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The council's public realm contract for providing services includes highways, public rights of way, parks and open spaces, street cleaning and street lighting.

Balfour Beatty were awarded the contract in 2013 and the procurement for the contract set out to achieve the following objectives:

🔸Ensuring our roads, public open spaces and streets are accessible, safe, clean and well-maintained

🔸Maintaining the delivery of essential services

🔸Achieving value for money, facilitated by process improvement and transparency through open book accounting

🔸Achieving service delivery which is efficient and responsive to local needs and priorities and

🔸Contributing to the regeneration of the economy and social capital in Herefordshire

At Hereford Voice our slogan has always been 'Having Your Say' and through our network we are going to give you the opportunity to ask your questions to some of our Councillors.

Cabinet Member - Infrastructure and Transport Councillor John Harrington agreed to be put under the spotlight and to answer as many questions put to him in our first exclusive 'Councillor Sessions' series here 👉 https://hfd.news/eec

Today in part 5 of our series Cllr Harrington responds to questions about the 🔸BBLP - 'Balfour Beatty Living Places' Contract🔸

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Cllr Harrington for agreeing to be the first of many councillors who will be engaging with you all this year as part of our 'exclusive' Hereford Voice 'Councillor Sessions'

#herefordvoice #herefordnews #herefordshire #hfdvcs

  • Hereford Voice changed the title to Hereford Voice 'Councillor Sessions' - Part 5 🔷 BBLP - 'Balfour Beatty Living Places' Contract 🔷

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