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Paul Jones

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Everything posted by Paul Jones

  1. It is only going to become worse Roger. http://news.sky.com/story/1636035/paris-attacker-warned-of-90-more-jihadists
  2. I don't recall calling anyone a lunatic?
  3. I will wait for one of our resident lefties to defend this lot in Germany AGAIN. This upsetting footage appears to show a group of young migrants attacking two elderly German men who stepped in because they harassed a girl on the subway Pensioners attacked this time. The full story and video can be found here and in the Telegraph here
  4. During the president of Iran state visit to Italy recently famous nude statues were covered up! What gives? He is visiting Italy, well I am sorry Mr Rouhani, covering women in black head to toe, public executions and stoning I find offensive! http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jan/28/no-nudes-is-bad-news-for-italian-official-ridiculed-in-rouhani-statue-row EU has gone PC mad! WHY would Italy want to even consider hiding her heritage?
  5. BB can easily remedy this leaning tree.
  6. Yes, I have no problem in taking and helping genuine refugee's and I agree with David Cameron that we should only take refugees from legit camps within Syria. There should also be a limit and once the war is over and their country is stable again then these people should return to their homeland.
  7. We bought a nice solid table and chairs here, delivery is 8 weeks which is longer than I thought. Hey ho I hope it is worth the wait. It was packed in here yesterday, good to see the premised occupied again.
  8. I am pleased to hear that dippy because I never want to intimidate anyone, I am merely expressing my views like many others members on here. So is banging your head against a wall a sign of frustration because not everyone agree's with you? Because in life not everyone is the same, we all hold different values and principles, I admire you for sticking to yours but please don't condemn others for sticking to theirs.
  9. We are having a debate, I may not agree with your left wing ideology, however, this is a debate, so please don't start with the I am being bullied scenario, seeking the sympathy vote. We are all entitled to voice our opinions, don't get upset because not everyone agree's with each other or you.
  10. They should of closed the borders between EU countries back last year. I am sure some idiot will claim it is illegal for countries to claim back their borders.
  11. I was waiting for that concentration camp 'cheap shot' of a comparison, who ever came up with that should hang their head in shame.
  12. You hit the nail on the head Steve.
  13. You took the words out of my mouth. Why are these refugees not going to other Muslim countries? Qatar, Dubai, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia etc..
  14. Please read my reply again, I said young people are in need of new affordable homes? All I am saying is that I do not think the city centre (High Town) is where they should be building them.
  15. Good news for people wanting affordable homes.
  16. I actually prefer to support local traders where I can and the shopping and getting out and about experience personally, I do purchase online but that is not my first choice.
  17. I agree with you up until your last paragraph, young people are in need of new affordable homes but I do not think the city centre/outskirts is where they should be.
  18. There are many products that can be sold, it does not have to be something unique. "Hi-Fi Gear" have recently moved from Rotherwas into King Street and they are very busy, because they offer the full package. I have no problem with coffee shops, I would rather a coffee shop than an empty shop, they all busy so the demand is there. If I was going to open a business now I would probably open a Polish bakery.
  19. I would open a shop that offers a service along with the product, that is what is lacking, also I have noticed when you go into a shop and ask the assistant to you have these shoes in a size 9 (example) they can't be bothered to look out the back half the tim and will just utter words like everything is out and then follow it up wit the classic you can order online, so I blame the shops for encouraging their staff to tell customers to go online, if everyone did that they would have no need for a shop. I just think the council and landlords should be doing a lot more. You have already stated the obvious when you said "some shops have been empty for years and realistically have little or no change of opening" so unless investment is made both both parties then these premises will continue to just decay even more.
  20. I marked you down for your comment on changing use to possible starter homes because I do not agree. There are many empty homes around the county I do not think we should start thinking of making the city more residential, that will be the nail in the coffin. Council should look at investing in their city and maybe spending money together with the landlords to help in making Hereford more of an attractive place to set up a business rather than being the least attractive! They would rather waste this money on new paving and fancy seating and trees in the centre that will never be maintained.
  21. NOOOOOOOO!! This is our city, DO NOT change it into a residential area please!
  22. They were quite happy to give Asda planning to build a huge supermarket so I fail to see what difference a little garage will make, really! The traffic is ALREADY THERE!! I cannot see additional traffic arriving just because a new garage appears.
  23. good idea and it keeps the income coming in, win win
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