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Paul Jones

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Everything posted by Paul Jones

  1. I this day and age I think its inevitable and probably overdue.
  2. This type of segregation will be very popular with certain sections of our vibrantly enriched multicultural nirvana. The creeping conversion of our nation continues apace...
  3. Extra police patrols are also required along this path especially during the dark hours.
  4. I walked past here today, its looks odd now the flats have been flattened. Putting up the houses very quickly too.
  5. Its the only fair way if we are to be totally honest with ourselves.
  6. It looks like they have ticked all the right boxes. With regard to the litter pick then surely they can only be responsible for the area immediately surrounding the chippy, if someone walks home across bars court road and decides to just throw the litter in the street I fail to see how this chippy is to blame, that has to come down to the irresponsible person committing the crime and not the chippy, if thats the case then Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury's should pay to dredge the river in order to retrieve there discarded trolleys. Getting back to the topic I am looking forward to the outcome of this application, personally, I see no real cause for objection, they seem to have done their homework.
  7. I know this is a bit random but I actually agree with Katie Hopkins for once. I have witnessed many times people being told that you have 3kg too much weight in this bag, so you now need to take that out and place it in the other bag, which can all be very humiliating. It does not matter that the next person in the queue could be 10 stones heavier than you as long as their bag is not overweight then thats fine. The airline have to increase the amount of fuel they load according to the weight that they carry.
  8. I still believe the hooper buses were better, they were smaller but had more routes and more frequently too if I remember. Hope that is the long term plan if they are really coming back into service.
  9. Aww Glenda, your were elected and for whatever reason a new election has had to take place at least your could congratulate the new elected councillor. Sour grapes, its obvious and no matter what happens good or bad you always take every opportunity to have a dig at Phil Edwards, get over him! If you really cared about the people of NF we would not be congratulating Mark Sykes today.
  10. Yes as sad as it is to read you are correct, I have never used the library I can find everything I need online. Even my mrs who is a big bookworm downloads eBooks these days. I would prefer to have the money spent installing additional CCTV camera's along the old railway lines.
  11. A friends brother works in the CCTV room in Hereford and I can confirm that these camera's are indeed monitored, maybe not constantly but they do flick between the various locations and monitor the cameras along with other people and they are always in touch with the police to report incidents etc. so having CCTV camera's along the entire length on the GWW is vey much needed in my opinion. HD CCTV with infrared technology is the best option.
  12. Absolutely this needed to be reported and discussed on HV, the last murders in Hereford were, this one is no different, in fact, the unfortunate victim is local to us and part of our community. I hope they have the culprit and Christians family at least have some sort of closure, then they can lay him to rest. A very difficult time for them.
  13. Yes this is a real loss, especially for us curry and Indian lovers, last day tomorrow and I will be there.
  14. Change in the weather, people are more outdoors this time of the year, I notice this on other forums so this is not unique.
  15. Ah yes thats right, I read that somewhere, thanks for responding AV.
  16. Thanks got it now, what is going there?
  17. I do not know where this is?
  18. They have been there for more than 4 years! This has nothing to do with the drains this is the car dealer keeping his store window clear. Who is the local councillor?
  19. Yes I agree, money making vehicles grrrr
  20. Over a year and still no ATM, cant believe that.
  21. Your wrong Cambo, its been heard all day, in fact both WirralPC and Phil Smart as still harping on about it
  22. I see he has recruited lol
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