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Paul Jones

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Everything posted by Paul Jones

  1. Their admin has some issues for sure, what a sad case. Thankfully I don's use fb and prefer to stick to using forums but it is good that you've called them out and fair-play to you. I would be talking with my solicitor because some of this is obvious plagiarism, so I would be taking this further.
  2. Good to see this unit being re-occupied by a local company.
  3. This is a disgrace and I sincerely hope that the council planners refuse this immediately.
  4. Why spend money on more surveys, if he has listened to the community, can he not make a decision?
  5. RIP, this is sad news
  6. Looking forward to this store opening, we have visited these before and good value, bulk items
  7. Must of been a few strong people to even carry this statue. Hope they manage to get it back.
  8. Agree with you, where are people supposed t put all of these bins. You see them outside homes in other cities and it just looks a mess.
  9. Brilliant, I love it 👏
  10. Well done to the firefighters 👍
  11. Good luck with the future of your business, what an odd thing to say
  12. Prefer it when it is closed, nice and relaxed with lots of people and cyclists using it, sort of got used to it now.
  13. This has been brilliant for Hereford, we visited the statue earlier this week, good to see so many people at the Cathedral and around the city, it is has a real boost for Hereford.
  14. The sooner it is built the better, we can moan and groan all day which is getting us nowhere.
  15. I have just read this interesting comment; Hmmm, I wonder who could have written this with so much detail? 🤔
  16. I agree, many people complain but there is a lot to celebrate in Hereford, well done to Hereford Voice for promoting our city so well.
  17. Good run for Hereford shame they didn't win. 👍
  18. I agree, I see lots of people particularly on FB moaning for the sake of it but I checked the link and lots of work has been done I can see.
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