiger was handed 'a number of lucrative contracts' worth £200 million after he started providing gloves and gowns to NHS staff. Young entrepreneur Sabia Mokeddem, 23, was handed a contract worth £880,000 * Lord Feldman's PR firm is helping a Covid testing firm given £28million contract after meeting where former Former Tory chairman was in the room advising Matt Hancock . Expand You could find friends relatives and mates anywhere if you dig deep enough. My Cousin is distantly related to the Queen whilst I'm related to Fred & Rose West so you could say the Queen is related to him . Quote
megilleland Posted December 15, 2020 Author Report Posted December 15, 2020 A message from Lord Drone: Greetings, readers. I wasn’t allowed to say anything until today, but it's now okay for me to share that I have volunteered for the Covid-19 vaccine trials that Imperial College are running in partnership with Oxford University. It's important that we all do our part to beat this virus. The vaccine is the one that has been developed in Russia. I received my first dose this morning 6:20 am, and I wanted to let you all know that it’s completely safe, with иo side effects whatsoeveя, and that I feelshκι я чувю себя немного стрно и я думю, что вытл осные уши. чувству себя немго страо Quote
megilleland Posted January 2, 2021 Author Report Posted January 2, 2021 03:00am 2nd January 2020. Not able to sleep at night I have been listening to Jim Davis on Radio 5 Live a phone in programme, broadcast between 1am to 5am where "ordinary" members of the public ring in to discuss subjects revolving around Coronavirus and its variants. He has just done 3 episodes on loneliness and how to beat it. A diverse cross-section of the public offering their views about how it has affected them and how strongly they feel let down by this government. I recommend listening to the programme of 2nd January 2021. I am not a fan of the BBC even though my partners daughter works for them on the technical side, but Jim Davis's manner I feel reassures those with concerns and the many who get a fair crack at putting their point of view across - some of it anti BBC. A major part of the programme tonight is whether parents should send their children back to school. Fortunately I have no children, but the consensus is that all schools should be shut down till March. Trying to get back to sleep and I wish everyone a Happy and Healthier New Year. No doubt we will find out as the year progresses. Jim Davis shares the early morning time slot with Dotun Adebayo who I find also listens to callers views sympathetically. Quote
megilleland Posted June 6, 2021 Author Report Posted June 6, 2021 Head of the UK vaccines taskforce Kate Bingham is to be given a damehood, the Telegraph has reported, after getting the UK access to millions of doses of six different jabs. Her expected honour is among a number in next week’s Queen’s Birthday honours dedicated to “heroes” in the pandemic. Bingham was appointed to the role in May last year and left at the end of 2020. Won't be long before its Lord Jesse. Quote
megilleland Posted July 17, 2021 Author Report Posted July 17, 2021 I watch some of Jeff Berwick – The Dollar Vigilante videos. He is one of the best as he covers most of the areas for concern in the coming years. Who is Jeff Berwick? To watch The Ten Stages to Satan Klaus’ Fourth Reich Genocide click on then select The Ten Stages to Satan Klaus’ Fourth Reich Genocide It's an hour long, but interesting and entertaining. Quote
megilleland Posted August 9, 2021 Author Report Posted August 9, 2021 Now Covid has gone off the boil it's time to ramp up the fear with Climate terror. All this pushed out by the United Nations for all the world's governments to impose on our lives. You can't beat a bit of control to keep the plebs in place. Quote
megilleland Posted August 19, 2021 Author Report Posted August 19, 2021 EXCLUSIVE: Channel 4 to air Wuhan Covid19 investigation David Malone has spent the last few months making a documentary film for Channel Four with co-producer Jan Klimkowski. Focusing in depth on what happened at Wuhan, the film sets out to answer the question, “Has the narrative surrounding Covid19 at the Wuhan lab been engineered?’ It will air on Four this coming Sunday 22nd August at 10 pm BST. Earlier this week, The Slog gained an exclusive interview with Malone. Quote
megilleland Posted August 19, 2021 Author Report Posted August 19, 2021 Smartphones for not very smart people. As we move forward in the technology age so we unknowingly lose more of our freedom. until we enter a new digital serfdom. This is where consumers give up their personal and private information in order to be able to use a particular product or service. Serfdom is a system of forced labor that exists in a feudalistic society. It was very common in Europe during the medieval age. In this system, serfs or peasants do a variety of labor for their lords in exchange for protection from bandits and a small piece of land that they can cultivate for themselves. Serfs are also required to pay some form of tax often in the form of chickens or crops yielded from their piece of land. Hassan Khan in The Next Web points out that the decline of property ownership is indicative that we are living in a digital serfdom. In an article he says: “The percentage of households without a car is increasing. Ride-hailing services have multiplied. Netflix boasts over 188 million subscribers. Spotify gains ten million paid members every five to six months. “The model of “impermanence” has become the new normal. But there’s still one place where permanence finds its home, with over two billion active monthly users, Facebook has become a platform of record for the connected world. If it’s not on social media, it may as well have never happened.” Joshua A. T. Fairfield elaborates this phenomenon in his book “Owned: Property, Privacy, and the New Digital Serfdom.” Fairfield discusses his book in an article in The Conversation, stating that: “The issue of who gets to control property has a long history. In the feudal system of medieval Europe, the king owned almost everything, and everyone else’s property rights depended on their relationship with the king. Peasants lived on land granted by the king to a local lord, and workers didn’t always even own the tools they used for farming or other trades like carpentry and blacksmithing. “Yet the expansion of the internet of things seems to be bringing us back to something like that old feudal model, where people didn’t own the items they used every day. In this 21st-century version, companies are using intellectual property law – intended to protect ideas – to control physical objects consumers think they own.” In other words, Fairfield is suggesting that the devices and services that we use — iPhones, Fitbits, Roomba, digital door locks, Spotify, Uber, and many more — are constantly capturing data about behaviors. By using these products, consumers have no choice but to trade their personal data in order to access the full functionalities of these devices or services. This data is used by private corporations for targeted advertisement, among others. This system of digital serfdom binds consumers to private corporations who dictate the terms of use for their products or services. “In the coming decade, if we do not take back our ownership rights, the same will be said of our self-driving cars and software-enabled homes. We risk becoming digital peasants, owned by software and advertising companies, not to mention overreaching governments.” Quote
megilleland Posted October 19, 2021 Author Report Posted October 19, 2021 Byung-Chul Han: ‘The smartphone is a tool of domination. It acts like a rosary’ I came across this article in El Pais and an interview with the South Korean-born philosopher Byung-Chul Han where he discusses digital subjugation, the disappearance of ritual and what ‘Squid Game’ reveals about society. By combining quotations from great philosophers and elements of popular culture, Han’s latest book Undinge (or Nonobjects), which is yet to be published in English, analyzes our “burnout society,” in which we live exhausted and depressed by the unavoidable demands of existence. He has also considered new forms of entertainment and “psychopolitics,” where citizens surrender meekly to the seduction of the system, along with the disappearance of eroticism, which Han blames on current trends for narcissism and exhibitionism. This narcissism runs riot on social media, he believes, where the obsession with oneself makes others disappear and the world becomes a simple reflection of us as individuals. The philosopher strives to recover intimate contact in everyday life – he is known for his interest in gardening, making things with his hands and sitting in silence. He despairs of “the disappearance of rituals,” which also makes entire communities disappear along with them. We become lost individuals, in sick and cruel societies. The Burnout Society: Byung-Chul Han in Seoul/Berlin (2015) English Subtitles And with Boris meeting the financial cartel today this is worth a look: And now they want to take away your gas boiler. Quote
megilleland Posted November 12, 2021 Author Report Posted November 12, 2021 Not as catchy as Covid, but worth a listen. Quote
megilleland Posted November 23, 2021 Author Report Posted November 23, 2021 It looks as if we won't be around to find out. Federal Drug Agency asks for 55 years to complete Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request on Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine 19th November 2021 Hungry for details on Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine? Just file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request and wait until the U.S. tricentennial in 2076. That's the schedule the FDA proposed in documents filed in a U.S. District Court this week. According to the documents filed (PDF) in a U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, the FDA asked a federal judge for 55 years to complete a FOIA request for data and information on the approval of Pfizer-BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine, Comirnaty. If the judge grants the FDA's request, the plaintiffs, Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, would have to wait until the U.S. celebrates its 300th year anniversary in 2076 to view the full report. The FDA's request comes about a month after the plaintiffs, comprising more than 30 professors and scientists from some of the country's top schools, filed suit (PDF) to expedite their FOIA request. The group originally asked for documentation after the vaccine's approval in August, but the FDA has yet to turn anything over. Quote
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