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George Armstrong

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Everything posted by George Armstrong

  1. It’ll have been the Committee referring to the posts on the Butter Market Facebook page.
  2. Apparently it was the Council Licensing Dept who tried to block the application, but Councillor Greenow passed it anyway.
  3. Herefordshire Council’s licensing committee granted the permission on Wednesday (December 5) for the sale and consumption of alcohol on and off the Maylord Street premises from Monday to Saturday from 8am to 5pm and Sundays from 10am to 4pm. This permission is subject to stallholders abiding by terms and conditions and signing a register. Source Article
  4. https://www.londonremembers.com/memorials/violette-szabo-soe
  5. Stretches of the pavement in Whitecross Road are shared cycle & footpaths, Ubique. Which bits are you on about?
  6. Fixed Penalty Notices are disposals for criminal offences. The Road Traffic Acts and other delegated legislative measures are not civil law but create criminal offences.
  7. It is a criminal offence, albeit not a very serious one. End of.
  8. Colin, The guy at the Asda Roundabout sitting on his bike at the Crossing... that's a Pedestrian & Cycle Crossing, and he's doing nothing wrong.
  9. I think what AV is saying is that, as we do not own the Castle Pool, we need to ensure that we get the necessary permissions before we clean it up. That's my guess at what the cryptic message meant, anyway. Any advances?
  10. Yep - I've groped my way back along there on more than one occasion following a night out in the Barrels. That Butty Bach creeps up on you, doesn't it?
  11. Ah - Gaol Street - Hereford's one time red light district that used to rejoice in its original name of Grope Lane. The highminded Victorians renamed most of the UK's Grope Lanes, and now only Shrewsbury retains their's.
  12. Yes, Ken, but if a traffic order designates a pavement to be dual use, then it's not solely a footpath anymore. Personally I like the Whitecross Rd shared pavements, and find them clearly marked and easy to use. They work well around Saxon Gate & Holme Lacy Rd too.
  13. Works ok for me, Colin. And car crime is low too.
  14. Went around the roundabout this evening - boy, was Ms LAMPUTT struggling. The rain was coming down, the wind getting up and the tent misbehaving as she was trying to tether it down. Bit like a typical camping holiday in the U.K. The camping/protest thing I can just about live with, but why does she need to build such outlandish artistic structures? It's like the kids would make in Mad Max's 'Beyond Thunderdome'. And where do all her handcarts and trolleys come from. Surely someone has missed them by now?!?
  15. According to Twitter, the intended new Hereford Fish & Chips Shop alongside the Golden Galleon has just been granted opening hours up until 4am, despite Council objections. Looks like the former Inspector Semper has come back as a 'Licensing Consultant' and now represents businesses around the city. So it looks like the ban on late night takeaways may be a thing of the past.
  16. Well, that would rather suggest that Thortons have made a strategic decision to access a much bigger clientele by supplying major chain grocers and at the same time save on their wages and overheads costs by ditching their high street shops. Ferrero International SA, based in Luxembourg, own them so I can't imagine the share price has been rocked by the Hereford closure. I'm more saddened by the loss of independent local stores myself.
  17. Not website - I meant to say Facebook page...
  18. They were published on the Council website in advance of the hearing. Too lengthy to reproduce here. However they were abandoned once the full circumstances were aired - hence the hearing cancelled. According to their website, The Grapes are putting on a big programme of live music events as well. Consequently I think this place is going to be a great addition to the Hereford scene, and deserve our full support.
  19. Good news at last. Following several months of a protracted battle with Herefordshire Council's Licensing Department, new landlords Gary & Sonia CALDWELL have received their premises licence following the Licensing Department withdrawing their objections earlier this week. The new team received a wealth of support, ranging from other local landlords, the RW Mayor, Hereford BID, Herefordshire CAMRA to name but a few. This lost jewel of an ancient inn is now open, offering a wide range of Irish food, drink and live entertainment. Let's hope that Herefordshire punters can support this new venture by sampling some real Dublin-brewed Guinness etc, all in moderation, of course.
  20. Where does Mr Karzan Elias originally come from, Colin? And don't anyone say Poland as that urban myth is getting a bit tedious now...
  21. Get what you're saying, but it's a bit of a sweeping generalisation re Eign Gate. Yes, several shops have had 'issues' (sometimes repeatedly) in the past. If one were to be closed and the proprietors banned from running a shop in Herefordshire, then I'm sure we wouldn't get these repeat problems and all stores (including other convenience ones in Eign Gate) would be run properly and legitimately. All I can tell you is that there is a gap in the law, and these muppets who go on the Hereford Times comments section and pontificate on what is essentially a good news story about Trading Standards and Police seizing the largest haul of illicit, smuggled and/or counterfeit goods off dodgy businesses in our county's history, are jeering in their sad confusion.
  22. Yes, of course, but not as a convenience store, or only with conditions e.g. no tobacco sales.
  23. Change of legislation required, clearly :)
  24. You're slightly missing my point, Alex. It's not banning them from ever having a license again but (a) curtailing them from being a shopkeeper in Hereford and (b) restricting the business use of that premises, in future.
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