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Hereford Taxis are on the verge of strike action over flawed policies which Herefordshire Council licensing teams are trying to impose and are refusing to engage with the drivers and the Hereford Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Association over these policies.


Licences from next April could be refused for cars more than five years old. The age of the vehicle shall be determined by the date of its first registration, as shown on the registration document.

The new proposals would also require existing drivers to complete a geographic knowledge and navigational skills test (also required for new applicants) which is proving to be extremely difficult and only has a 20% pass rate which potentially would result is losing 80% of existing drivers.

In an email to the trade from Herefordshire Council they state the following sentence;

“To make it clear you will not be able to discuss or argue any proposed changes you would like to see made to the policy”

The consultation period has now been extended until the 6th of December however if things remain as they are, it is increasingly likely that the association will have to pay heed to its membership and organise strike action in the very near future and a strike could be in place this Christmas!

The original draft policy is attached together with a revision copy below;

EH_LIC_Draft_Taxi_Licensing_policy_with_Appendix.pdfFetching info...

Revision below

Revised conditions 2021.docxFetching info...

  • Hereford Voice changed the title to Breaking News | Hereford Taxis Could Be On Strike This Christmas

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