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Paul Jones

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Everything posted by Paul Jones

  1. It will be good if these get passed we need new life put back into this area. I does not seem right that the rates and higher than the rent itself but rates are based upon set figures and it is what it is, as long as this is accounted for within their budget no problem. I wish them luck with their application and future business.
  2. This is a difficult one to reply to, this man is in obvious need of help and from my understanding from a local friend he was getting a lot of help from various health authorities. He is clearly is huge danger to other people so not sure what the best solution is here without being politically correct. He has murdered his mother, yes we could argue that he probably didn't realise what he was doing, so what now? The help he was receiving was not working and there is probably no real cure here either, secure hospital?
  3. This is dreadful news, thoughts are with this man's family and friends.
  4. Something for free from Herefordshire Council, I best spread the word quickly lol.
  5. Happy new year lets hope 2018 is a fantastic year
  6. I drove past earlier this evening and it looks like the trailer has gone.
  7. Very ugly
  8. The traditional phone box as we know it is disappearing.
  9. This is unbelievable really, I mean how much is the trailer worth? Hard to believe someone would just dump a lorry trailer like this.
  10. This is pretty dramatic stuff surprised that nobody was hurt
  11. I can't say I disagree with you on this one.
  12. How many new sets of traffic lights?
  13. The council have to make revenue so if they were to reverse the parking meters your council tax would go up. If I am honest paying a pound or so to park is not really a problem for me, most cities have parking meters these days so Hereford is not alone by any means.
  14. This is a good idea and at least the council have listed to the local traders
  15. Perfect location for me yum yum
  16. Unbelievable I wonder if their meter will tell them how much they have wasted?
  17. I was never sure if that was a private area to the house next door, so I guess this is open to the public?
  18. I like the look of these plans, lets hope that they are passed. It looks like it would be gated complex so pretty secure too.
  19. Where in St Martins Street is the Cenotaph? Is it the Crucifix?
  20. I totally agree. The law is there for a reason.
  21. Unreal how this has just been left to fall apart.
  22. I have been monitoring this topic and I am really quite surprised at how frequent people actually ride their bikes on footpaths, this is pretty dangerous for pedestrians particularly on narrow footpaths. I also was not really aware of how bad this problem has become, the police should enforce the law, I remember as a kid growing up, police would always tell you to get off your bikes and were hot on no lights etc.
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