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Paul Jones

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Everything posted by Paul Jones

  1. Good on you Mr Barlow this is nice to see, he made the day of some very ill people I'm sure.
  2. I never did appreciate his views, I felt he bullied members himself with his abuse, if you did not agree with him, can't be doing with people like that, everyone is entitled to have their opinion without having to be subjected to a whole load of abuse.
  3. I will ignore the negative comments and just say well done to Gary Barlow, he didn't have to take time out to visit the hospice. I also saw he appeared at a weeding to surprise the bride on GoggleBox a few months back too, seems like a genuine nice guy.
  4. We ate there yesterday, food and service was top notch, prices were not too bad.
  5. Maybe that was your downfall... I see both independents and its our county more or less on the same hymn sheet so curious now, can you qualify your statement Glenda? Just so that you are aware, I voted for you Glenda.
  6. Something stinks here!!
  7. Personally, I love it, yes I agree that a lot of things could of been made better and I still think we are looking at the back end when coming into the city from the south, still do not understand why there was never a roof either. I am shocked to read that there is no cashpoint on sire though?
  8. Welcome to HV David and thank you for clarifying things, personally I share the view and think its unfair but hey ho, we will wait for all the other candidates to rush there now with all of their stateboards.
  9. I cannot say that I disagree with you, the sooner this council is removed the better, we need fresh ideas from younger people, its no wonder the city is dying.
  10. He would of got more respect from me Denise if he had of chosen a British military vehicle, still, I'm sure he got everyones attention, which was his goal.
  11. He is obviously miffed at all this mickey taking and I would imagine does not like being called a liar, but hey! I do not believe for one minute he has never told lies and from my understanding he offered sweeteners and failed to deliver, so sorry councillor, you just have to take the flack on the chin and I completely agree with bobby47's comments. He will be an even bigger pantomime fool if there is any truth to this legal action crap, get a life man!
  12. And one more photos from Your Herefordshire
  13. I thought this was hilarious, UKIP candidate Nigel Ely given a parking ticket whilst canvassing in Hereford, this was yesterday apparently. Strangley the vehicle he uses for his campaign is a US military truck? photos from Your Herefordshire
  14. Is this not cheating a little? I would not want my name associated with local toilets to be honest lol
  15. Hey, just heard it on the radio
  16. This is spot on! They have in my opinion STOLEN the brand of a large well known Polish shop as Roger has pointed out Zabka and now more recently they have opened another new shop directly opposite (Jennings old shop) and STOLEN yet another well know chain branding from Poland called Biedronka, after receiving several complains they changed the logo to something slightly different, it is now a bee, but they still however use the Biedronka ladybird logo on their Facebook page. How can they just steal another companies name and logo and nobody does anything about it? Surely this is trade misdicription at the very least! The staff have no contracts and are paid below the minimum wage and usually in cash.
  17. A super idea and I cannot see why it it could not be implimented. Most of the old track is still there from just past the theatre, just be a case of removing it and laying new tracks for a tram, they would also need to install the electrics but it would be eco friendly, ideal for all, disabled people would have easy access with buggies too, I have seen that working well in Holland. I think its a brilliant idea and would take a lot of pressure from the main roads at the same time.
  18. Well opinions I guess, its just when it becomes personal its wrong. I think your suggestions that all the member who commented are ill informed is unfair though. We will never all agree or the world would be a boring place.
  19. I need to clarify something else here, if a member says something or creates a topic that nobody agree's with, then are those members who disagree then in a gang/posse and in turn bullies?
  20. Ditto, good call
  21. Looks like a different close altogether, well done BB on a job well done.
  22. Sad to see some many empty shops, hope they are soon occupied, whether that be another coffee shop or clothes shop anything has to be better than an EMPTY one.
  23. Personally, I am still surprised to see coppers on the beat alone and often attending a crime alone and all they have in the way of any protection is a poxy tazer gun, sorry but I think we should fall inline like many other European countries and all offers should be armed, especially with the recent events in Paris becoming more frequent and these other nutters like the two that attacked and killed Lee Rigby.
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