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Everything posted by stupidfrustration

  1. Apologies to all - my post was not clear. Costa on the site was the busiest costa in the country this weekend. Also - the old market site has had 90,000 people through it over the first five days. Two different points that I didn't make clear. But I agree - the coffee in gilbies in the sunshine putting money back into Herefords pocket tastes even better!
  2. by the way - i also hear that Costa on the site was the busiest Costa Coffee in the UK this weekend. They had to bring people in from all around to help out. Just shows how many people paid the OM a visit this weekend. Been open just 5 days and had just over 90,000 visitors so far.
  3. Mr Neads - you run a fine establishment there -a prime success of the Hereford eateries. Your good lady will resolve the issues in Debenhams - of that I am sure. I too know the stress' of taking on new/young staff on their first job role. Its a difficult one, you have to give these kids a chance to learn and get experience, but some customers dont/wont understand that. I wish your wife the best of luck and look forward to going there for a lunch one day soon to see myself how it is.
  4. Biomech - I gave you a tick on another post but had to take one away here - even though I agree with you. Looking at what you said - you would want your staff to smoke "out the back" - however out the back in this case can partially still be seen. As such - out the back is the best soloution that Debenhams are useing, however Roger got upset and had to tell Head Office that you can still see that some Debenhams staff smoke. Naughty naughty - Debenhams!
  5. I heard that the University team are looking at the building as the bus station is moving as well. BIG empty building - perfect for the Uni. Also the kids at the college will walk past every day and it will give local youngsters somthing to aspire to! Good things happening in Hereford.
  6. Roger this is not the thread to continue the debate, however passing comment on a department store showing a negative impression because some staff members smoke is pathetic. Not only did you feel the need to post about it - "I will inform their head office by the form of twitter privately to let them know this situation" Oh no - it wasn't private - it was in a very public way. So what should the smokers do - seriously - what are the options : 1) not smoke for the 10 hour shift 2) smoke inside 3) smoke at the front doors 4) smoke at the trades men's entrance I tell you what - those policemen are a problem - the other day I saw some police officers in the barrels having a drink. They were talking loudly, laughing, smoking in the beer garden and enjoying each other's company. I better let bill longmore know - police officers drink alcohol ! Bloody disgusting I say no wonder this county is in a mess! ( I take it you get the point - no need to let bill know )
  7. http://www.herefordtimes.com/news/11186582.Bid_to_launch_Business_Improvement_District_in_Hereford/ Some info on the Hereford BID
  8. Well - I change feet to stub out my cigarettes - and only smoke 45 a day as such I hope to live a long and fruitful life. Roger was talking tosh - and tosh frustrates me!!! I have no need to be a "keyboard warrior" but I will call people on their tosh talking.
  9. I would love to know who you are bobby - you do make me smile!
  10. Oh poo - that's twice I find myself agreeing with you Biomech Traffic around town on the first Saturday of it being open was fantastic. No hold ups - free flowing. Also thought high town was busy as well - so far so good for the historic core!
  11. So my take on it : Its here - no point moaning too much now. Traffic - to be honest - it seems to be flowing around town fairly well today - no obvious problems - but we have "rush hour" still to come. The site - its clean/tidy/no obvious work outstanding and to the untrained eye ( like mine ) looks professionally done. The shops - ah - here is where the problem could be. There are a load of empty units - some im sure will be opening in the next few weeks, but opening like this - well, if I had come a long distance especially to shop on this new site today, then I would not come back. Why would I? It all felt just a little "flat" today. The site doesnt feel like you are in Hereford. Dont know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Will be interesting if in a month or so where it is up to with all the empty units. I hope for the sake of all, that they are filled quickly.
  12. She is indeed "one of the good ones" - a lovely lady - and I would "second" your motion!
  13. you never know - things may just change in Hereford on this issue
  14. I was under the impression they went 2 foot too far onto neighbouring property. Hence the hold up
  15. Well - the police reflect the public do they not? Some good, some bad, some cant keep their dick in their pants. Ian was a good copper - shame he is going through this.
  16. I like Nigel Farage. He always answers the questions put to him and because of the pressure to discredit him through the media every day, he is enjoying an unparalleled amount of publicity Good luck to him - after all you do not need any experience to be in politics just the votes. I like Farage as well, would love to have a pint with him - BUT - "you dont need any experience to be in politics" - true! BUT - would we really want him as PM?!?!?!?! I think he is great for the "fun factor" and getting people talking about politics - but surely - nothing more! Ive always thought that you were quite a considered poster - Im hoping your post is tongue in cheek and ive missed the point!
  17. Surely the problem is : People dont understand what A&E is for. Doctors surgery's take too long to get an appointment - not enough surgerys for this area. Extra services like this are a good thing - but people moan and wine about having to wait - myself included when I had to use "Asdas" - my wait time was a couple of hours, however - DRs couldnt fit me in, and I wasnt an Accident or an Emergency - so - places like ASDAs are a great additional resource.
  18. For what its worth - I would be in favor of an evening turn off - its common sense! But day time - I get the risks involved, and for those who talk about accident rates, thats fine that there have only been one or two accidents, and if this trial were to happen, and you Cllr XXX supported it, then your mum/dad/son/daughter or next door neighbor, got run over during the test would we all feel so "happy to trial this"? Night time - common sense Day time - its too big risk and I wouldnt put my name to it. Why can we get smart traffic lights that use sensors - even sensors that go 100 yards up the road to anticipate what will happen at the lights and change accordingly?
  19. Colin will correct me if I'm wrong, but many door staff are responsible for their patch, once it's gone outside their area, they don't tend to get involved. Isnt that a bad thing? Surely doorstaff that have the ability to stop fights would want to, as in, just being human, want to use their knowledge to stop issues within the line of sight of their premises? I would hope that pubs and clubs instruct their doorstaff to stop things if they can AROUND their venues.
  20. Biomech I go out, and I visit pretty much every club in town over the course of my nights out on the drink, and I dont see the issues in Play that you talk about, in fact, I dont see them in Saxtys, Mamma Jammers or Fusion either, the drugs in Jailhouse, not as much as there used to be, but yes there still are the occasional issues there. I think what you say about food is wrong, in fact I think I have made my thoughts pretty clear on that, in fact go to pretty much any big town of a night, something like Leon Oldman mentioned earlier and go have a look at 2/3/4am in these places and come back and tell me if you think its a good thing or a bad thing. People loitering, fights occurring and mess on the streets. Once again, Im pro business, but I do understand the issue. I also get your point about police figures, but thats the same all over the country - as the instructions change on how to record issues, the figures will change too.
  21. Roger Although I find many of your posts frustrating, I think I agree with almost all of the above, except point 1. Point 3 - I accept what you say about rank and "on the ground knowledge" and I apologize. Back to point 1 - because 50 people want to eat hot food in a place that is not Play/Fusion/Saxtys at 2am, they should supply more police and my and in fact your taxes should pay for that? We already pay higher rates/council tax than Westminster - but you think it should be more as a few people want a kebab late at night? Cant agree with you there! But I will take back the insinuation re the rank you achieved and knowledge level.
  22. Bobby - its only been an hour and 23 minutes since you posted - So I hope you have "serviced the wife" many times since you last post! You posts always raise a smile to my face!
  23. How do I collect my £20? Im not - but I guess you will just have to believe me.
  24. I think the potholes are all part of a bigger plan - that John Wood tyres, and that Wallys garage are in it together to drum up trade for themselves! How can anyone not be pi$$ed off by potholes. The WHOLE road using population would be fed up by them! With regards to the OLM - Its here, its opening soon, no point moaning about it now. Just got to make the best out of it.
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