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Paul Jones

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Everything posted by Paul Jones

  1. I cannot believe what I am reading here, £260k!!!! This cannot be right, surely?
  2. Good point
  3. What a load of rubbish! Hereford is busier then ever since the new development opened.
  4. Loving these photo's keep them coming
  5. Thought that lol
  6. I have seen busy businesses close due to the poor running of a business, so it is not always because they were quite or local competition, sometimes it is down to bad practice behind the scenes.
  7. Petition is worded all wrong in my view. He has already been officially invited... I totally agree with him with regards to protecting the US and I blame Angela Merkel for causing all the troubles in Europe, he has already mentioned the mess of Europe with migrants and this was obviously partly what has led him to ban muslims in imo, whether we like it or not. As Teresa May stated, what they do with their borders is their business and what we do with our borders is ours
  8. Well there has been a massive and POSITIVE response on FB, so maybe it is just you. You are never happy with anything but you hate Hereford anyway so I don't know why you even bother to comment because I am yet to see a positive response to any topic from you. Personally, I think the guys that went on the trip have done a fantastic job in representing Hereford, it is brilliant to see some people really making an effort and I hope that this come to fruition. We have a large Polish community in Hereford with some history from the war, embracing this is a good idea and will strengthen our ties.
  9. I didn't expect a sensible answer from you and I see you have not let me down. These people paid for their own trip.
  10. So why do you think it is sad for it to close if you see no real reason to eat or drink in town? May as well close all cafes, restaurants and bars down then.
  11. They should of built more blocks and a few stories higher too in my opinion, they do it all over Europe but not in Hereford, it is no wonder there is a shortage on homes!
  12. I can't say that I agree with this excuse that has been offered, regardless of where you are from everybody knows the difference between right and wrong, I cannot imagine for one second why a gang of youths would want to set fire to a homeless man. This anger from this repressive society would of been best used fighting for their homeland in my view. I also think there is a lot more of this kind of behaviour to come, a lot of these people simply find it difficult to live in a western society and in my view many will never mix. I hope in time things change for the better and people can live together but I think that is all dreamland stuff. Once the Syrian conflict in over then I would like to think that the majority of these people would go back to their country and help rebuild it but I suspect most will stay. We all have different views, so with that in mind, I would like to wish you and your family a happy new year. I have no doubt that this subject will rear its ugly head again in the future Bobby
  13. Another vile attack in Germany! German police confirmed on Tuesday that six young men had turned themselves in over a suspected attempt on Christmas Eve to set a homeless man on fire in the German capital. The development came just a day after police released images and video footage of the suspects in a Berlin underground station. "We know who the main suspect is," vice spokesman of Berlin Police Thomas Neuendorf told German broadcaster "radioeins." Later on Tuesday, the seven suspects, who are all aged between 15 and 21, were charged with attempted murder. 'Attempted murder' Police had been searching for the attackers since Saturday when a group of people was seen throwing a burning object onto a 37-year-old man, setting fire to his bedding. The attack took place at the Schönleinstrasse subway stop in southern Berlin, on the border of the Kreuzberg and Neukölln districts. Passers-by, including a train driver with a fire extinguisher, rescued the man from the flames. He was uninjured but his belongings were destroyed. German media quoting police sources reported that six of the suspects were from Syria and the seventh was from Libya. "These days we should expect charity. Instead, we are experiencing human contempt," the state of Berlin's interior minister, Andreas Geisel, said following the attack. "I am horrified and thank all those who have courageously helped. This is true humanity." Story
  14. A truck has crashed into a crowded Christmas market in Berlin, according to German police. Officers say at least one person is dead while some reports say two have been killed. Also, dozens of people are thought to have been injured. Officers say early indications point to it being an attack, according to reports. Germany Attack Germany Attack I hate to say I warned you.
  15. Me too
  16. No different to your flying over in a microlight or small plane.
  17. I just signed this petition https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/166968
  18. There was a chap with a blanket sat outside the charity shop in commercial rd about 3 weeks ago on a Thursday night. I nipped into the town centre just to grab fish and chips, while there I thought about this guy and decided to buy him the same. I came out and handed the bag containing fish and chips to him and said thee you go mate enjoy and I was amazed to hear him say cheers but I would of preferred the cash because i have eaten! There is a first and last time for everything.
  19. Yes I am in agreement with DILLIGAF and these photographs are excellent nice to see another view of the city
  20. Okay there is a garage there but no house is what I meant. Red bricks! Behave, can people not come up with something more modern and more appealing than vile boring red bricks? A rendered home looks much more attractive than red bricks, do you not have any imagination?
  21. This is an empty plot so they are hardly going to build a victorian type house, I too like the modern 21st century feel about this design, we should see more of this imo, good luck to the owners with their planning permission.
  22. I love Instagram and all the filters, I think Colin has just updated the pictures to newer ones on the first topic.
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