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Paul Jones

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Everything posted by Paul Jones

  1. 10 days is a brilliant turnaround. I hope they come back and repair the non working lights but it certainly looks a light brighter now than 10 days ago.
  2. Church? I never new there was a church there.
  3. Thanks for the info, it is surprising how many incidents there are, I was expecting a lot less. Good to see this update.
  4. That lot needs clearing up, I feel sorry for the neighbours
  5. I am not entirely sure what the law says bout illegal workers in the UK but I would imagine the restaurant owner will now face a very hefty fine and I expect these people to be deported asap.
  6. Angela Merkel is not as popular in Germany as she once was and polls suggests her party is recently losing votes. Of course economic migrants exist and like the members before me have already pointed out, this will not help the genuine people seeking asylum. What did they expect?
  7. Yes and they closed his hot dog van down if my memory is good? I would grab a nice burger or hot dog on my way home during the early hours. Good on the Golden Galleon for submitting their application, I hope now others will follow.
  8. Absolute result this is very good to hear.
  9. They are all offline and you can only pay with cash.
  10. My point was if it is okay for mobility scooters in town then why not bikes?
  11. I will throw another issue in here. I witnessed someone on a mobility scooter running into the back of a guy outside Monsoon about a month ago. The man was rubbing his legs in pain. So it is okay to drive, in some cases quite fast using a mobility scooter as long as you are classed as 'disabled' then?
  12. Pleased to hear and read the camera's are now up and running. Hopefully this will go someway into making people feel a little safer along here.
  13. I agree too Roger, I have never known a shopping centre not to have ATM machines. Planning department pass some very odd things, yet on the other hand refuse simple things like this? It's beyond me.
  14. It is actually a "messenger" I notice, I cannot find anything that says it being private but I am sure the alias is a person who does not actually exisit, yes?
  15. A step towards total closure I wonder?
  16. Thats that party buggered then
  17. I never realised that you could not place foil in the recycle bins, thanks for the heads up
  18. I don't mind buskers but hate chuggers, I find it quite intimidating to be truthful. I have just read this article, strangely the image looks very familiar http://conversation.which.co.uk/money/best-way-to-give-to-charity-credit-card-chuggers/
  19. I couldn't agree more Denise. Well done keep up the good work.
  20. I would imagine even if they were granted a licence to trade until 4.30am they would not be open everyday until that time, so don't really understand what the issue would be. Friday and Saturday they should be able to stay open until they want but I don't think 4.00am is an unreasonable request at this stage.
  21. Can't agree sorry Chris. There have been so many complaints. This was a poorly run festival that was way overpriced. It was advertised Herefordshire sausage and cider festival and quite frankly that was misleading for many people. When you looked into this, did you look into the same event they ran at Leicester? That had an equal amount of complaints too. Music may have been okay, but most live music is appreciated anyway. Crappy burgers and poor limited selection of code none of which was local.
  22. Thank you for commenting Cllr, i think you have hit the nail on the head, people were expecting local produce, you could not even have a sample to try first of anything, unlike the ROTW festival which is very popular.
  23. I took my niece and nephew yesterday, what a rip off! I paid £8.50 for me and £7 each for my niece and nephew, not sure what the fee was for because then I had to pay for them to go onto the rides. Cider was £4 per pint and hot dog £5, spent over £50 in less than 2 hours! Lesson learned.
  24. The meeting served its purpose by the sound of it. Good news is that cctv is being installed now over the next week or so.
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