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Paul Jones

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Everything posted by Paul Jones

  1. Nice shot
  2. Considering the work that the farmer did, this is possibly a good move
  3. So just a slap on the wrist then... Poor sentencing like this really boils my pi*%!
  4. Happy Boxing Day right back at you
  5. Merry Xmas to all
  6. I'm on the same page as you.
  7. I was in the city centre just after lunch and it was really busy, sat and had a coffee in the middle of high town and enjoyed some people watching in the sunshine
  8. I like it! We should be encoring people to Hereford not driving them away with constant moaning. Good idea with a positive campaign
  9. This is crap news, especially when they have not been open that long. We had a wicked pizza only a week ago so hope to see them back
  10. Absolutely ridiculous and did you see how much rubbish was left behind too!
  11. I never knew we had so few toilets in Hereford
  12. This is a terrible idea. Why close these roads this is only going to force people onto the new bridge and cause even more congestion. 😡
  13. This is all well and good but they will need to recoup the lost money elsewhere to pay for other important services.
  14. Yes it's disturbing really, I wish people would use the bins provided or take their rubbish home
  15. Good work but an unbelievable amount of rubbish!
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