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Paul Jones

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Everything posted by Paul Jones

  1. How can there be too many shops? It's the city centre, the last thing we want to do is turn them into flats, we have residential area's for that. As soon as you start turning these shops into flats you then create other problems, someone want to open a club/pub then you have objections etc.. The answer is to invest in these units and the surroundings, Hereford City centre is in much need of some serious TLC and has been neglected for far too long.
  2. Last time I had a pint here was a couple of weeks ago just after the new year and before that was at the beginning of December with my friend. I notice on local social media sites that there are a few campaigners with their boots on already demanding that this be kept as a pub but I bet have of them have either never stepped through the door of the Broadleys or have not been here for years. Unless the brewery invest in the pub and modernise it or turn in into a restaurant then it will doomed and either end up as another express supermarket, which we don't need or just boarded up like the Ship Inn, personally given the choice I would rather see something there.
  3. Bill's reply to you is fair and to the point. I agree with Bill, far too many demands for 'apologises and thanks' required on your part and suggesting that their organisation would be responsible for any death is quite ludicrous. If I received this letter I think I would be very tempted to make a paper aeroplane with it to be frank. Your intentions I am sure are very sincere but your whole approach and demeanor are the opposite.
  4. I agree with alex, what is the difference whether there are blacks bags or bins? Bags poise a bigger problem in many ways compared to bins. I think these obstructions are worse!
  5. I usually nip in here for a pint on my way home when I am on 6am-2pm shift, sad news indeed for Hereford.
  6. You do not hear of non Muslims going into Mosques and randomly killing people but I think it may come, sadly. Some of these fanatics must be brain washed, they really must be.
  7. I am with you on this Colin. Hereford offers NOTHING for people on a night out wanting a late night bite, at least this will now open the door hopefully, to be honest when you have the munchies after a night out, personally, I could not care less if its McDonalds, Indian, Chinese or a Kebab..
  8. Happy days!!!!!!! There is nothing worse and I mean nothing worse than not being able to grab a curry on your way home after a good night out, I remeber the days when you could get a curry at 4am from Ip Sisters
  9. A Rotherwas station is a must in my opinion. There was a station there years ago re open that line if possible.
  10. Ignore the criticism, I cannot believe someone actually complained but hey ho. Some really neat arial shots, which you don't see everyday even if they are not in PERFECT focus.
  11. Nothing better than a good really heated debate but this one, through no fault of HV got a little out of hand. A difficult decision for the admin but I think the right one was made. Excellent administration by Colin.
  12. It's all a con, the place has not even been open 6 months! So these shops have not given it a full year yet, secondly, I was still charged full price for the car park the other night when I was there, so where is the reduction in parking fee's if half the shops are not open??
  13. Some really neat history here.
  14. I agree, maybe a few new signs showing part time times - 7pm-7am or something along those lines. There is no special layout in Gloucester, in general, it's been proven than when the lights are out people actually slow down out of caution.
  15. If you reduce the speed limit to 30mph some people will still drive at 30mph. There are less pedestrians during the night but I still think that making the lights part time and treating these junctions as roundabouts again is a good idea. I works fine in Gloucester!
  16. You have marked Eign St for a start? Leave these lights alone, from my understanding it's just the main junctions that is being proposed to become part time, thus allowing traffic at night to continue along the ring road. In other words treat these 2 junctions as roundabouts at night. The times I have been sat at the traffic lights at 2am when there has been no traffic is a joke! I drove out of Asda early hours this morning and wanted to go straight over and along the Ross road, I was sat there for ages, not a car in site or a pedestrian for that matter.
  17. Well he would like to serve cold food, just tell him not to heat it up but this is a pi*% take on behalf of the local council in my opinion. Red tape and lots of it! Like a previous member has said, Jim Mooney and his colleagues need to get into the 21st century, no wonder people choose to go to other towns, how crap for the young people who go out in Hereford and have been working hard all week. But it's okay to go and have a hot pasty from the garage, in my book, thats discrimination!
  18. No point looking at all the side roads that you have indicated in your image Jonny, the discussions are ONLY about the junctions mentioned above and in the original opening post. The Asda junction has independent pedestrian lights (there is also another independent pedestrian crossing 30 metres along opposite the roundabout stores) and so does the Edgar St junction.
  19. Please don't be so narrow minded, of course the pedestrian lights would stay on, can't believe you actually thought that nobody had thought about that and we were all considering turning them off
  20. Well just to provoke things a little more, I have a friend who works in this store, without a contract and he pays his staff £4 per hour! And guess what, he still has dodgy cigarettes there after the court case and you can take that to the bank!
  21. It appears that Herefordshire Council have plenty of money what with this recent £90k per annum job and now these two jobs, almost £200,000 in wages for just 3 people!
  22. This is Tesco doing their bit for the community.
  23. What I find frustrating is that the government soon find a few million pound to send in aid to foreign lands and the click of the finger, lets start looking after our own country!!!
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