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Paul Jones

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Paul Jones last won the day on October 21 2021

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  1. Their admin has some issues for sure, what a sad case. Thankfully I don's use fb and prefer to stick to using forums but it is good that you've called them out and fair-play to you. I would be talking with my solicitor because some of this is obvious plagiarism, so I would be taking this further.
  2. Good to see this unit being re-occupied by a local company.
  3. This is a disgrace and I sincerely hope that the council planners refuse this immediately.
  4. Why spend money on more surveys, if he has listened to the community, can he not make a decision?
  5. RIP, this is sad news
  6. Looking forward to this store opening, we have visited these before and good value, bulk items
  7. Must of been a few strong people to even carry this statue. Hope they manage to get it back.
  8. Agree with you, where are people supposed t put all of these bins. You see them outside homes in other cities and it just looks a mess.
  9. Brilliant, I love it 👏
  10. Well done to the firefighters 👍
  11. Good luck with the future of your business, what an odd thing to say
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