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Paul Jones

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Everything posted by Paul Jones

  1. This is so true
  2. I agree with you Martin but equally the radio presenter should've know better. Personally I think the singer is a little strange but unfortunately these days you have to keep your thoughts to yourself or it will be labelled hate crime.
  3. Absolute legend of a man, happy birthday sir
  4. These men are heroes but to think this was 40 years ago is scary
  5. Good article Colin and a very thoughtful gesture from the firm involved fair play.
  6. This makes complete sense, let us hope that it can still go ahead in September
  7. Brilliant, this is a neat idea to show appreciation
  8. A community hub in the centre of the city sounds like a good idea to me. Let's hope everything is straight forward so they can open asap
  9. Glad we bought a Dyson now, well done to all the companies involved in making additional ventilators.
  10. This should be the norm for NHS staff without a doubt.
  11. All key workers play an important role and these shop workers should not have to put up with any abuse, I hope I don't witness any of this or I may have something to say. Keep up the good work guys we are all with you.
  12. Stay at home people where you can
  13. A lot of water, 700 tons per second according to the news tonight passed thru the old bridge
  14. Yes I had a text too
  15. Student accommodation looks pretty smart tbf
  16. Pity there was no mention of Hereford Voice in this bulletin
  17. I see other media channels are jumping on this idea which originated here, I hate that, when one group have bee campaigning for years and years and then when it starts to gain momentum all the others inc the HT try and claim the credit with no mention of where the idea originated, same with the traffic lights idea. Rant over
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