Bethell Posted February 3, 2014 Report Posted February 3, 2014 On 18/09/2013 at 14:10, Adrian Bridges said: Update from the Oval Regeneration:- Planning Application Herefordshire Planning Committe approved this today and also the Community Hub in outlying permission. One issue is OPEN SPACE and we are going to work with Herefordshire Housing to secure some public space, this maybe another plot of land close by. More to follow as this is developed. I will post an update when the work is to start on site. Quote
Bethell Posted February 3, 2014 Author Report Posted February 3, 2014 But we have lost our open land by our houses !!! Now some residents have to cross main roads for the children to get to open land. Belmont still have it nice open land !!! Quote
megilleland Posted February 3, 2014 Report Posted February 3, 2014 If you are talking about the land where the Vortex Youth Club stood then I am afraid the council have given it away to Herefordshire Housing. They weren't thinking about the established residents - that's the way they work. Quote
Bethell Posted February 3, 2014 Author Report Posted February 3, 2014 Meg well said I stop a extension to say next door for stop my light in my garden, but not a two storey house on my front door step. Mad Also will this hit the house prices ??? Quote
lpusseycat Posted February 4, 2014 Report Posted February 4, 2014 The builders are keeping half the houses built at the Oval, who is going to buy a house in the area ? I think they are going to have trouble selling them.Also there is not enough houses left for the residents who are to be rehoused I don't think someone has done there sums right. Quote
DILLIGAF Posted January 8, 2017 Report Posted January 8, 2017 UPDATE The whole development will not be completed by August 2017 as anticipated. Quote
ragwert Posted January 9, 2017 Report Posted January 9, 2017 On 04/02/2014 at 17:58, lpusseycat said: The builders are keeping half the houses built at the Oval, who is going to buy a house in the area ? I think they are going to have trouble selling them.Also there is not enough houses left for the residents who are to be rehoused I don't think someone has done there sums right. They actually can't build them quick enough.As soon as the base goes down they're sold which brings up the debate on affordable housing.My neice and her husband have been saving for a deposit for four years and are hopefully going to buy one on this site very soon....Their worry is will there be any left . Quote
Denise Lloyd Posted January 9, 2017 Report Posted January 9, 2017 On 08/01/2017 at 11:19, DILLIGAF said: UPDATE The whole development will not be completed by August 2017 as anticipated. Why not? Quote
Paul Jones Posted January 9, 2017 Report Posted January 9, 2017 They should of built more blocks and a few stories higher too in my opinion, they do it all over Europe but not in Hereford, it is no wonder there is a shortage on homes! Quote
ragwert Posted January 9, 2017 Report Posted January 9, 2017 On 09/01/2017 at 18:04, Denise Lloyd said: Why not? Looking at the story about the toilets being demolished they have another 3 years building Quote
Glenda Powell Posted January 9, 2017 Report Posted January 9, 2017 Six years ago when the development started it was to be completed August 2017. About a year ago they were six months behind because according to the Building manager that was because HHL kept changing their mind and had totally ignored the development layout that made the builders confused as to what they were doing and where on the site. There are more houses across the road from me than was allowed for and they are privately owned. Then of course the two blocks of flats were not on the original planning application that was passed. Every single house, flat and bungalow has had trouble with them internally, and at one point houses had been built and the services had not been installed so they had to build a 8ft trench around them to put the services in, otherwise they would have had to pull the houses back down, then the gardens were sinking so I am not surprised that they are behind. All these houses were built by government funding which HHL will not get again. I do know that while I was still the Cllr about 4 years ago the builders were so fed up they were contemplating down tools on the build. There are more houses to buy than social renting, which was not the main aim, because most of the people living in the flats at the time were moved away, some went out in the country because there was not enough social housing on the site. As the Cllr for newton Farm I had fortnightly meetings with the builders to be kept informed as to what was going on. Quote
Glenda Powell Posted January 10, 2017 Report Posted January 10, 2017 Having just spoken to HHL Oval Development officer this morning I was advised they are looking at 6 options for the toilet site, People have approached them for shops ( not KFC which is a pity). The officer has told me they will keep me advised as to when the application will be going to the planning Dept of Herefordshire Council when they have decided what is to be built on the site. Quote
ragwert Posted February 9, 2017 Report Posted February 9, 2017 Phones not working as 300 phone lines have been cut through on the new development Quote
DILLIGAF Posted March 8, 2017 Report Posted March 8, 2017 I have heard that a few HH tenants have been moved on from their new properties. Are HH now keeping on top of these new properties statuses? Maintain standards or move on. Quote
DILLIGAF Posted August 25, 2017 Report Posted August 25, 2017 I have been informed that the highways surrounding the new development will not be resurfaced. I cannot believe that a new development will not have new road surfaces to suit. Apparently Keepmoat are not responsible and it is HC that is responsible for them not highways - and there are no available funds. Take a drive down Broxash/Woodward Ave - its like being on safari! Foot deep potholes and sunken surfaces throughout it's an accident waiting to happen. I ground my car on a daily basis. Damage to cars is inevitable. With this in mind, Herefordshire Council have approved Keepmoat Home as the preferred developer for the city! Quote
Denise Lloyd Posted August 25, 2017 Report Posted August 25, 2017 Yep the developer wrecks the road then pisses off we have the same problem. Those living in Bagallay Street will have the same issue. Beware everybody. Quote
Denise Lloyd Posted August 25, 2017 Report Posted August 25, 2017 New residents need to ask who exactly is responsible for the maintenance of the green space and any other public space. I believe I am correct in saying that HC are no longer adopting the green space this may result in the residents having to pay a service charge and setting up a Management Company for handling same. Needs confirming on any new development! Quote
megilleland Posted August 25, 2017 Report Posted August 25, 2017 On 25/08/2017 at 08:55, DILLIGAF said: I have been informed that the highways surrounding the new development will not be resurfaced. This point was raised in Parliament by Kettering MP, Philip Hollobone in June 2010. A transcript of the debate is here. Quote The Section 38 Agreement may contain: Details of the relevant planning permission. Drawings indicating the extent of the area to be adopted. Provision for land dedication. Technical drawings of the works. A programme for the works and for the adoption. Provision for inspection and certification of the works. Agreement regarding the adoption, or not, of supporting structures. There will be a fee associated with the agreement, covering the cost of; checking designs, preparing the agreement, inspecting the works, and ongoing maintenance of items not essential for highway purposes (commuted sums). There may also be a requirement for a bond from the developer to cover the highway authority against the possibility that the developer fails to properly complete the works, for example if they become insolvent. The works must be constructed to a design and standard agreed by the highway authority. The developer will be responsible for carrying out the works at their own expense, and for maintenance costs until adoption. There will generally be a 12 month maintenance period between the completion of the works and the adoption of the roads. If the development is phased, then adoption will generally take place after the final phase is completed. This is because the roads may continue to be used as a means of access by construction traffic. The procedure necessary to reach agreement can be time consuming and protracted, and so it is desirable to enter into discussion with the highway authority as early in the project as possible. The public highways on this development existed prior to the development and were maintained by the council. So unless someone in the council agreed to anything otherwise, and it was incorporated into the development planning application, the status quo should remain. Quote (extract from New Roads (Adoption) debate above) In exploring solutions to this issue, I am happy to say that I have today asked my officials to consider, with their Department for Communities and Local Government colleagues, options for legislation, including empowering local authorities to require developers to enter into section 38 agreements. In the meantime, we will continue to engage with local authorities and to support them in developing solutions. My hon. Friend the Member for Kettering talked about the fact that some people who purchase properties are unaware of the status of the road. I am advised that householders have some redress against solicitors who have not undertaken full and proper searches. Such action can be enforced through the Law Society. I am also advised that the estate agents' code of practice, although voluntary, is usually followed and that they should be expected to provide information to property purchasers in that situation. I recognise that this is an important issue. I want streets, when they are developed, to be adopted by the relevant highways authority if that is what is right for the street in question, as it usually will be. Good developers will build streets to a standard that authorities can adopt, thereby transferring the responsibility for maintenance away from property owners. I would like that practice to become commonplace, but I also understand that a small number of developers will not build to that standard without local authority intervention. I am, therefore, as I have said, open to practical suggestions as long as they would place the cost on the appropriate people and could be implemented quickly so that authorities can better manage the situation. Quote
DILLIGAF Posted April 19, 2019 Report Posted April 19, 2019 I have finally had replies from the powers that be, and the pavements and road surfaces surrounding the redevelopment are going to to be resurfaced. After a long battle with Keepmoat, Engie, highways and Hereford council. Liability has been accepted and work will commence in May. Keepmoat have stated that the contractors will letter drop residential properties in the coming days. Needless to say if the work is not up to standard then I shall be persuing further with all parties. I have been without a pavement and raised drains outside my property for FOUR YEARS. This is not acceptable by any means. Keepmoat should be ashamed; but they're not; they've had their money! Quote
megilleland Posted April 19, 2019 Report Posted April 19, 2019 What has happened to the proposed community centre planned as part of the Keepmoat Homes/Herefordshire Housing development at The Oval - Planning Application P131390/O approved with conditions on 18th September 2013? A facility which would benefit existing and new residents. Quote
DILLIGAF Posted April 20, 2019 Report Posted April 20, 2019 Don't get me started! There will be no 'urban gym' no community hub and no further upgrades! HH and BBLP are taking over the Keepmoat compound for materials storage for the rejuvenation of the oval block. As far as I have been informed the oval is only going to be "Faced up" to incorporate it's surroundings. No further redevelopment of lorry loading area at the rear etc. as previously outlined. I have been told that EVENTUALLY the compound area will be additional parking places. Hopefully this will also entail double yellow lines around the back of the oval also and a no left turn at the front near the chipshop. Too many times have I nearly been taken out by reckless drivers, whilst I try to exit opposite the chipshop. I very much doubt it! Too much opposition from businesses; god forbid that their customers have to walk 50yds to the shop or bookies! The window vanman and astra estate man also need some advice on parking, do they get taxis to the curb? TIMESCALE = 2025+ probably, going by previous track records. Quote
twowheelsgood Posted April 21, 2019 Report Posted April 21, 2019 Where is the ward councillor? He should be all over this and working on your behalf to see the whole scheme is delivered, not just the bits that make money for the developer. I'm not familiar with the scheme in detail, but if its part of the planning permission then it must be provided. Planning won't get involved unless people complain and then they are duty bound to investigate. There may be timing proviso's laid down in the planning permission you can refer to. Sadly, you have to make a nuisance of yourself to get what has been promised, but on May 3rd I would be banging on the new councillor's door demanding support and action. Quote
DILLIGAF Posted April 22, 2019 Report Posted April 22, 2019 I believe both Phil Edwards and Jessie Norman are both fully aware of the ongoing situation and incomplete planned works. I haven't actually seen the full approved plans but would like to, so I can stamp my feet!! Quote
twowheelsgood Posted April 22, 2019 Report Posted April 22, 2019 Phil Edwards isn't standing for re-election and so is unlikely to have much interest. Quote
DILLIGAF Posted April 22, 2019 Report Posted April 22, 2019 No but he is now VC of council coffers!! Vested interests. Where can I find full approved plans TWG? Quote
Denise Lloyd Posted April 23, 2019 Report Posted April 23, 2019 NumberP131390/O NumberP131391/F I think you will find that these are the planning apps that you are referring to. You can find either by following this link Jesse Norman has quite often stated that he does not get involved in local planning matters so I would not hold out too much hope for assistance from him. The best hope of getting a local councillor involved is to collar the next prospective candidate. They love a challenge! Quote
DILLIGAF Posted April 23, 2019 Report Posted April 23, 2019 As far as I can read it, there is no definitive answer on provision of a "community hub" on the old site office. Maybe someone could clarify. There is also no secure cycle parking anywhere! Something about a biomass boiler also??!! Quote
twowheelsgood Posted April 23, 2019 Report Posted April 23, 2019 Looking at the approved Site Layout, although 'The Hub' building is shown, with its own parking and landscaping, it is specifically excluded from the application by virtue of the red line around it. This is confusing, because the supporting design and access statement says 'As we are proposing the design of the Hub on the piece of land at the junction of The Oval and Broxash Drive, the bus stop (shelter) directly of the Oval will be relocated next to the Public Open Space in front of Plot 153.' The Hub may be an intention, but it has no planning permission at this stage. A cynic might say it was put into the mix at the community consultation stage as a sweetener, and no one in charge (councillor, looking at you) has really followed through on the delivery. It's on my list to cycle the area to see if the approved cycling provision has been delivered. Why it's down the general public to do the job of highly paid council officials and indeed ward councillors is a question to ask any prospective councillors who may knock on your door. Quote
DILLIGAF Posted April 26, 2019 Report Posted April 26, 2019 It does seem this way. As far as I'm aware there is no longer any intention of building a hub or anything else infact, nor is there the funds! The proposed area will become a carpark area one the council have finished with it. I do still intend to badger my new councillor until the works are completed and satisfactory; or until I receive a restraining order!! I've been extremely patient and waited long enough now the developer has cleared off and wiped their hands of us! Quote
DILLIGAF Posted April 26, 2019 Report Posted April 26, 2019 On 23/04/2019 at 22:06, twowheelsgood said: It's on my list to cycle the area to see if the approved cycling provision has been delivered. Expand As long as your bike has 4x4 capability! You might also need search and rescue stored on the mobile, when you disappear down a pothole! No cycling provision at all. The GWW is Southside cycle provision! Quote
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