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Paul Jones

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Everything posted by Paul Jones

  1. Good luck to all the staff, nice people, shame the bank has closed, I have been using this bank for over 12 years, Barclays now
  2. At last hopefully that eye sore will actually become something nice.
  3. Hello Raymond, we have the same problem south of the ricer too. The people who own the houses have a duty to keep the footpaths clear of their own hedges and tree's, I agree with Denise, speak with you local councillor, name they can discuss this with the owners of the offending overgrowth directly or possible even send them a letter outlining the issues that this is causing pedestrians.
  4. Personally, I do not believe the results of the traffic analysis, I see hundreds of trucks driving through Hereford everyday. All the other towns have bypasses, Leominster, Ludlow, Shrewsbury, Ross on Wye, I think this will be the best thing to happen locally, it has taken far too long to get to this stage imo
  5. This is really good and will brighten up the area and also good for students at the art college. Well done to all of those involved in getting it off the ground.
  6. What are you on about years? They only knocked the Ship pub down last August, work was delayed for a few weeks when we had the snow (beat from the east) other than that I believe that they are more or less on schedule. Full details and the latest updates on this development can be found here
  7. Well done ragwert, nice to see good people helping out
  8. Should of been given a short sharp shock in prison too, SCUMBAGS!
  9. I cannot honestly remember the last time I actually went into a high st bank, it will not be long before they are all closed.
  10. I find it annoying that JK appears to claim the credit like he has just thought if it, when it is other peoples ideas and long running campaigns, generally a good bloke but loves his name/photo in the paper.
  11. Inquest article taken from the HT: All very sad.
  12. I thought this land was left in someones will to be used for recreational purposes, so I take it that the council hold the lease? So it is down to the council to decide what the ground is used for then? (This is good news for HFC)
  13. It is good to see I agree Colin but it shouldn't take a post on Hereford Voice to encourage Halfords to clean up their space, this should be automatic and a priority
  14. Extra £30M funding in an attempt to rid England of rough sleepers. See here
  15. Congratulations, what a brilliant achievement
  16. until

    We had a look last night and it looks just as impressive at night
  17. This is great, well done to all involved.
  18. This was posted in this topic yesterday my friend.
  19. A little bit of snow and I mean a little bit and the country is almost at a standstill

  20. Let it snow! Not even 1mm on the ground and already schools closed, what a joke!
  21. They would of been better off having a sign showing your current speed rather than one that penalises the motorists, although I cannot imagine anyone getting above 30mph unless it is at 3am leaving Hereford.
  22. I thought this was a joke when I first saw the article, camera is not required here.
  23. I am not surprised to be honest
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