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Paul Jones

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Everything posted by Paul Jones

  1. Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic have all refused to take these migrants and as far as I am concerned are protecting their borders which they have a right to do. You don't see many muslim terrorists active in these countries... The other reason is that the UK offers benefits! Which most of these other countries do not! Do you see a pattern forming here yet? Well done to all of these countries for standing your ground and refusing to be bullied by the idiot Angela Merkel. She has tried to appear to be a saviour and hero and it has backfired on her in Germany, now she want to distribute her guests all over the EU. Germany will face attacks next, mark my words some nutter refugee will start killing people before long
  2. Cameron is not a leader but a spineless bloke who rolls over every-time some liberal looney lefty pressure group demands something . They are teenagers sent to get residency by the extended family - then the whole family will come over as soon as they are established. It is about time our politicians started thinking about the people who elected them instead of sending billions of pounds to people who hate us .
  3. H Wilson has raised points about how things were back then and I agree it was very different back then and I am speaking from my own experiences. I am over 6ft in height and I rarely was me feet on the terraces but I was regularly carried and swayed along in all directions with the crowd and when a goal was scored it was even more intense. But when up to 20% of the jury disagrees with the overall decision it is not exactly a watertight verdict in my view, even after 2 years of considering the evidence 2 people still couldnt be convinced to go along with the majority.
  4. This is a different topic, this discussion is more about immigrants/migrants entering the EU. We all know the apparent reasons, although I do not necessarily agree with your view.
  5. A massive brawl this time http://news.sky.com/story/1679992/massive-brawl-erupts-at-migrant-camp-in-paris
  6. Good to see this sort of thing. Well done to all involved.
  7. Good effort and good luck
  8. I have signed the petition, this is totally out of order and someone should step in and release this man as soon as possible. If this had been some drug addict up for stealing for the 8th time it would be a slap on the wrist, this makes me sick.
  9. I read the story in the Daily Mail this morning. I voted for IOC in the last election, but if this is part of their policy then they will loose my vote next time around. Some party clarification on this story wouldn't go a miss?
  10. You can move the people from the scum but you can't remove the scum from the people....
  11. These are the same owners as Biedronka and Zabka! This woman has small shares from my understanding, so they are using her to obtain the licence. I hope that the council see through this and it is refused! How does one go about objecting to this?
  12. I was about to say I thought that it looks very nice. It is modern and it has been developed to help prevent counterfeiting. I never real;used how long the original pound coin had been in circulation, good to have a change (no pun intended) :Cha ching:
  13. They should remove that section of cones because they are the cones causing the majority of traffic.
  14. A lot of my European friends tend to eat healthy food, non of these ready meals or sugary drinks. I was with a work colleague a few weeks back and he commented that he thought taking little kids to eat in McDonalds was disgusting. He usually always has a prepared roll and pure fresh fruit juice with him at work.
  15. No common sense whatsoever.
  16. Great result and well deserved, go and win it lads
  17. It is pretty obvious that a salt bin is needed here otherwise having one would not of been requested and Colin what not of gone out of his way to attend the parish meeting in order to submit his request, this is almost an insult to his judgement. They are taking the pi*%, what qualifies Des Parish or the other councillor as to whether a bin here would be justified unless they live in the close and witness the problems first hand.
  18. "Stir the pot" I noticed that and decided to ignore it. ragwert, do you think your title should be changed to Police seek man in connection with rape of 2 girls? To be fair, the man in this photograph is not necessarily the rapist is he? I hope they catch the culprit soon, he should be castrated!
  19. Good that the council will manage to find all these homes when my niece has been waiting for a few years with her child to be housed, that is all I am saying. I am not commenting anymore on this subject i don't want to be accused of alongside other members who share my views of ganging up on others. Bless Blame Angela Merkel. Herefordshire council best start ordering these posters from the printers for the local swimming baths. Oh and inform the police and trading standards because it won't be long before you see more of this going on here. Apparently most of these Kurds running these shops were also migrants refugees (half of which came in under lorries and still continue to attempt to smuggle more in). Mark my words.
  20. Very difficult to remove someone who is all matey with most of the other parish councillors.
  21. Good to see recognition where it is deserved, congratulations.
  22. Probably not, I have not see any application and I had a quick look. These people are the same people who own the shop opposite Steels in Whitecross Rd, I believe they are friends of the other Kurdish shop owners in Eign Gate. The reason the shop windows and doors are totally covered maybe to prevent people seeing inside? Why is that then?
  23. What qualifies you to judge how others comment? it has nothing to do with the forum that is merely the vehicle provided for members to share their own views and opinions. I respect everybody's own personal views and beliefs whether i happen to agree with them or not but you clearly do get rattled don't you when most members disagree with you? well sorry, but many people share centre-right wing views too, maybe there just happens to be a bigger majority commenting here but it is not much different on FB and Twitter and other social media recently either from my experience.
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