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I thought I'd just splash out a quick post for those who don't know me.


I was banned from the Hereford Times website and threatened with legal action for pointing out that their staff write about their friends and family at the demise of actual news pieces. In particular one "Jess Phillips" who I strongly believe is the daughter of Editor Fiona Phillips.


Consequently, I've ended up here. I don't know how active I'll be but I thought I'd make an entrance :)


I'll warn you now that I'm outspoken, opinionated, passionate and blunt. I very often see red and type a poostorm that may well be better worded the next day :)


I'll frequently bash people if they refuse to use their brain - particularly when people play the racism card instead of looking at facts and logic. There are some things that you just cannot argue against... for example, homosexuality is NOT normal. That's not to say it's wrong, that it's not acceptable or that *** people should burn in hell, of course not! It's simply saying that when you look at the human form, biological and evolutionary science... it is not normal. The majority people are not ***, if being *** was normal, humans would be extinct......... I can already feel the eyes beaming down ready to tear me a new one ;) But stop and think about it for a second :)


So, if you'll have me, I'll stick around :)


Bloody Hell! My dear and good friend. What are you doing? How did we get from being banished from the Hereford Times to questioning whether or not homosexuality was normal or not?

Bloody Hell. People who are *** are completely normal because, to steal Stephanie Geomatta song title, they are 'born this way'. It ain't a question of normality. It's entirely about equality and not having your sexuality discussed by fools like you and I on Belmont Voice or any other social media site.

Im calling the bloody strike off. You managed to cause my eczema to bloody flare up within twenty four hours of being here. Sweet Loving Jesus. I'll always think well of you but your a pain in the backside.


Oh wow, g-a-y is a banned word? Dear god.

Bobby, you exhibited exactly what I was addressing ;) You're basically saying that the topic of sexuality should only be discussed behind closed doors! :)


No I'm bloody not old friend. I'm expressing my view which is different to yours, much easier to read, and without being patronising to my colleagues who may be bloody g.a.y, Im saying that they are as bloody normal as anyone else because they were born that way.

Bloody Hell! You've been back with me for less than a day and you've done it again. Being bloody awkward, clumsy and obnoxious.


Bobby how do you not see the failure in your logic? "Normal - The usual, average, or typical state or condition." If being homosexual was normal, people wouldn't be able to naturally reproduce and thus the human race as a species would be extinct!

Just to be clear, I have in no way patronised those who are so inclined, I have actually stated that it's acceptable and not an issue. It was an example of how people immediately dive in with emotions flared screaming xenophobia and censorship instead of applying logic to the argument. It's common place to find murderers in human societies... that doesn't make it normal :P

  On 17/08/2013 at 18:32, Rebecca Morrison said:

Welcome to BV I hope to see you joining in with the local debates. I agree with you about the Hereford TImes they print what they want, I wrote to them about, what I consider to be questionable payments in this topic with regard to BRPC and their finances but they never responded or printed my letter and I know I was not the only member who wrote to the HT, the other member never got a response either, strange that :Hmm:


Thank you :)


Indeed, I have sent in very prominent business pieces - some that have later been published by national papers. Yet the HT dismissed them in place of articles such as "Sue grows a giant cucumber", or something there abouts.

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